- Abderhalden, defensive ferments in cancer, 78
- Abernethy on vegetarian diet, 136
- Aborigines, freedom from cancer of, 48, 116
- Abstemiousness, effect on cancer, 139
- Acid, amino nitrogen, increased in cancer, 91
- Acid intoxication in cancer, 77
- Acidosis in cancer, 80
- Acids, oxyproteic, in the urine, increased in cancer, 90
- Addison’s disease, 97
- Adrenals, relation to cancer, 98
- Africa, absence of cancer in, 50, 52
- Agamogenesis, relation to cancer, 72
- Age affecting cancer, 22
- Ages of patients with cancer, 176
- Agnew on surgery in cancer, 170
- Alcohol, relation to cancer, 120
- Alkalinity of blood, diminished in cancer, 77
- Amino-acid nitrogen, increased in cancer, 91
- Ammonia fraction of nitrogen, increased in cancer, 91
- Amylopsin in cancer, 99
- Anabolism and cancer, 33
- AnÆmia in cancer, 74
- Animal food a cause of cancer, 50, 51, 52, 55, 63, 69, 110, 113, 116, 117, 132, 138, 141
- Animals, cancer in, 43
- Argentine Republic, cancer in, 57
- Australia, cancer in, 48
- Auto-intoxication and cancer, 155
- Autonomous action of cells, 33
- Bainbridge, local nature of cancer, 30
- Baltimore, cancer in, 65
- Banks, Sir William, on diet in cancer, 61
- Bashford, 55
- Beard, trypsin in cancer, 99
- Beatson’s operation, 102
- Beebe, diet and cancer, 80
- Beirut, rarity of cancer in, 56
- Bell, cancer from neglect of hygienic laws, 132
- Beneke, diet in cancer, 115
- Benratt, rarity of cancer in India, 53
- Betel chewing cancer, 54
- Biedl, hormone formation, 163
- Bio-chemistry of cancer, 39, 79, 83
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- Ichthyol locally in cancer, 166, 167
- Ideally correct blood stream and cancer, 149
- Increase of cancer, 47
- Incurable cancer, 146
- Independent cell action, 73
- Indians, North American, rarity of cancer in, 67
- India, rarity of cancer in, 53
- Infectious diseases and cancer, 29
- Inoperable cancer, 146
- Insalivation, thorough, importance of in cancer, 95
- Internal secretions in cancer, 96–103
- Intestinal fermentation in cancer, 92, 155
- stasis and cancer, 155
- toxins and cancer, 155
- Intolerance of certain articles a cause of disease, 127
- Intoxication, intestinal, and cancer, 155
- Iron, value of, in cancer, 161
- Irritation, local, and cancer, 124
- Isenberg on vegetarian diet in cancer, 142
- Italy, low cancer with low meat consumption, 63
- Jones, blood in cancer, 76
- Kahle, silica retention in cancer, 98
- “Kangri burn” cancer, 54, 126
- Keith, Skene, iron in cancer, 161
- Kellogg, absence of cancer with normal metabolism, 151
- Kerry, Ireland, low cancer mortality, 64
- Kessler, sulphur partition in cancer, 122
- Kidneys, faulty excretion and cancer, 157
- Korea, rarity of cancer in, 57
- Laboratory study of cancer, 175, 191
- Lambe on vegetarian diet, 136
- Lane, Sir Arbuthnot, intestinal stasis and cancer, 155
- Latham on cancer of the unoccupied, 61
- Leucocytosis in cancer, 75
- LithÆmia, relation to cancer, 72
- Liver, condition of in cancer, 91
- Local irritation and cancer, 21, 124
- Lott, Beatson’s operation for cancer, 102
- Lowest cancer mortality, 60, 64
- Lucerne, cancer in, 62
- Luxurious living a cause of cancer, 68, 138, 199
- McCann, erroneous preparation of foods, 123
- McGregor, absence of cancer in Fiji Islands, 50
- Madden, absence of cancer in Africa, 50
- Malaria and cancer, 92
- Sulpho-cyanic acid, increased in cancer, 92
- Sulphur elements, altered in cancer, 92
- Supra-renal glands, relation of, to cancer, 97
- Surgery, operative, in cancer, 145, 147, 168, 179
- Surgical aspects of cancer, 7, 9, 10, 25
- Sweet, Corson, White, and Saxon, effect of diet on experimental tumors, 38
- Switzerland, cancer in, 62
- Syphilis and cancer, 22
- Taste gratified, a cause of cancer, 108
- Tea, relation to cancer, 117
- Telluric influences in cancer, 22
- Testicles, internal secretion of, relation to cancer, 102
- Thompson on consumption of coffee and tea, 118, 154
- Thymus gland in cancer, 101
- Thyroid, danger from in cancer, 164
- relation to cancer, 97
- value of in cancer, 99, 163
- Tobacco, influence of, in cancer, 126
- Toxicity of urine, increased in cancer, 91
- Toxic secretion from cancerous mass, 70, 78, 104, 206
- Toxins, intestinal, and cancer, 92, 155
- Transmission of cancer, 20
- Traumatism and cancer, 24
- Trypsin in cancer, 99
- Tuberculosis and cancer, 16, 44, 45
- Tuke, influence of the mind on morbid processes, 86
- TÜrk, cytology of cancer, 74
- United States, cancer in, 16, 64, 68
- consumption of coffee in, 118
- consumption of meat in, 117
- Urea excretion, deficient in cancer subjects, 89
- UricacidÆmia, relation to cancer, 72
- Urinary disturbance, functional, and cancer, 158
- Urinary solids, deficient in cancer, 87, 88
- Urobilin, increased in cancer, 90
- Vaccine-therapy in cancer, 164
- Valais, cancer in, 62
- Vegetable protein, 133
- Vegetable tumors, 43
- Vegetarian diet affords sufficient protein, 133, 1. According to the United States Mortality tables for 1912 there were 44,531 deaths from cancer that year, or 77 per 100,000 living, while the rate in 1911 was 74.3, an increase of 2.7. Tuberculosis has shown a steady decline, the death for 1912 being the lowest on record, 149.5 per 100,000, it having fallen from 200 per 100,000 in 1900, or over 25%.
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