- Adaptation of stitch, 103, 188, 253
- Antique stitch, 66 (See also Oriental-stitch)
- AppliquÉ, 140, 144 et seq., 220, 222, 224
- Arab work, 152
- Artless art, 37, 236
- Attachment of cord, 124
- Backstitch, 30, 37, 41, 53, 83, 86, 172, 226, 230
- Basket patterns, 134
- Beads, 248
- Beginning & finishing, 252
- Blanket-stitch, 56
- Braid-stitch, 42, 43
- Broad surfaces (covering), 178
- Brocade, 244
- Bullion, 165
- Bullion-stitch, 75, 76, 162, 165
- Buttonhole-stitch, 8, 55 et seq., 69, 122, 145, 158, 178, 182
- Buttonholing (lace), 84, 86
- Byzantine embroidery, 12, 24
- Cable-chain, 42
- Canvas, 7, 25
- Canvas stitches, 12 et seq.
- Canvas-stitch embroidery, 22
- Card underlay, 162, 246
- Cashmere embroidery, 228
- Cashmere-stitch, 18
- Chain-stitch, 38 et seq., 61, 83, 129, 145, 156, 158, 178, 118, 176, 211, 253
- Framing work, 251
- French embroidery, 88, 245
- French floss, 244
- French knots, 77, 129, 150, 178, 244
- Geometric pattern, 225
- German embroidery, 110, 125, 126, 156, 185, 226
- German knot-stitch, 72
- Gobelin-stitch, 18
- Gold, 210, 222, 245
- Gold (couched), 131 et seq., 182
- Gold (raised), 134, 136, 165
- Gold thread, 131, 245
- Gold tinted by couching stitches, 142
- Gold wire, 169, 248
- Half-cross-stitch, 20
- Heraldic embroidery, 156
- Herringbone-stitch, 8, 22, 47 et seq., 83, 178, 182
- Hildesheim cope (the), 126
- Hungarian embroidery, 2
- Hungarian stitch, 18
- Indian embroidery, 41, 46, 61, 95, 98, 154, 169, 222, 248
- Indian herring-bone, 48
- Inlay, 153
- Interlacing stitches, 83
- Italian embroidery, 22, 24, 37, 46, 138
- Italian embroidery (Renaissance), 22, 41,
ic@vhost@g@html@files@28269@28269-h@28269-h-4.htm.html#Page_158" class="pginternal">158
- Variety of stitch, 180 et seq.
- Velvet, 150, 222
- Venetian embroidery, 138
- Voiding, 96, 187
- Weaving, 2
- White on white, 162, 230
- Wool. (See Crewel)
- Woollen stuffs, 243