John Adams and Abigail Adams. - Familiar Letters of John Adams and his wife, Abigail Adams, during the Revolution. Crown 8vo, $2.00.
Louis Agassiz. - Methods of Study in Natural History. 16mo, $1.50.
- Geological Sketches. 16mo, $1.50.
- Geological Sketches. Second Series. 16mo, $1.50.
- A Journey in Brazil. Illustrated. 8vo, $5.00.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich. - Story of a Bad Boy. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.50.
- Marjorie Daw and Other People. 16mo, $1.50.
- Prudence Palfrey. 16mo, $1.50.
- The Queen of Sheba. 16mo, $1.50.
- The Stillwater Tragedy. $1.50.
- Cloth of Gold and Other Poems. 16mo, $1.50.
- Flower and Thorn. Later poems. 16mo, $1.25.
- Poems. Complete. Illustrated. 8vo, $5.00.
American Men of Letters. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner. - Washington Irving. By Charles Dudley Warner. 16mo, $1.25.
- Noah Webster. By Horace E. Scudder. 16mo, $1.25.
- Henry D. Thoreau. By Frank B. Sanborn. 16mo, $1.25.
- George Ripley. By O. B. Frothingham. 16mo, $1.25.
- J. Fenimore Cooper. By Prof. T. R. Lounsbury.
- (In Preparation.)
- Nathaniel Hawthorne. By James Russell Lowell.
- N. P. Willis. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich.
- William Gilmore Simms. By George W. Cable.
- Benjamin Franklin. By T. W. Higginson.
- Others to be announced.
American Statesmen. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. - John Quincy Adams. By John T. Morse, Jr. 16mo, $1.25.
- Alexander Hamilton. By Henry Cabot Lodge. 16mo, $1.25.
- John C. Calhoun. By Dr. H. von Holst. 16mo, $1.25.
- Andrew Jackson. By Prof. W. G. Sumner. 16mo, $1.25.
- John Randolph. By Henry Adams. 16mo, $1.25.
- James Monroe. By Pres. D. C. Gilman. 16mo, $1.25.
- (In Preparation.)
- Daniel Webster. By Henry Cabot Lodge. 16mo, $1.25.
- Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr. 16mo, $1.25.
- James Madison. By Sidney Howard Gay.
- Albert Gallatin. By John Austin Stevens.
- Patrick Henry. By Prof. Moses Coit Tyler.
- Henry Clay. By Hon. Carl Schurz.
- Lives of others are also expected.
Hans Christian Andersen. - Complete Works. 8vo.
- The Improvisatore; or, Life in Italy.
- The Two Baronesses.
- O. T.; or, Life in Denmark.
- Only a Fiddler.
- In Spain and Portugal.
- A Poet’s Bazaar.
- Pictures of Travel.
- The Story of my Life. With Portrait.
- Wonder Stories told for Children. Ninety–two illustrations.
- Stories and Tales. Illustrated.
- Cloth, per volume, $1.50; price of sets in cloth, $15.00.
Francis Bacon. - Works. Collected and edited by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath. In fifteen volumes, crown 8vo, cloth, $33.75.
- The same. Popular Edition. In two volumes, crown 8vo, with Portraits and Index. Cloth, $5.00.
Bacon’s Life. - Life and Times of Bacon. Abridged. By James Spedding. 2 vols. crown 8vo, $5.00.
BjÖrnstjerne BjÖrnson. - Norwegian Novels. 16mo, each $1.00.
- SynnÖve Solbakken.
- Arne.
- The Bridal March.
- A Happy Boy.
- The Fisher Maiden.
- Captain Mansana.
- Magnhild.
British Poets. - Riverside Edition. In 68 volumes, crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top, per vol. $1.75; the set, 68 volumes, cloth, $100.00.
- Akenside and Beattie, 1 vol.
- Ballads, 4 vols.
- Burns, 1 vol.
- Butler, 1 vol.
- Byron, 5 vols.
- Campbell and Falconer, 1 vol.
- Chatterton, 1 vol.
- Chaucer, 3 vols.
- Churchill, Parnell, and Tickell, 2 vols.
- Coleridge and Keats, 2 vols.
