- Abbot's Way across Dartmoor, 196
- Absorption of rays of sunlight, 129
- Abyssinia, wild ass of, 203
- Actinozoa, Cydippe allied to the, 190
- Ages, lapse of between old and new stone age, 217
- Alcor, or Jack, 158
- Aldebaran, 149
- called so by the Arabs, 153
- colour of, 167
- Algol the Variable, 162, 165
- Almach, ? AndromedÆ, 156
- a coloured double star, 167
- America, extinction of original horse in, 207
- Andromeda, the great nebula of, 162, 164
- double coloured star in, 167
- Animal of the Sea-mat, 191
- Animal-trees and stony plants, 178
- Animals, extinct, living with man, 211
- Antares, a ruby-red star, 167
- Antherozoids of mosses, 89
- Apothecia of lichens, 83
- Apennines, Lunar, figured, 19
- Archimedes, a lunar crater, 10
- Arctic lands, lichens in, 82
- Arcturus, colour of, 166
- Aristarchus, a lunar crater, 10, 24
- Aristotle, a lunar crater, 10
- Arrows, old stone, 215
- Asia, horse of Central, 201
- Asinus tÆniopus, 203
- Aspergillus glaucus, 61
- Ass tribe, forms allied to the, 201
- ——, wild of Africa, 203
- Atmosphere, absence of in the moon, 21
- Australia, wild horses of, 207
- Bacillaria Paradoxa, a diatom, 185
- Bacteria growing on wounds, 66
- BaiÆ, hill thrown up on Bay of, 103
- Ball, Sir R., on binary stars, 154
- Beehive, triple star near the, 168
- Beer, fermentation of, 65
- Bellatrix, a star in Orion, 148
- Berlin, ground beneath, formed of diatoms, 186
- Bessel, on movements of Sirius, 169
- Betelgeux, a star in Orion, 148
- Binary star in Great Bear, 157, 158
- —— stars, 154, 166, 170
- Bog-moss or Sphagnum, 93
- Bog-mosses, distribution of, 94
- Bombs, volcanic, 105
- BoÖtis e, a coloured double star, 167
- Britons inhabiting caves, 224
- ornaments and customs of, 223
- —— of Dartmoor, 196
- Bronze weapon and bracelet, 223
- Bryum or thread moss, 77
- Buckfast Abbey, monks of, 196
- Bunt, a fungus, 64
- Burial in Neolithic times, 221
- Cassiopeia, the constellation, 162
- coloured double star in, 167
- Castor, a binary star, 154
- Camera, photographic, 47
- attached to the telescope, 121
- Cancer ?, a triple coloured star, 168
- Candle-flame, image of, formed by lens, 33
- Canis Major, constellation of, 148
- Capella, colour of the star, 153
- Castor, light of compared with a near star, 158
- Caterpillars destroyed by fungus, 66
- Caucasus Mountains on the Moon, 18
- Cave, the three periods of a, 225
- Caves, PalÆolithic and Neolithic, 210
- PalÆolithic life in, 211
- hyÆnas roamed in, 217
- Neolithic life in, 218
- Britons took refuge in, 224
- Cells, fertile of mushroom, 69
- Celt, jade, from Suffolk, 219
- Chambers, Mr., his drawing of e LyrÆ, 166
- Charles's Wain, 155
- part of Great Bear, 157
- stars of drifting, 159
- stars visible in waggon of, 160
- double coloured star in, 158, 167
- Chilomonas amygdalum, a monad, 182
- Ciliary muscle, action of the, 34
- Clark, Alvan, on companion of Sirius, 169
- Clockwork of telescope, 2
- Cocconema lanceolatum, a diatom, 184
- Coin of age of Constantine, 223
- ConfervÆ, growth of, 79
- Commons, Mr., photographed Orion's nebula, 152
- Constantine, coin of age of, 223
- Constellations, maps of, 148, 156
- Copernicus, a lunar crater, 10, 24
- figured, 17
- bright streaks around, 18
- Copper-sulphate in lava, 108
- Corallina, a stony seaweed, 175
- fruit of, 177
- appearance like Sertularia, 179
- Cornea of the eye, 31
- Corona, nature of the sun's, 123, 137
- Cottam, Mr. A., his plate of coloured stars, 167
- Crater, lava flowing from a, 98
- interior of Vesuvius, 100
- Crater-plains, 19-21
- Craters on the moon, 10, 13, 17, 19, 20
- of earth and moon compared, 16
- Crystallites in volcanic glass, 109
- Crystallisation, two periods of, in lava, 115
- Crystals forming in artificial lavas, 114
- Cydippe pileus, a living jelly-ball, 187
- Cygni , a coloured double star, 167
- Dartmoor, fairy rings on, 57, 58
- the Sundew on, 56
- granite figured, 112
- ponies, 195
