After long service and a thousand vows (Bristol Drollery) 19
As Chloe o'er the meadow past (Sir Charles Sedley) 122
As I traversed to and fro (Academy of Compliments) 36
As youthful day put on his best (Westminster Drollery) 63
Away, away! call back what you have said (Corkine) 88
Be thou joyful, I am jolly (Windsor Drollery) 87
Beauty, since you so much desire (Campion) 6
Black eyes, in your dark orbs doth lie (Howell) 32
Chloris, forbear awhile (Sportive Wit) 93
Chloris, when I to thee present (Westminster Drollery) 41
Chloris saw me sigh and tremble (Vinculum Societatis) 7
Come, be my Valentine (Bishop Andrewes) 121
Come, my Clarinda, we'll consume (Paulin) 127
Come, Phillis, let's to yonder grove (Bristol Drollery) 7
Constant wives are comforts to men's lives (Add. MS. 22601) 3
Cupid is an idle toy (Folly in Print) 4
Cupid, thou art a sluggish boy (Mysteries of Love and Eloquence) 42
Dear Castadorus, let me rise (Jordan) 53
Dear, I must do (Folly in Print) 25
Do not ask me, charming Phillis (New Academy of Compliments) 43
Do not rack my bleeding heart (Ramsay) 118
Down in a garden sat my dearest love (Wit's Interpreter) 9
Dunces in love, how long shall we (Rawlinson MS., Poet. 117) 10
Fair Chloris in a gentle slumber lay (Songs and Poems of Love and Drollery) 94
Fairest, if you roses seek (Bristol Drollery) 72
Fairest thing that shines below (New Academy of Compliments) 109
Gaze not on thy beauty's pride (Carew) 84
Go and count her better hours (Rawlinson MS. Poet. 206) 67
Go, fickle man, and teach the moon to range (Hammond) 124
Hark, my Flora! Love doth call us (Cartwright) 10
He or she that hopes to gain (Harl. MS. 6918) 120
He that hath no mistress must not wear a favour (Corkine) 44
He that intends to woo a maid (Academy of Compliments) 14
Her dainty palm I gently prest (Marrow of Compliments) 45
I dream'd we both were in a bed (Herrick) 40
I have followed thee a year at least (New Academy of Compliments) 107
I pray thee, sweet John, away (Greaves) 46
I swear by muscadel (Duke of Newcastle)


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