A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z
Absenteeism, 12
Accentor, alpine, 222, 316
Africa, 29, 40, 41, 67, 91, 111, 112, 381, 383;
bird natives of, 272
Africa, British East, 272, 295
African bush-cuckoo, 400 n. 1
Agriculture, Moorish, 9-10;
Spanish, 11
Alagon River, 232 and n. 1, 233, 295
Albufera Lake, 321-4, 410
Alfonso XII., 37, 190, 292
Alfonso XIII., 19, 26, 31, 37, 72, 131, 140, 190, 206, 292, 336
Algamita, Sierra of, 176
Algeciras, 295
AlimaÑas, 28, 42, 337-46
AlmanzÓr, Plaza de, 140, 213, 216, 217, 286
Almonte, village of, 82 et seq.
Almoraima, 363
Alpuxarras, the, 142, 302, 305
AlquerÍas (Las Hurdes), 235, 236, 241
America, flamingoes in, 273
Anatidae, 40;
distribution of, in S. Spain, 136
Andalucia, 2, 4, 10, 351, 393, 401, 402, 403;
bandits in, 175 et seq.;
big game of, 54 et seq.;
birds of, 40 et seq., 222, 393-5, 403
Ant-lion (Myrmeleon), 36
Arabs. See Moors
Arahal, NiÑo de, bandit, 176 et seq.
Armajo (samphire), 89-90, 91, 106, 114
Asturias, the, 294 et seq.;
chamois in, 283-93
Avila, 213, 219
Avocet, 268, 385
Badger, 337, 344, 345
Bandits, 174 et seq.
Barbary stag, 43, 44
Barbel, 298-9, 393
Basques, the, 5
Bear, 289, 298;
brown, 4, 29, 294
Bear-hunting, 296-7
Bee-eater, 41, 209, 211, 226, 393
Bernicle goose, 191, 407
Bewick’s swan, 375
Bharal, 26
Bidassoa River, 2
Big game in Spain, 6, 28-9, 54 et seq., 148 n. 1, 303
Bird-life on the marisma, 40-42, 91 et seq., 114 et seq., 138 n. 1, 265-71, 376, 381-91, 408, 409
Bird-migration, 29, 40, 41-2, 91-2, 99 and n. 1, 103-4, 111, 376-80, 389-90, 401-3
Blackbird, 223
Black-chat, 222, 230, 319, 353 n. 1, 367
Blackstart, 313, 318, 352, 362, 367
Boar, wild, 29, 42, 47, 68-9, 70 et seq., 147, 161, 171, 191, 229, 238, 289, 353, 365-6, 396
Boar-hunting, 70 et seq.
Boga, 299
Bombita I., matador, 199
Bombita II. (Ricardo Torres), 199, 205
Bonaparte, Joseph, 196-7
Bonelli’s eagle, 28, 289, 355, 362, 366, 394-5
Bonelli’s Warbler, 232, 318, 393
Bonito, 300
Brambling, 62
Breeding-places of flamingoes, 265-71
Bull, the Spanish fighting, breeding and training of, 200-204;
breeds of, 88, 204, 208
Bull-fight, the Spanish, 8, 15, 192-9
Bull-fighters, famous, 195-9
Bull-frog, 392
Bustard, 212, 226, 227, 232;
great, 4, 11, 24, 29, 119, 209, 242-64;
lesser (Otis tetrax), 29, 262-4, 328, 392
Bustard-shooting, 244 et seq.
Butterflies, 62, 313
Lycaena telicanus, 62
Megaera, 62
ThaÏs polyxena, 62, 394
Vanessa polychloros, 394
Buzzard, 228, 342, 397
Cabrestos, 371-3, 379
Caceres, province, 228 n. 1
Caciquismo, 175, 180-81, 240
Cactus (prickly-pear), 9
Caldereria, 324-7
Camels, wild, on the marisma, 36, 40, 275-82
Cantabria, 4, 28, 29, 298;
mountains of, 286
Cape de Verde Islands, 266, 271 n. 1
Capercaillie, 4, 29, 294, 298
Cares River, 284, 296
Castile, 5, 29
Catalonia, 5 and n. 1
Cavestany, Sr. D. A., Spanish poet laureate, 164
Central Asia, wild camels in, 276
Cervantes, 183
Cetti’s warbler, 61, 393
Chaffinch, 164, 319
Chameleon, 394
Chamois, 4, 29;
in the Asturias, 283-93, 294;
preservation of, 142
Chamois-shooting, 286 et seq.