- Cowper, 2 vols.
- Dryden, 2 vols.
- Gay, 1 vol.
- Goldsmith and Gray, 1 vol.
- Herbert and Vaughan, 1 vol.
- Herrick, 1 vol.
- Hood, 2 vols.
- Milton and Marvell, 2 vols.
- Montgomery, 2 vols.
- Moore, 3 vols.
- Pope and Collins, 2 vols.
- Prior, 1 vol.
- Scott, 5 vols.
- Shakespeare and Jonson, 1 vol.
- Shelley, 2 vols.
- Skelton and Donne, 2 vols.
- Southey, 5 vols.
- Spenser, 3 vols.
- Swift, 2 vols.
- Thomson, 1 vol.
- Watts and White, 1 vol.
- Wordsworth, 3 vols.
- Wyatt and Surrey, 1 vol.
- Young, 1 vol.
John Brown, M. D. - Spare Hours. 3 vols. 16mo, each $1.50.
Robert Browning. - Poems and Dramas, etc. 14 vols. $19.50.
- Complete Works. New Edition. 7 vols. (In Press.)
Wm. C. Bryant. - Translation of Homer. The Iliad. 2 vols. royal 8vo, $9.00. Crown 8vo, $4.50. 1 vol. 12mo, $3.00.
- The Odyssey. 2 vols. royal 8vo, $9.00. Crown 8vo, $4.50. 1 vol. 12mo, $3.00.
John Burroughs. - Wake–Robin. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.50.
- Winter Sunshine. 16mo, $1.50.
- Birds and Poets. 16mo, $1.50.
- Locusts and Wild Honey. 16mo, $1.50.
- Pepacton, and Other Sketches. 16mo, $1.50.
Thomas Carlyle. - Essays. With Portrait and Index. Four volumes, crown 8vo, $7.50. Popular Edition. Two volumes, $3.50.
Alice and Phoebe Cary. - Poems. Household Edition. 12mo, $2.00.
- Library Edition. Portraits and 24 illustrations. 8vo, $4.00.
- Poetical Works, including Memorial by Mary Clemmer. 1 vol. 8vo, $3.50. Full gilt, $4.00.
- Ballads for Little Folk. Illustrated. $1.50.
L. Maria Child. - Looking toward Sunset. 4to, $2.50.
James Freeman Clarke. - Ten Great Religions. 8vo, $3.00.
- Common Sense in Religion. 12mo, $2.00.
- Memorial and Biographical Sketches. 12mo, $2.00.
- Exotics. $1.00.
J. Fenimore Cooper. - Works. Household Edition. Illustrated. 32 vols. 16mo. Cloth, per volume, $1.00; the set, $32.00.
- Globe Edition. Illust’d. 16 vols. $20.00. (Sold only in sets.)
- Sea Tales. Illustrated. 10 vols. 16mo, $10.00.
- Leather Stocking Tales. Household Edition. Illustrated. 5 vols. $5.00. Riverside Edition. 5 vols. $11.25.
Richard H. Dana. - To Cuba and Back. 16mo, $1.25.
- Two Years Before the Mast. 16mo, $1.50.
Thomas De Quincey. - Works. Riverside Edition. In 12 vols. crown 8vo. Per volume, cloth, $1.50; the set, $18.00.
- Globe Edition. Six vols. 12mo, $10.00. (Sold only insets.)
Madame De Stael. - Germany, 1 vol. crown 8vo, $2.50.
Charles Dickens. - Works. Illustrated Library Edition. In 29 volumes, crown 8vo. Cloth, each, $1.50; the set, $43.50.
- Globe Edition. In 15 vols. 12mo. Cloth, per volume, $1.25; the set, $18.75.
J. Lewis Diman. - The Theistic Argument as Affected by Recent Theories. 8vo, $2.00.
- Orations and Essays. 8vo, $2.50.
F. S. Drake. - Dictionary of American Biography, 1 vol. 8vo, cloth, $6.00.
Charles L. Eastlake. - Hints on Household Taste. Illustrated. 12mo, $3.00.
George Eliot. - The Spanish Gypsy. 16mo, $1.50.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. - Works. 10 vols. 16mo, $1.50 each; the set, $15.00.
