Aghyl Dere, 203
Anguar wireless station, 349
Antill, Col., 172
Anzac, origin of the word, 102;
total area, 136
Apia captured, 345
Arabic used by Anzacs, 240
Archbishop of Canterbury's memorial sermon, 371
Argonauts, the modern, 60
Ariburnu beach, 398
Armistice, 129, 241
Artillery work, 390
Asmak Dere, 205
Auckland Mounted Rifles, 181
Australia battleship, record of, 360
Ayesha, schooner, 38
Ayling, Sergt., 82
Barbed wire, 100
Bartlett, Ashmead, tribute to Anzac wounded, 71;
description of Krithia Charge, 111;
battle of Quinn's Post, 127
Bassett, Corpl., wins V.C., 233
Bathing under shell fire, 87
Battleship Hill, 143
Bauchop's Hill, 182
Beachy Hill, 143, 386
Bell, Seaman Robert, 40
Birdwood, Gen. Sir William, letter to Sir G. Reid, 90;
"The Soul of Anzac," 149;
total of his forces, 152;
commends men of the Southland, 221
Bismarck Archipelago, 343
Biyuk Anafarta, 206
Bloody Angle, charge of, 173
Bomb throwing, first experiences, 102;
effect of, 139
Brand, Col., 82
Braund, Col., 79
Bridges, Gen., message to people of Australia, 19;
death of, 116;
work at Duntroon, 337
Brighton Beach, battle of, 59;
origin of name, 68
Burnage, Col., 318
Burton, Corpl., wins V.C., 229
Cadet System in Australia, 332
Canada and the Navy, 355
Cannon, Col., 318
Caroline Islands, 343
Censored news, 95
Charitable gifts, Australian, 325;
New Zealand, 326
Chunuk Bair, New Zealanders' assault, 186;
loss of, 188
Clarke, Col., 79-80
Cocos Island, 29
Collins, Capt. Muirhead, speech at launch of the Sydney, 358
Colne bombards Outpost No. 3, 181
Colombo, Sydney arrives at, 41
Commonwealth Parliament, War Vote of £40,000,000, 322
Compulsory training, 334
Conditions of service, 24
Cook, Hon. J., 15
Cosgrove, Corpl., wins V.C., 235
Courtney's Post, 123
Cox. Gen., 207
Crabbe, Lieut., 226
Cresswell, Rear-Admiral Sir W., 356
Deakin, Mr. A., 356
Dartnell, Lieut., wins V.C., 236
Dead Man's Ridge, 99, 123
Death Valley, 96
Denton, Major, 82
Derham, Lieut., 82
Disease epidemic at Anzac, 145, 386
Discipline of Anzacs, 254
Duffy, Sergt., 246
Dunstan, Sergt., wins V.C., 229
Duntroon College, 256;
description of, 335;
work of Gen. Bridges, 337
Dysentery at Anzac, 387
Eighteenth Battalion A.I.F. at Hill 60, 207
Eighth Battalion A.I.F. charged by Turks, 88
Eighth Regiment of Light Horse, charge from Russell's Top, 172
Elston, Lieut., captured, 76
Elwell, Lieut.-Commander, 349
Emden, fight with the Sydney, 29;
losses, 41;
news at Lloyd's, 43
Engineers, 85
Evacuation of Anzac, 397
Fifteenth Battalion A.I.F. wins three trenches, 113;
night march, 205
First Battalion A.I.F. at Lone Pine, 164
First Brigade A.I.F., first landing, 67;
first position, 75;
at Lone Pine, 159
Fifth Brigade A.I.F. arrives at Anzac, 207
First Brigade Aust. Light Horse at Lone Pine, 165;
charge over the Bloody Angle, 173
First Regiment Aust. Light Horse, charge over the Bloody Angle, 174
Fisher, Rt. Hon. Andrew, 15
Fisherman's Hut, 75
Fleet, Australian, 344
Fleet, German Pacific, 344
Fourteenth Battalion A.I.F. night march, 205
Fourth Battalion A.I.F. charge Turkish camp, 89
Fourth Brigade A.I.F., position after landing, 75;
night march, 203;
heavy losses, 206;
thanked by Gen. Godley, 317
Freidrich Wilhelmshaven taken, 349
Gaba Tepe, 62;
assaulted, 100
Garside, Col., 79
German brutality, 241
German officers' trench charged, 169
Glossop, Capt., of the Sydney, 30, 37
Godley, General, tribute from Sir Ian Hamilton, 199;
praises 4th Brigade, 317
Gordon, Major, 79
Graves at Anzac, 399
Gurkhas scale Koja Chemen, 187
Gurkhas, White, 279
Gwynn, Col., 217
Hamilton, Lieut., 226
Hamilton, Private, wins V.C., 232
Hamilton, Sir Ian, 61;
message to Australia, 113;
Suvla Bay plans, 135;
praise for Anzacs, 199;
report on Australian defences, 333
Harvest, record, in Australia, 327
Harvey, Petty Officer, 33
Hawker, Capt., wins V.C., 235
Heliopolis camps, 48
Hellfire Spit, 68
HerbertshÖhe captured, 347
Hill 60, 206;