- De la Rue, his photograph of moon, 13
- Devonshire ponies, black stripe on, 201
- Diatom, a growing, 185
- Diatoma hyalina, 184
- Diatoms, magnified fossil, 39
- Didymium, giving a broken spectrum, 126
- Dordogne, caves of the, 210, 215
- Draper, Prof., photographed Orion's nebula, 152
- Drosera rotundifolia on Dartmoor, 56
- Dschiggetai, horse-ass of Tibet, 200
- Dsungarian desert, wild horse of the, 203
- Dykes, nature of volcanic, 111
- Earth, path of the moon round the, 8
- magnetic storm on, caused by sun, 14
- reservoirs of melted matter in the, 101
- Earthquakes accompanying volcanic outbursts, 102
- Eclipse of sun, red jets and corona seen during, 125
- ——, total, of the moon, 23
- Eclipses, how caused, 7
- Elephant, hairy, engraved on ivory, 216
- Empusa muscÆ, 66
- Engis and Engihoul caves, 210
- England, ancient caves in, 210
- in PalÆolithic times, 211
- Eocene, toed horses of the, 205
- Eohippus, or horse of the dawn, 205
- Equus hemionus, the horse-ass, 202
- Eratosthenes, a lunar crater, 10
- Erbia, giving a broken spectrum, 126
- Ergot, a fungus, 61
- Eruptions of Vesuvius, 97, 100, 104
- Eudoxus, a lunar crater, 10
- Experiments, necessity for accurate, 54
- Eye, structure of the, 29-32
- mode of seeing with the, 32
- short-sighted, 29, 35
- distances spanned by the naked, 40
- FaculÆ on the sun's face, 122, 140
- Fairy rings, 55
- mentioned in Merry Wives of Windsor, 57
- growth of, 71-73
- Ferments caused by fungi, 60, 64
- Fishing in ancient times, 215, 220
- Fistulina hepatica, a fungus, 71
- Flint skeletons of plants, 185
- Flustra or sea-mat, 187
- Fly, fungus killing a, 66
- Focal images, 33
- FouquÉ, M., artificial lava made by, 112
- Fructification of mushrooms, 69
- of lichens, 83
- of mosses, 91
- of seaweeds, 177
- Funaria hygrometrica, urn of the, 89, 91
- Fungi, nature of, 59
- different kinds of, 60
- attacking insects, 66
- growing on wounds, 66
- the use of, 74
- Fungus and green cells in lichen, 81
- Gardener, advice of the old, 118
- Gas, spectrum of a, 126
- Gases revealed by spectroscope, 52
- Gemini, the constellation, 154
- Geminorum, d, a double coloured star, 167
- Gills of mushroom, 69
- Gomphonema marinum, 184
- Gooseberry, fermentation in a, 64
- Gory dew, Palmella cruenta, 79
- Graham's island thrown up, 102
- Granular appearance of sun's face, 123
- Grape fungus, 65
- Great Bear, the constellation, 157
- binary star in, 158
- coloured double star in, 158, 168
- Greenstone, Neolithic weapons of, 220
- Guards, the, in the Little Bear, 162
- Hartz Mountains, caves of the, 210
- Hatchet, a Neolithic stone, 219
- Hebrides, volcanic islands of, 111
- Henri, MM., photograph of moon's face by, 19
- Herculaneum, buried, 98, 104
- Herculis a, a coloured double star, 168
- Hermitage, lava stream flowing behind the, 97, 99
- Herschel's drawing of Copernicus, 17
- Huggins, Dr., on shape of prominences, 135
- on spectra of nebulÆ, 151
- on cause of colour in stars, 168
- Himalayas, single-celled plants in the, 79
- Horse, wild, of the Pampas, 198
- of Tartary, 199
- of Kirghiz steppes, 200
- Przevalsky's, 202
- early history of toed, 204
- structure of foot and hoof of, 205
- skeleton of, 206
- origin and migration of early, 207
- Hungary, ancient caves of, 210
- Huyghens, the highest peak in Lunar Apennines, 19
- Image formed at focus of lens, 33
- Implements, old stone, 213
- Imps of plant-life, 59
- India, low plants in springs of, 79
- solar eclipse seen in, 124
- wild ass of, 203
- Infusorial earth, 186
- Infusorians in a seaside pool, 183
- Inhabitants of a seaside pool, 172-174
- Iris of the eye, 30
- Iron pyrites in lava, 108
- Iron slag, lava compared to, 105
- Islands, volcanic thrown up, 102
- Jack by the second horse, 157
- Jade, Neolithic weapons of, 220
- Jannsen, Prof., on sun prominences, 131
- Judd, Mr., on volcano of Mull, 111
- Jutes and Angles invading Britain, 224
- Kant on nebular hypothesis, 152