- Fireside Edition. 5 vols. 16mo, $10.00. (Sold only in sets.)
- “Little Classic” Edition. 9 vols. Cloth, each, $1.50.
- Prose Works. Complete. 3 vols. 12mo, $7.50.
- Parnassus. Household Ed. 12mo, $2.00. Library Ed., $4.00.
FÉnelon. - Adventures of Telemachus. Crown 8vo, $2.25.
James T. Fields. - Yesterdays with Authors. 12mo, $2.00. 8vo, $3.00.
- Underbrush. $1.25.
- Ballads and other Verses. 16mo, $1.00.
- The Family Library of British Poetry, from Chaucer to the Present Time (1350–1878). Royal 8vo. 1,028 pages, with 12 fine steel portraits, $5.00.
- Memoirs and Correspondence, 1 vol. 8vo, gilt top, $2.00.
John Fiske. - Myths and Mythmakers. 12mo, $2.00.
- Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00.
- The Unseen World, and other Essays. 12mo, $2.00.
Goethe. - Faust. Metrical Translation. By Rev. C. T. Brooks. 16mo, $1.25.
- Faust. Translated into English Verse. By Bayard Taylor. 2 vols. royal 8vo, $9.00; cr. 8vo, $4.50; 1 vol. 12mo, $3.00.
- Correspondence with a Child. Portrait of Bettina Brentano. 12mo, $1.50.
- Wilhelm Meister. Translated by Thomas Carlyle. Portrait of Goethe. 2 vols. 12mo, $3.00.
Bret Harte. - Works. New complete edition. 5 vols. 12mo, each $2.00.
- Poems. Household Edition. 12mo, $2.00.
Nathaniel Hawthorne. - Works. “Little Classic” Edition. Illustrated. 24 vols. 18mo, each $1.25; the set $30.00.
- Illustrated Library Edition. 13 vols. 12mo, per vol. $2.00.
- Fireside Edition. Illustrated. 13 vols. 16mo, the set, $21.00.
- New Globe Edition. 6 vols. 16mo, illustrated, the set, $10.00
George S. Hillard. - Six Months in Italy. 12mo, $2.00.
Oliver Wendell Holmes. - Poems. Household Edition. 12mo, $2.00.
- Illustrated Library Edition. Illustrated, full gilt, 8vo, $4.00.
- Handy Volume Edition. 2 vols. 18mo, gilt top, $2.50.
- The Autocrat of the Breakfast–Table. 18mo, $1.50; 12mo, $2.00.
- The Professor at the Breakfast–Table. 12mo, $2.00.
- The Poet at the Breakfast–Table. 12mo, $2.00.
- Elsie Venner. 12mo, $2.00.
- The Guardian Angel. 12mo, $2.00.
- Soundings from the Atlantic. 16mo, $1.75.
- John Lothrop Motley. A Memoir. 16mo, $1.50.
W. D. Howells. - Venetian Life. 12mo, $1.50. Italian Journeys. $1.50.
- Their Wedding Journey. Illus. 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25.
- Suburban Sketches. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50.
- A Chance Acquaintance. Illus. 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25.
- A Foregone Conclusion. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Lady of the Aroostook. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Undiscovered Country. $1.50. Poems. $1.25.
- Out of the Question. A Comedy. 18mo, $1.25.
- A Counterfeit Presentment. 18mo, $1.25.
- Choice Autobiography. Edited by W. D. Howells. 18mo, per vol. $1.25.
- I., II. Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Margravine of Baireuth.
- III. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and Thomas Ellwood.
- IV. Vittorio Alfieri. V. Carlo Goldoni.
- VI. Edward Gibbon. VII., VIII. FranÇois Marmontel.
Thomas Hughes. - Tom Brown’s School–Days at Rugby. $1.00.
- Tom Brown at Oxford. 16mo, $1.25.
- The Manliness of Christ. 16mo, gilt top, $1.00.
Henry James, Jr. - Passionate Pilgrim and other Tales. $2.00.
- Transatlantic Sketches. 12mo, $2.00.
- Roderick Hudson. 12mo, $2.00.
- The American. 12mo, $2.00.
- Watch and Ward. 18mo, $1.25.