captured, 209
Howard, Private, 226
Hoy, Seaman Albert, 40
Hutchinson, Col., 216
Indian Mountain Batteries, 67;
slaughter of Turks on Chunuk Bair, 193
Jacka, Sergt., wins V.C., 225
Jervis Bay Naval College, 362
Jobson, Miss Jeanie, letter to Anzacs, 323
Johnston, Gen., 125
Johnston's Jolly, 125
Kaiser Wilhelm's Land, 343
Keyzor, Sergt., wins V.C., 231
King George, message to the Dominions, 16;
praise of Anzacs, 95
Kitchener, Lord, speech in the Lords, 210;
Australian defence scheme, 333;
inspects Anzac, 397
Koja Chemen, 142, 206
Krithia, transfer of Anzacs to, 104;
charge at, 107
Legge, Gen., appointment, 118;
on Southland, 215;
his coolness, 217;
congratulates 21st Battalion, 221
Light Horse, 69;
volunteer for infantry service, 114
Linton, Col., on Southland, 215;
death, 218
Liverpool, Lord, message to the King, 16
Logan, Major, 174
Lone Pine Plateau, capture of, 159
Lynch, Petty Officer, 40
McCay, Gen., leads Krithia Charge, 112
Macdonald, Capt., captured, 76
Machine guns, 153;
Major Wallingford's work, 194
McKenzie, Hon. Sir Thomas, High Commissioner for New Zealand, 51
McKenzie, Sapper, 83
Maclagan, Gen. Sinclair, 62
McLaurin Hill, 123
McLaurin, Col., 80
McNaghten, Col., at Lone Pine, 164
McNicholl, Col., 81
Man with the Donkey, 261
Maori Contingent, 154;
at Bauchop's Hill, 182
Marshall Islands, 343
Massey, Hon. W., 15
Maxwell, Gen. Sir John, reviews Anzacs, 51
Memorial sermon to Anzacs at St. Paul's, 370
Mena Camp, 48
Militia, Australian, 332
Monash, Gen., 123, 319
Monash Gully, 96, 99, 123
Monro, Gen. Sir Charles, advises evacuation, 397
Morgan, Lieut., 83
Munitions, making, in Australia, 327
Nauru wireless station, 349
Naval College, Australian, 362
Naval subsidy, 354
Navy, services at landing, 68;
Anzac admir
ation, 86
Navy, Australian, 344
Neck, The, charge of Light Horse, 172;
blown up, 400
Neu Pommern wireless station, 346
New Guinea, German, 343
New Zealand battleship, 355
New Zealand Infantry on Chunuk Bair, 187
New Zealanders' position after landing, 75;
charge at Krithia, 107;
attack Chunuk Bair, 186;
heavy losses, 194
Ninth Australian Light Horse at Hill 60, 208
Ninth Battalion A.I.F., early charge, 88
O'Neill, Major, 84
Otago Mounted Rifles, 182
Outpost No. 2, 154;
concentration, 181
Owen, Col., 246
Pearce, Hon. A., Minister for Australian Defence, message to troops, 19
Pelew Islands, 343
Periscopes, 244
Pockley, Capt., 349
Pope, Col., escape from capture, 76
Pope's Hill, 76;
attacked, 96
Pyramids, Australians at, 50
Queen Elizabeth, 88
Quinn, Major, 123, 318
Quinn's Post, Battle of, 121;
mine exploded, 137
Rabaul expedition, 344, 346
Recruiting in Australasia, 315
Red Cross, 84, 195
Reid, Major, 176
Reid, Rt. Hon. Sir George, speech under the Pyramids, 52;
Gen. Birdwood's letter, 90
Rhododendron Ridge, 187
Richardson, Capt., 82
Robertson, Major, 79
Robey, Private, 83
Rosenthal Point, 123
Russell, General, 182;
at Hill 60, 207
Russell's Top, 154;
charge of Light Horse, 171
Samoa, German, 343;
N.Z. expedition against, 345
Sari Bair, 134
Sass, Capt., 228
Second Brigade A.I.F., first landing, 67;
first position, 75;
Krithia, 107;
in trenches, 144
Second Brigade Aust. Light Horse, demonstration, 141
Second Division A.I.F., Printed by Butler & Tanner Frome and London
Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.
Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, cumbered; sulphurous; machine-gun, machine gun; landing-place, landing place.
List of Illustrations, missing entry added:
'Captain Richardson of the 1st Brigade 252'.
Pg 146, 'columes of fifty' replaced by 'columns of fifty'.
Pg 172, 'sign 1 was given' replaced by 'signal was given'.
Pg 230. 'native city af' replaced by 'native city of'.
Pg 363, 'credit of the the service' replaced by 'credit of the service'.
Pg 365, 'a little ashcat' replaced by 'a little ashcan'.
Pg 424, 'No. 3/233 Lce.-Clp.' replaced by 'No. 3/233 Lce.-Cpl.'.