EXOTIC NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS, Respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that in addition to the Garden in Thirteenth-street, they have purchased the Nursery Grounds, Green-Houses, &c., established by the late B. M'Mahon, Esq., on the township line, near the Germantown road, about three miles from the city, where the propagation and cultivation of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plants, and Flowers, will hereafter be extensively carried on, and improved in accordance to the increasing demand. The Thirteenth-street Garden will be appropriated as a repository for the sale of plants and the receiving of orders. A splendid collection of Camellia Japonica, containing the most approved and distinct varieties; also a very large selection of the most esteemed and beautiful Roses. Their Dahlias were selected by R. Buist, last year, from the finest collection in England, together with many Ornamental and other Plants not surpassed for extent in the Union. Orders at either of the establishments, or per post, will be duly received and punctually attended to. Transcriber's notes: |