Airing the green-house, 20. 38. 172.
hot-house, 33.
Annuals, of sowing tender, 53.
Awning for hyacinths, 202.
for carnations, 277.
for plants, 256.
Box edgings, directions for planting, 139.
Bulbs, of protecting, 25.
preserving of Cape, 175.
method of planting Dutch 318.
care of tender 328.
Bulbous roots, of uncovering, 152.
protecting, 152.
Cistern, of a, 12. 273.
Cold, in the green-house, effects of, 21.
Cleanliness, good and bad effects of, 38.
Clipping shrubs, observations on, 44.
Carnation, qualities of a fine, 275.
and pink layers, care of, 307.
Camellias, period of selecting, 316.
Coverings, oil-cloth, 342.
Damp, in the green-house, effects of, 20. 22.
Dahlias, forwarding in a hot-bed, 181.
Daisies, primroses, &c. method of protecting, 321.
Engine for the green-house, best kind of, 19.
Enarching, method of, 127.
Edgings, fancy, 162.
method of dressing box, 211.
Fires, how to regulate the, 21. 33.
Fumigating, method of, 13.
Frames, of protecting, 26.
Glass, effects of broken, 43.
of double, 338.
Grass-seeds, most approved, 161.
walks, of laying down, ib.
Grafting, whip or tongue, 163.
Green-house, temperature of the, 340.
how to regulate the, ib.
Geraniums, how to prune or dress, 286.
Hedges, how to keep evergreen, 211.
Herbaceous plants, how to treat, 325.
criterion for planting, 151.
Hotbeds, of making, 52. 178.
Hyacinth, properties of a good, 202.
Hyacinths, of plunging new potted, 305.
Insects, their destruction, 12. 30. 35. 56.
effects of light on, 17.
Inoculation, method of, 47.
Liquid for orange and lemon trees, 39.
to destroy the cocus insect, 15.
Lime trees, situation in the green-house of, 312.
Leaves, bad effects of, 332.
Mildew on Camellias, &c., how to destroy, 22, 23. 173.
Manure, fermentation of, 52.
Orange and Lemon trees, when to transplant, 287.
how to prune, 289.
Plants, criterion for repotting, 126.
of training climbing green-house, 176.
in summer the best situation for, 256.
Pots, method of draining flower, 126.
Pruning, good or bad effects of, 27.
various shrubs, manner of, 45.
China roses, manner of, 189.
climbing ever-blooming roses, method of, 191.
roses, 195.
Planting, bad effects in, 334,
state of the soil when, 48.
Pink, qualities of a fine, 276.
Perennials, description of fine, 133.
Parlours, treatment of plants in, 28. 54. 343.
Repotting plants, 17. 35. 41. 57. 61. 169.
Roses, how to retard the blooming of, 155.
finest sorts of, 156.
varieties of, ib.
of fancy planting, 157.
of mulching, 158.
in June, reasons for pruning, 279.
nature of the soil for, 323.
early, how to have, 344.
Shutters, benefit of, 10.
how to make, 337.
Slugs, detect, 25.
how to destroy, 267.
Stocks, of procuring seed from flowering, 176.
Shrubs, of uncovering 129.
pleasure and effect of, 48.
Shrubs, manner of planting, 50.
of supporting, 51.
of packing, 51.
Snow on the houses, bad effects of, 34.
Syringes, best kind of, 19.
Syringing, good effects of, 14. 19. 37. 39. 171.
Tieing up plants, method of, 19.
Tubs for trees, perforated, 59.
best kind of, 288.
Trees, of heading down, 59.
of watering and arranging large, 259.
Tanners' bark, nature of, 332.
Tan-bed, plunge the plants in the, 339.
Tobacco for destroying insects, decoction of, 60.
Turf, of laying, 160.
Trellises, of, 196.
Tulip, properties of a fine, 203.
Watering, good or bad effects of, 11. 21. 29. 34. 56. 58.
Water on hot-house plants, effects of cold, 12.
Watering-pot, best kind of, 11.
Wounds on trees, composition for covering, 172.
White-washing the glass with whiting, of, 173.
Walks with turf, of laying, 209.
Wall-flowers, how to propagate, 268.
" and stocks, time of lifting, 307.