Chapman, Mr. F., 273
Chapman, Mr. J. Crawhall, 280
Charles V., Emperor, 194
Chough, 409
GaËtanes, 2
Galicia, 4
Game preservation in Spain, 335-6
Garganey, 112, 190, 384, 409
Gecko, lobe-footed, 394
Genet, 171, 334, 337, 395
Gibraltar, 355
Godoy, 196
Godwit, 42, 63 n. 1, 134, 392, 403,;
bartailed, 389;
black-tailed, 390
Goose, bean, 407;
bernicle, 191, 407;
black (Ganzos negros), 186;
greylag, 31, 32-3, 92, 95, 102, 114 et seq., 120, 125, 127, 191, 373, 375 n. 1, 407-8;
pink-footed, 407
Goths, the, 229, 231
Granada, 10, 301
Granadilla, 232 and n. 1, 233
Grasshopper (Cigarras panzonas), 259
Grebe, 186, 190;
eared, 387
GrÉdos, Circo de, chief features of, 141, 213-15
Greenshank, 390
Griffon. See under Vulture
Guadalete, battle of, 7, 229
Guadalquivir River, 30, 35, 299, 374, 391, 411;
marismas of, 88 et seq., 114, 190, 265, 408, 409
Guadiana River, 185
Guerra, Rafael, bull-fighter, 198
Gull, 41, 186, 384;
black-backed, 107;
British black-headed (L. ridibundus), 391;
Mediterranean black-headed (Larus melanocephalus), 268, 390-91
slender-billed (Larus gelastes), 268
Gum-cistus (see also Cistus), 160, 225, 235
Hare, 226, 238, 328, 330, 331, 334
Hawfinch, 61, 362
Hawk, 333
Hazel-grouse, 4, 29, 298
Heron, 41, 186, 190, 382
buff-backed, 385
purple, 267, 388
squacco, 389
Hobby, 397
Hoopoe, 41, 62, 184, 226, 230, 313, 319, 393
Humming-bird hawk-moth, 62
Hunting dogs, 159, 164, 328, 340
Hurdanos, the, 5, 234 et seq.
Ibex, Spanish (Capra hispÁnica), 15, 26, 29, 43, 139-46, 149, 156, 210, 287, 303 et seq., 317, 321-2, 352, 360 and n. 1, 362;
distribution of, 142, 303, 305;
habits of, 144-6, 152, 153, 360;
heads, Table of, 157;
preservation of, 139-42
Ibex-hunting, 216-24, 304 et seq.
Ibis, 41, 382
glossy, 403
Inns (posada), 18, 19 et seq.
Irrigation, neglect of, 12, 230
Isabel I. (la CatÓlica), 194
Isabella II., 323
James I., 321
Janda, Laguna de, 375 n. 1
Jay, 164, 362, 411
Jerez, 347, 392, 401, 403
Kestrel, 164, 212, 226, 230, 319, 396
lesser, 355, 395
Kite, 211, 333, 334, 342, 396
red, 397
Kitty-wren, 348
Knot, 42, 63 n. 1, 389
Lagartijo, bull-fighter, 197-8
Laguna de GrÉdos, 219, 220
La Mancha, 183-91, 409, 410
Lammergeyer, 26-7, 149, 217-8, 314-5, 353, 357, 358-9, 360, 362, 367, 368
Land-tortoise, 343
LanjarÓn, 306
Lark, 41, 212, 226, 232
Calandra, 209
crested, 209, 319
short-toed, 319
sky-, 312
wood-, 313, 319, 348, 352, 353 n. 1, 367
Las Hurdes, 5, 233 et seq.