- The Europeans. 12mo, $1.50.
- Confidence. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Portrait of a Lady. $2.00.
Mrs. Anna Jameson. - Writings upon Art subjects. 10 vols. 18mo, each $1.50.
Sarah O. Jewett. - Deephaven. 18mo, $1.25.
- Old Friends and New. 18mo, $1.25.
- Country By–Ways. 18mo, $1.25.
- Play–Days. Stories for Children. Sq. 16mo, $1.50.
Rossiter Johnson. - Little Classics. Eighteen handy volumes containing the choicest Stories, Sketches, and short Poems in English literature. Each in one vol. 18mo, $1.00; the set, $18.00. In 9 vols. square 16mo, $13.50. (Sold in sets only.)
Samuel Johnson. - Oriental Religions: India, 8vo, $5.00. China, 8vo, $5.00.
T. Starr King. - Christianity and Humanity. With Portrait. 12mo, $2.00.
- Substance and Show. 12mo, $2.00.
Lucy Larcom. - Poems. 16mo, $1.25. An Idyl of Work. 16mo, $1.25.
- Wild Roses of Cape Ann and other Poems. 16mo, $1.25.
- Childhood Songs. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50; 16mo, $1.00.
- Breathings of the Better Life. 18mo, $1.25.
G. P. Lathrop. - A Study of Hawthorne. 18mo, $1.25.
- An Echo of Passion. 16mo, $1.25.
G. H. Lewes. - The Story of Goethe’s Life. Portrait. 12mo, $1.50.
- Problems of Life and Mind. 5 vols. $14.00.
H. W. Longfellow. - Poems. Cambridge Edition complete. Portrait. 4 vols. cr. 8vo, $9.00. 2 vols. $7.00.
- Octavo Edition. Portrait and 300 illustrations. $8.00.
- Household Edition. Portrait. 12mo, $2.00.
- Red–Line Edition. 12 illustrations and Portrait. $2.50.
- Diamond Edition. $1.00.
- Library Edition. Portrait and 32 illustrations. 8vo, $4.00.
- Prose Works. Cambridge Edition. 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $4.50.
- Hyperion. A Romance. 16mo, $1.50.
- Outre–Mer. 16mo, $1.50. Kavanagh. 16mo, $1.50.
- Christus. Household Edition, $2.00; Diamond Edition, $1.00.
- Translation of the Divina Commedia of Dante. 3 vols. royal 8vo, $13.50; cr. 8vo, $6.00; 1 vol. cr. 8vo, $3.00.
- Poets and Poetry of Europe. Royal 8vo, $5.00.
- In the Harbor. Steel Portrait. 16mo, gilt top, $1.00
James Russell Lowell. - Poems. Red–Line Ed. 16 illustrations and Portrait. $2.50
- Household Edition. Portrait. 12mo, $2.00.
- Library Edition. Portrait and 32 illustrations. 8vo, $4.00.
- Diamond Edition. $1.00.
- Fireside Travels. 16mo, $1.50.
- Among my Books. 1st and 2nd Series. 12mo, $2.00 each.
- My Study Windows. 12mo, $2.00.
T. B. Macaulay. - England. New Riverside Edition. 4 vols., cloth, $5.00.
- Essays. Portrait. New Riverside Edition. 3 vols., $3.75.
- Speeches and Poems. New Riverside Ed. 1 vol., $1.25.
Harriet Martineau. - Autobiography. Portraits and illus. 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00.
- Household Education. 18mo, $1.25.
Owen Meredith. - Poems. Household Edition. Illustrated. 12mo, $2.00.
- Library Edition. Portrait and 32 illustrations. 8vo, $4.00.
- Shawmut Edition. $1.50.
- Lucile. Red–Line Edition. 8 illustrations. $2.50.
- Diamond Edition. 8 illustrations, $1.00.
Michael de Montaigne. - Complete Works. Portrait. 4 vols. crown 8vo, $7.50.
Rev. T. Mozley. - Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement. 2 vols. crown 8vo, $3.00.
E. Mulford. - The Nation. 8vo, $2.50.
- The Republic of God. 8vo, $2.00.
