- Acidity of saliva in cancer, 44, 146, 164, 199, 213, 221
- Activity, increased surgical, not the solution of cancer problem, 242
- Age as related to cancer, 50
- Agnew on surgery in cancer, 93
- Alcohol harmful in cancer, 157
- Alkalescence of the blood in cancer, 132
- Amino-acid nitrogen, increased in cancer, 42
- Anabolism, 62
- Anemia of cancer, 130
- Appetite and taste, 63
- Approach of death rate of cancer and tuberculosis, 87, 259
- Argentine Republic, cancer in, 69
- Australia, meat eating and cancer in, 70
- Austria, cancer mortality in, 85
- Bashford and Murray, 75
- Basic cause of cancer, 147
- Biopsy, danger of, in cancer, 123
- Blindness as to results of surgery in cancer, 139, 240, 243
- Blood in cancer, 131, 134, 137, 219, 235
- Bones, cancer of, 130
- Bovee on cancer of the uterus, 104
- Breast, cancer of the, 97, 197
- cancer mortality, 82
- frequency of cancer in, 49
- Butter, caloric value of, 166
- Byrne, on cancer of the uterus, 102, 104
- California, cancer mortality in, 79
- Calories, daily amount of, in menu, 163
- Cancer, anemia, 130
- and civilization, 57, 72, 83
- and dietary and medical treatment, results in, 188, 200–237
- and meat eating, 68–71, 149
- Cancer, and nitrogenous matter, 37, 150
- and rice eating, 168
- and tuberculosis, approach of death rate of, 87, 241, 259
- comparative death rates of, 241
- basic cause of, 147, 192
- statistics of, 94
- or carcinoma, 194
- warning against use of nitrate of silver in, 193
Error as to non-increase of cancer mortality, 74 Erythrocytes in cancer, 134, 137, 219 Exact diet for cancer, 157 Exercise, relation of, to cancer, 56 Females, relative frequency of cancer in, 49, 50 Fletcherizing, importance of, in cancer, 164 Food, relation of, to cancer, 60, 149, 152 France, cancer mortality in, 85 Fredrick on cancer of the uterus, 103 Frequency of cancer in males and females, 49 Friedenwald on cancer of the stomach, 106 Gall bladder, cancer of, 106 German Empire, cancer mortality in, 85 Good health and cancer, 35 Handley permeation theory, 126 Hartwell on breast cancer, 100 Hemoglobin in cancer, 134, 219 Henrotin on cancer of the uterus, 103 Heredity and cancer, 21 Hertzler on cancer of the lip, 95 Heurtaux on breast cancer, 99 Hildebrand on breast cancer, 97, 101 Hoffman on mortality from cancer throughout the world, 76 - on real increase of cancer, 86
Holland, cancer mortality in, 85 Hormone of cancerous tissue, 133 Hungary, cancer mortality in, 85 Imperfect medical treatment, danger of, 270 Importance of plasma of blood, 132 - of proper mastication in cancer, 164
Increase of cancer in England, 68 - in cancer mortality, 74
- in the United States, 77
- throughout world, 76
Inoperable cancer, 113 - benefited by medical treatment, 209, 217
Intestinal elimination, faulty in cancer, 43, 173 - relation of, to cancer, 43
Ireland, cancer mortality in, 85 Iron, value of, in cancer, 182 Italy, cancer mortality in, 85 - meat eating and cancer in, 71
Kentucky, cancer mortality in, 81
erg@html@files@59312@59312-h@59312-h-11.htm.html#Page_230" class="pginternal">230 - cured by dietary and medical treatment, 189, 236
Segond on cancer of the uterus, 104 Sex, relation of, to frequency of cancer, 49 Skin, cancer of the, 130 - excluded from the present study, 192
- statistics of, 94
Smith, Lapthorne, on cancer of the uterus, 104 Solids, urinary, in cancer, 39, 172 Stage of disease affecting cancer statistics, 90 Statistical and clinical studies, results of, 254 Statistics of cancer, affected by duration of observation, 92 - affected by stage of disease, 92
- surgical, 74
Statistics, elements affecting, 89 - personal, of malignant disease, 191, 196
Stomach, cancer of, 105 - frequency of, 50
- mortality of, 82, 106
Stools, importance of inspecting, 184 Sulphur partition, imperfect, in cancer, 43 Summary, 239 Surgery in cancer, blindness as to end results of, 139, 240, 243 Surgical activity, greater, not the solution of cancer problem, 242 Surgical statistics of cancer, 74 Systemic changes, causal relationship of, to cancer, 142, 244 Taste, gratification of, 63 Thyroid extract, danger from, in cancer, 212, 269 Time of recurrence of cancer, 124 Tongue, cancer of the, 95 Touching up epithelioma with nitrate of silver dangerous, 193 Trauma of lymphatics, increasing cancer, 45 Traumatism and cancer, 21 Treatment of cancer, dietetic and medical, 144 Tuberculosis and cancer, comparative death rates of, 87, 241, 259 Tuberculosis, decline of mortality of, 87 - lessons to be learned from, 241
Tuttle on cancer of rectum, 106 United States, cancer statistics in, 77, 87 United States, meat eating and cancer in, 69 Uric acid and cancer, 37, 201 Urinary acidity in cancer, 41 Urinary solids deficient in cancer, 39, 172 Urine, in cancer, 37<1. “Cancer, Its Cause and Treatment,” Hoeber, 1915. |