Frontispiece—Each night Hero lighted her torch; each night Leander swam across the narrow sea
Heading to Introduction vii
Heading to Contents xiii
Heading to List of Illustrations xv
She put out her cruel claws and lashed her tail from side to side like an angry lion waiting for his prey 17
With firm, unfaltering steps he led the way once more, and Theseus followed after 33
On the bed, wrapped in slumber, lay the youngest and fairest of the Immortals 59
Faster and faster he went, and up and down, and round and round 67
She unloosed the rope, and pushed out into the stream 81
"Help, help! I drown in this foul stream!" 93
She lowered her eyes in confusion, and her limbs trembled beneath her, so that she leant back against the pillar for support 111
From the shadow of the trees came the strange herdsman, playing on his lyre 137
Admetus heeded neither shepherd nor shrine.... Without a thought he passed the altar by 151
And the children crept silently to her 171
She answered him never a word, but held out both her hands and raised him from his knees 185
As he spoke, he took her by the hand, and set her in a place of honour between his father and himself 201
As the brute bore down, Meleager buried the spear deep in his shoulder 207
For the last time he leaned forward 223
On the breath of the night wind Aphrodite came in, and she kissed the statue on the lips 233
From the shadow of the cave crept a wood-nymph, and lay upon the grass 245
"Orpheus," she cried in her despair, "thy hand!" 255
On and on she fled, with the swiftness and strength of despair 269
"Oh, my father!" she cried 279
Out of the corner of his eye he could see the gleam of her tunic 303
Out of the stream beside him there rose a wondrous form of a maiden clad all in misty white 317
Menelaus was bearing him in triumph towards the AchÆan host 339
Cast herself upon the body of Paris, and put her arms about his neck 345
Initials, Tail-pieces, etc.



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