| PAGE | Sir John Davies—Orchestra, or A Poem of Dancing, 1596, | 1 | Sir John Davies—Nosce Teipsum:— | | } {1. Of Human Knowledge, {2. Of the Soul of Man, 1599, | 41 | Sir John Davies—Hymns of AstrÆa, in Acrostic Verse, 1599, | 107 | Six Idillia, that is six small or petty poems or Æglogues of Theocritus translated into English Verse (Anon), Oxford, 1588, | 123 | *Richard Barnfield—The Affectionate Shepheard. Containing | | the Complaint of Daphnis for the love of Ganymede, 1594, | 147 | *Richard Barnfield—Cynthia. With Certaine Sonnets and the | Legend of Cassandra, 1595, | 187 | *Richard Barnfield—The Encomion of Lady Pecunia: or The Praise of Money, 1598, | 227 | *Richard Barnfield—The Complaint of Poetrie for the Death of Liberalitie, 1598, | 241 | *Richard Barnfield—The Combat, betweene Conscience and | | Covetousnesse in the minde of Man, 1598, | 253 | *Richard Barnfield—Poems: in divers humors, 1598, | 261 | Astrophel. A Pastoral Elegy upon the death of the most noble | | and valorous Knight, Sir Philip Sidney. A group of | | elegies by Spenser and other hands printed as an | | Appendix to Spenser's Colin Clouts come home again, 1595, | 271 | J. C.—Alcilia: Philoparthen's Loving Folly, 1595, | 319 | Antony Scoloker—Daiphantus, or The Passions of Love, by | An. Sc. Whereunto is added The Passionate Man's | | Pilgrimage, 1604, | 363 | Michael Drayton—Odes [drawn from Poems Lyrick and Pastorall, | | 1606, and the later Poems of 1619], | 405 | *The items indicated by an asterisk are new additions to An English Garner.