- Kent's Cavern, rough stone implement from, 213
- Kepler, a lunar crater, 10
- Kertag, or wild horse, 202
- Kew, sun-storm registered at, 143
- Kiang or Kulan, 200
- Kirchhoff, Prof., on sunlight, 128
- Kulan or Kiang, 200
- Labrador felspar artificially made, 113
- Langley, Prof., sun-spot drawn by, 141
- Laplace, nebular hypothesis of, 152
- Lava, aspect of flowing, 99
- reservoirs of molten, 101
- nature of, 107
- artificially made, 113
- two periods of crystallisation in, 115
- Lava-stream, history of a, 100
- section of a, 108
- rapid cooling of surface, 108
- Laver or sea-lettuce, structure of, 176
- Leo, the constellation, 155
- Leucotephrite artificially made, 113
- Lens, natural, of the eye, 31
- Levy, M., artificial lava made by, 112
- Lichens, specimens of from life, 77
- the life-history of, 80-84
- sections of, 81
- distribution of 82, 95
- fructification of, 83
- causes of success of, 94
- Lick telescope, magnifying power of, 46
- Light, lurid, on moon during eclipse, 24
- sifted by spectroscope, 126
- Light-granules on sun's face, 123
- supposed explanation of, 141
- Lime-tree, fungi on the, 64
- Liss, bronze bracelet from, 223
- Little Bear, pole-star and guards in the, 162
- Lockyer, Mr., on sun-prominences, 131, 136
- Lunar Apennines figured, 19
- LyrÆ ?, a double-binary star, 166
- Machairodus, tooth of, 213
- Madeleine, La, carvings from cave of, 216
- Magic glasses and how to use them, 27
- what can be done by, 28, 53
- Magician's chamber, 1
- his pupils, 4
- spells, 28
- his dream of ancient days, 209
- Magnetic connection of sun and earth, 142
- Magnifying-glass, action of a, 35
- Mammoth engraved on ivory, 216
- Maps of constellations, 148, 156
- Marasmius oreastes, fairy-ring mushroom, 55, 124
- zodiacal line round, 125
- dark lines in spectrum of, 128
- reversing layer of, 131
- metals in the, 131
- sudden outburst in the, 142
- magnetic connection with the earth, 143
- a yellow star, 166
Sun's rays touching moon during eclipse, 24 Sun-spots, cycle of, 137 - proving sun's rotation, 138
- nature of, 139
- quiet and unquiet, 140
- formation of, 142
Sundew on Dartmoor, 56 - Tarpan, a wild horse, 199
- Tartary, wild horses of, 199
- Tavistock Abbey, monks of, 196
- Telescope, clock-work, adjusting a, 2
- an astronomical, 41
- magnifying power of the, 43-46
- giant, 46
- terrestrial, 47
- what can be seen in a small, 46
- how the sun is photographed in the, 122
- how the spectroscope is worked with the, 132
- Teneriffe, peak of compared to lunar craters, 15
- Tennant, Major, drawing of eclipsed sun by, 123
- Temperature, underground, 101
- Thuricolla follicula, a transparent infusorian, 182
- Tiger, sabre-toothed, 211, 213
- Tilletia caria or bunt, 64
- Toadstools, 67, 70
- Tools, of ancient stone period, 214, 215
- Tooth of machairodus, 213
- Torquay, the Magician's pool near, 172
- Tors of Dartmoor, 197
- Trapezium of Orion, 150
- Tremella mesenterica fungus, 71
- Tripoli formed of diatoms, 35
- Tundras, lichens and mosses of the, 82, 95
- Tycho, a lunar crater, 10
- description of, 13
- bright streaks of, 14
- Ulva, a green seaweed, 175
- Umbra of an eclipse, 23
- Urns of mosses, 89, 91
- Ustilago carbo, or smut, 64
- Variable stars, 165
- Vega, a bluish-white sun, 166
- double-binary star near, 165
- Veil of mushroom, 68
- Vesuvian lavas imitated, 113
- Vesuvius, eruption of 1868 described, 97, 99, 104
- dormant, 103
- eruption of in A.D. 79, 104
- Volcanic craters of earth and moon compared, 16
- eruptions in the moon, 21
- glass under the microscope, 109, 110, 115
- Volcano, diagram of an active, 105
- Volcanoes, the cause of discussed, 101, 102
- Washington, electric shocks at during sun-storm, 143
- Winter in PalÆolithic times, 215
- Wood, winter growth in a, 76
- "World without End," 115
- Yeast, growth of, 65
- Yorkshire, Roman coins in caves of, 225
- Zebra, herds of, 203
- Zodiacal light, 125