- Blind, games for, 538
- Alphabet, the Braille, 543
- Cards, 539
- Checkers, 540
- Chess, 542
- Color distinction for Chess men, 542
- Color distinction for Halma men, 541
- Dominoes, 541
- Halma, 540
- Patience cards, preparation of, 540
- Bunkum entertainments, 127
- Ghost, a home-made, 138
- Lectures, Bunkum, 135
- Maids of Lee, three old, 133
- Thought-reading, 130
- Trick shooting, 137
- Ventriloquism, fake, 131
- Cartoons and “fake” sketching, 263
- Drawing-board for, 263
- Easel for, 263
- Figured faces, 267
- Leading characteristics of, 264
- Reversible scenes, 270
- Simultaneous drawing of, 266
- Smoke pictures, 269
- Subjects for, 264
- Charades, 76
- Scenery and “props” for, 76-82
- Children’s party, 477
- Ciphers and Cryptograms, 527
- Appointment, a musical, 530
- Cipher, an early, 528
- Cipher, the fractional, 530
- Cipher, complicated fractional, 530
- Cipher, Government, 531
- Cipher, a musical, 530
- Cipher, “two letter,” 532
- Code, the Nihilist, 529
- Letters, “transposed,” 528
- Lines, “bounding,” 527
- “Sphinx,” the, 531
- Writing, secret, 527
- Circus, home, 367
- Ball-balancing, 376
- Barricade and ring entrance for, 367
- Barricade, construction of, 368
- Cards, trick, 376
- Circus horses, how to make, 368
- Conjuring entertainment, a mock, 372
- Decorations for, 369
- Dog, performing, 377
- Horses for, 368
- Indian sack trick, the, 374
- Juggling, trick, 375
- Plates for spinning, how to make, 376
- Target for trick shooting, 373
- Tilting scene, 370
- Clairvoyance, 426
- Character, keys to, 427
- Crystal-gazing, 189
- Disappearing princess, the, 199
- Floating lady, the, 194
- Indian basket trick, the, 197
- Mandarin’s head, the 191
- Mesmerism, Houdin’s, 195
- Queen Mary illusion, the, 193
- Reflection, principle of, for stage illusions, 189
- Impersonations, 41
- Rehearsing, 42
- Stage table for, 44
- Juggling, 225
- Double inside fall, the, 228
- Double over fountain, the, 231
- Double vertical fall, the, 228
- Falls from right to left, 227
- Horizontal pass, 227
- Inside and outside falls, 227
- Parallel fall, the, 226
- Shower, the, 230
- Triple shower, the, 230
- Triple over pass, the, 229
- Triple pass, the, 229
- Vertical fall, 225
- Make-up, 26
- Adhesia, 29
- CrÊpe hair, 29
- Grease-paints, 26
- High lights, 27
- Juvenile, 29
- Liners, 28
- Lining, 26
- Lining paint, 27
- Lip-rouge, 30
- Low lights, 28
- Mustache-making, 33
- Nose putty, 32
- Old age, 31
- Removal of, 33
- Wig, measuring for, 32
- Wig, mid-gray, 31
- Wig-paste, 26
- Marionettes, 354
- Curtains, arrangement for drawing, 356.
- Curtain, movable, 356
- Figures, home-made, 358
- Interior decoration for, 357
- Puppets, the working of, 357
- Stage, construction of, 355
- Stage for, 354
- Stage, plan of, 354
- Marionettes, living, 363
- Black cloth arrangement for, 364
- Effects, comical, 365
- Stage for, 363
- Stage, sectional view of, 364
- Minstrelsy, 56
- End-men, 56
- Interlocutor, 56
- Make-up, minstrel’s, 57
- Negro minstrel troupe, seating arrangements for, 56
- Nigger black, 250
- Light for, 250
- Pictures, how to make, 251
- Screen for, 250
- Singing, 111
- Accompanist, value of, 113
- Breathing, 111
- Pronunciation, clear, 111
- Rehearsing, 114
- Songs, modern, 112
- Voice production, 111
- Suggestions in black, 62
- Banjo, 62
- Bones, how to play, 62, 63
- Jokes, 63
- Music for minstrelsy, 66
- Tableaux, 68
- Lighting arrangement for, 71
- “Props” for, 74
- Staging for, 71
- Table-turning, 434
- Medium, the, 435
- Medium, to discover, 436
- Power, magnetic, 435
- “Unbeliever,” to discover, 435
- Telegraphy, 410
- Alphabet, Morse, 415
- Framework for, 411
- Galvanometer, a, 410
- Keyboard, the, 413
- Message, transmitting, 414
- Needle, magnetized, 412
- Pointer, the, 412
- Receiver, how to make, 410
- Testing, 413
- Transmitter, how to make, 410
- Telephone, 405
- Bar-magnets for, 406
- Bar-magnets, testing, 406
- Battery with connection, 407
- Magnets, cases for, 406
- Microphone, 408
- Microphone, connection with, 409
- Microphone experiment, 409
- Mouthpieces, how to make, 406
- Receivers, 405-406
- Theatricals, 11
- Back-cloth for, 21
- Fire for stage, 19
- Fireplace for, 19
- “Flats” for, 14-15
- Footlights, the, 13
- Gesture for, 23
- Graining, 21
- Make-up for, 24
- Plays for, 22
- Potzentausend, play of, 22-24
- Prompter for, 23
- Proscenium, the, 21
- Scenery for, THE END