| PAGE |
After long service and a thousand vows (Bristol Drollery) | 19 |
As Chloe o'er the meadow past (Sir Charles Sedley) | 122 |
As I traversed to and fro (Academy of Compliments) | 36 |
As youthful day put on his best (Westminster Drollery) | 63 |
Away, away! call back what you have said (Corkine) | 88 |
| |
Be thou joyful, I am jolly (Windsor Drollery) | 87 |
Beauty, since you so much desire (Campion) | 6 |
Black eyes, in your dark orbs doth lie (Howell) | 32 |
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Chloris, forbear awhile (Sportive Wit) | 93 |
Chloris, when I to thee present (Westminster Drollery) | 41 |
Chloris saw me sigh and tremble (Vinculum Societatis) | 7 |
Come, be my Valentine (Bishop Andrewes) | 121 |
Come, my Clarinda, we'll consume (Paulin) | 127 |
Come, Phillis, let's to yonder grove (Bristol Drollery) | 7 |
Constant wives are comforts to men's lives (Add. MS. 22601) | 3 |
Cupid is an idle toy (Folly in Print) | 4 |
Cupid, thou art a sluggish boy (Mysteries of Love and Eloquence) | 42 |
| |
Dear Castadorus, let me rise (Jordan) | 53 |
Dear, I must do (Folly in Print) | 25 |
Do not ask me, charming Phillis (New Academy of Compliments) | 43 |
Do not rack my bleeding heart (Ramsay) | 118 |
Down in a garden sat my dearest love (Wit's Interpreter) | 9 |
Dunces in love, how long shall we (Rawlinson MS., Poet. 117) | 10 |
| |
Fair Chloris in a gentle slumber lay (Songs and Poems of Love and Drollery) | 94 |
Fairest, if you roses seek (Bristol Drollery) | 72 |
Fairest thing that shines below (New Academy of Compliments) | 109 |
| |
Gaze not on thy beauty's pride (Carew) | 84 |
Go and count her better hours (Rawlinson MS. Poet. 206) | 67 |
Go, fickle man, and teach the moon to range (Hammond) | 124 |
| |
Hark, my Flora! Love doth call us (Cartwright) | 10 |
He or she that hopes to gain (Harl. MS. 6918) | 120 |
He that hath no mistress must not wear a favour (Corkine) | 44 |
He that intends to woo a maid (Academy of Compliments) | 14 |
Her dainty palm I gently prest (Marrow of Compliments) | 45 |
| |
I dream'd we both were in a bed (Herrick) | 40 |
I have followed thee a year at least (New Academy of Compliments) | 107 |
I pray thee, sweet John, away (Greaves) | 46 |
I swear by muscadel (Duke of Newcastle) |