D. M. Mulock. - Thirty Years. Poems. 1 vol. 16mo, $1.50.
T. T. Munger. - On the Threshold. 16mo, gilt top, $1.00.
J. A. W. Neander. - History of the Christian Religion and Church, with Index volume, 6 vols. 8vo, $20.00; Index alone, $3.00.
C. E. Norton. - Notes of Travel and Study in Italy. 16mo, $1.25.
- Translation of Dante’s New Life. Royal 8vo, $3.00.
Francis W. Palfrey. - Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. 16mo, $1.50.
James Parton. - Life of Benjamin Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo, $4.00.
- Life of Thomas Jefferson. 8vo, $2.00.
- Life of Aaron Burr. 2 vols. 8vo, $4.00.
- Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. 8vo, $6.00.
- Life of Horace Greeley. 8vo, $2.50.
- General Butler in New Orleans. 8vo, $2.50.
- Humorous Poetry of the English Language. 8vo, $2.00.
- Famous Americans of Recent Times. 8vo, $2.00.
- Life of Voltaire. 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00.
- The French Parnassus. 12mo, $2.00; crown 8vo, $3.50.
Blaise Pascal. - Thoughts, Letters, and Opuscules. Crown 8vo, $2.25.
- Provincial Letters. Crown 8vo, $2.25.
E. S. Phelps. - The Gates Ajar. 16mo, $1.50.
- Men, Women, and Ghosts. 16mo, $1.50.
- Hedged In. 16mo, $1.50.
- The Silent Partner. 16mo, $1.50.
- The Story of Avis. 16mo, $1.50.
- Sealed Orders, and other Stories. 16mo, $1.50.
- Friends: A Duet. 16mo, $1.25.
- Dr. Zay. 16mo. (In Press.)
- Poetic Studies. Square 16mo, $1.50.
Adelaide A. Procter. - Poems. Diamond Edition. $1.00.
- Red–Line Edition. Portrait and 16 illustrations. $2.50.
- Favorite Edition. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.50.
Henry Crabb Robinson.
A. P. Russell. - Library Notes. 12mo, $2.00.
John G. Saxe. - Works. Portrait. 16mo, $2.25.
- Poems. Red–Line Edition. Illustrated. $2.50.
- Diamond Edition. 18mo, $1.00.
- Household Edition. 12mo, $2.00.
Sir Walter Scott. - Waverley Novels. Illustrated Library Edition. In 25 vols. cr. 8vo, each $1.00; the set, $25.00.
- Globe Edition. 13 vols. 100 illustrations, $16.25.
- Tales of a Grandfather. Library Edition. 3 vols. $4.50.
- Poems. Red–Line Edition. Illustrated. $2.50.
- Diamond Edition. 18mo, $1.00.
Horace E. Scudder. - The Bodley Books. 6 vols. Each $1.50.
- The Dwellers in Five–Sisters’ Court. 16mo, $1.25.
- Stories and Romances. $1.25.
- Dream Children. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.00.
- Seven Little People. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.00.
- Stories from my Attic. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.00.
- The Children’s Book. 4to, 450 pages, $3.50.
- Boston Town. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50.
J. C. Shairp. - Culture and Religion. 16mo, $1.25.
- Poetic Interpretation of Nature. 16mo, $1.25.
- Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. 16mo, $1.50.
- Aspects of Poetry. 16mo, $1.50.
Dr. William Smith. - Bible Dictionary. American Edition. In four vols. 8vo, the set, $20.00.
E. C. Stedman. - Poems. Farringford Edition. Portrait. 16mo, $2.00.
- Victorian Poets. 12mo, $2.00.
- Hawthorne, and other Poems. 16mo, $1.25.
- Edgar Allan Poe. An Essay. Vellum, 18mo, $1.00.
Harriet Beecher Stowe. - Agnes of Sorrento. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Pearl of Orr’s Island. 12mo, $1.50.
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Popular Edition. 12mo, $2.00.
- The Minister’s Wooing. 12mo, $1.50.
- The May–flower, and other Sketches. 12mo, $1.50.
- Nina Gordon. 12mo, $1.50.
- Oldtown Folks. 12mo, $1.50.
- Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories. Illustrated. $1.50.
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 100 Illustrations. 12mo, full gilt, $3.50.
Bayard Taylor. - Poetical Works. Household Edition. 12mo, $2.00.
- Dramatic Works. Crown 8vo, $2.25.
- The Echo Club, and other Literary Diversions. $1.25.
Alfred Tennyson. - Poems. Household Ed. Portrait and 60 illustrations. $2.00.
- Illustrated Crown Edition. 48 illustrations. 2 vols. $5.00.
- Library Edition. Portrait and 60 illustrations. $4.00.
- Red–Line Edition. Portrait and 16 illustrations. $2.50.
- Diamond Edition. $1.00.
- Shawmut Edition. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, $1.50.
- Idylls of the King. Complete. Illustrated. $1.50.
Celia Thaxter. - Among the Isles of Shoals. $1.25.
- Poems. $1.50.
- Drift–Weed. Poems. $1.50.
Henry D. Thoreau. - Walden. 12mo, $1.50.
- A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. $1.50.
- Excursions in Field and Forest. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Maine Woods. 12mo, $1.50.
- Cape Cod. 12mo, $1.50.
- Letters to various Persons. 12mo, $1.50.
- A Yankee in Canada. 12mo, $1.50.
- Early Spring in Massachusetts. 12mo, $1.50.
George Ticknor. - History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 8vo, $10.00.
- Life, Letters, and Journals. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00. Cheaper edition. 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00.
J. T. Trowbridge. - A Home Idyl. $1.25.
- The Vagabonds. $1.25.
- The Emigrant’s Story. 16mo, $1.25.
Voltaire. - History of Charles XII. Crown 8vo, $2.25.
Lew Wallace. - The Fair God. 12mo, $1.50.
George E. Waring, Jr. - Whip and Spur. $1.25.
- A Farmer’s Vacation. $3.00.
- Village Improvements. Illustrated. 75 cents.
- The Bride of the Rhine. Illustrated. $1.50.
Charles Dudley Warner. - My Summer in a Garden. 16mo, $1.00. Illustrated. $1.50
- Saunterings. 18mo, $1.25.
- Back–Log Studies. Illustrated. $1.50.
- Baddeck, and that Sort of Thing. $1.00.
- My Winter on the Nile. 12mo, $2.00.
- In the Levant. 12mo, $2.00.
- Being a Boy. Illustrated. $1.50.
- In the Wilderness. 75 cents.
William A. Wheeler. - Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction. $2.00.
Edwin P. Whipple. - Works. Critical Essays. 6 vols., $9.00.
Richard Grant White. - Every–Day English. 12mo, $2.00.
- Words and their Uses. 12mo, $2.00.
- England Without and Within. 12mo, $2.00.
- Shakespeare’s Complete Works. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. (In Press.)
Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. - Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. 12mo, $1.50.
- Hitherto. 12mo, $1.50.
- Patience Strong’s Outings. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Gayworthys. 12mo, $1.50.
- Leslie Goldthwaite. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50.
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- Real Folks. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50.
- The Other Girls. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50.
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- Odd or Even. $1.50.
- Boys at Chequasset. $1.50.
- Pansies. Square 16mo, $1.50.
- Just How. 16mo, $1.00.
John G. Whittier. - Poems. Household Edition. Portrait. $2.00.
- Cambridge Edition. Portrait. 3 vols. crown 8vo, $6.75.
- Red–Line Edition. Portrait. 12 illustrations. $2.50.
- Diamond Edition. 18mo, $1.00.
- Library Edition. Portrait. 32 illustrations. 8vo, $4.00.
- Prose Works. Cambridge Edition. 2 vols. $4.50.
- John Woolman’s Journal. Introduction by Whittier. $1.50
- Child Life in Poetry. Selected by Whittier. Illustrated. $2.25. Child Life in Prose. $2.25.
- Songs of Three Centuries. Selected by J. G. Whittier. Household Edition. 12mo, $2.00. Illustrated Library Edition. 32 illustrations. $4.00.
Justin Winsor. - Reader’s Handbook of the American Revolution. 16mo, $1.25.
A catalogue containing portraits of many of the above authors, with a description of their works, will be sent free, on application, to any address. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, Boston, Mass |