Las Nuevas, 99 et seq., 280
Lemming, 210 n. 1
LeÓn, 5;
Cortes de, 6
Lilford, Lord, 265
Linnet, 319
Lizard, 333, 334, 355
Blanus cinereus, 393
Locusts, 226, 227
Lugar Nuevo, 172
Lynx, 33, 46, 60, 68, 76-7, 155, 171, 317, 333, 334, 337 et seq., 398
Madoz, Pascual, on the Hurdanos, 239 and n. 1, 240, 241
Magpie, 226, 232, 333, 401, 411
Spanish azure-winged, 29, 164, 184, 209, 225, 226, 411
Mallard, 186, 188, 190, 326, 327, 384, 389, 392, 409
Manzanilla (camomile), 111
Maria, JosÉ, bandit, 174, 181
Marisma, the, 35-6, 88 et seq., 190;
bird-life in, 40-42, 91 et seq., 114 et seq., 138 n. 1, 265-71, 376, 381-91, 408, 409;
plant-life in, 89-90, 115;
wild camels on, 36, 40, 275-82;
wildfowl shooting in, 95 et seq., 105-13, 115 et seq., 371-75
Marmot, 210 n. 1
Marsh-harrier, 38, 102, 107, 135, 387, 388, 392, 399
Marsh-tern, 384
Marten, 171, 317, 319
Martin, 355
Mazzantini, Luis, bull-fighter, 198-9
Merida, 229, 230
Mezquitillas, 167, 170, 171
Migration of wildfowl. See Bird-migration
Missel-thrush, 212, 318
“Miura question,” 192, 204-7
Mole-cricket, 392
Monachil River, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319
valley, 311
Mongoose, 163, 171, 333, 334, 337, 339, 341, 344, 364
MonterÍa, 157, 158 et seq., 283, 296
Montes, Francisco, bull-fighter, 197
Moorish domination, traces of, 7 et seq., 37, 232-3, 295
origin of bull-fight, 8, 193-4
Moors, the, 149, 229
Mosquito, 62
MudÉla, estate, 335
Mulahacen, 312, 315
Mullet, grey, 299
Naranjo de Bulnes, 291-2
National characteristics, 5, 12 et seq., 19
types, 4-5
Navarre, 6
Neophron, 319, 366, 368, 395
Nightingale, 232, 318, 393
Nightjar, 41, 396
NuclÉo central, 140
Nuthatch, 223, 232
Oleander, 160, 166 and n. 1
Orange, cultivation of, 9
Oriole, 393
golden, 41, 232
Orphean warbler, 393, 396
Ortolan, 319
Osprey, 191
Otter, 337
Ovis bidens, 352-3
Owl, 396
little, 319
white, 230
Paris, Comtes de, 278-9
Partridge, 15, 30, 32, 164, 226, 238, 63 n. 1, 134
Rufous warbler, 232, 318, 393
Salmon, 295-6
San Cristobal, 347, 349, 351, 352, 353
Sanderling, 390
Sand-grouse, 4, 29, 186, 209, 227, 382, 401;
black-bellied, 232
Sand-hills and wild geese, 125-32
Sand-lizard, 62 and n. 1
Sand-piper, 211, 389
curlew, 42, 389
green, 390, 392
Sardinian warbler, 164, 393
Saunders, Howard, 265, 403
Schastowskij, Mr. P. A., 404
Sedge-warbler, great, 387
Serin, 311, 313, 319, 348, 393
Serpent-eagle, 209, 396
SerranÍa de Ronda, 2, 267, 347-59, 360 et seq.;
flora of, 348 et seq., 360, 361;
ibex in, 142
Shad, 299
Shelduck, 101, 112, 191, 327,
ruddy, 410
Shoveler, 97, 101, 111, 112, 186, 188, 327, 403, 409
Shrike, great grey (Lanius meridionalis), 62, 63 n. 2, 212, 393
Lanius excubitor, 63 n. 2
Siberia, 404
Sierra Bermeja, 349, 360-63
Sierra de Gata, 227, 235
Sierra de GrÉdos, 140, 208 et seq., 302;
ibex in, 142, 145, 210 et seq., 352
Sierra de Guadalupe, 227 and n. 1
Sierra de Jerez, 363-7
Sierra MorÉna, 29, 411;
fauna of, 42, 142, 147 et seq.;
flora of, 160, 225
Sierra Nevada, 301 et seq., 355;
birds of, 311-16. 318-19;
ibex in, 142, 148-9, 303, 317
Sierra de las Nieves, 349
Sierra Quintana, 149-53, 171
Silk manufacture, Moorish, 9-10
Small-game shooting, 328-36
Snake, 334
coluber, 393
Snipe, 327, 330, 331, 392
Snow-finch, 316, 318
Soldier-ants, 61
Spear-grass, 90, 92, 95, 115
Spectacled warbler, 232, 396
Sphinx moth (S. convolvuli), 62
Spoonbill, 327, 383
“Still-hunting,” 54 et seq., 60
Stilt, 190, 267, 268, 385, 392, 403
Stint, little, 390
Stonechat, 209, 211, 319
Stone-curlew, 227, 232, 343
Stork, 40, 230, 392
Subalpine warbler, 232, 396
Sugar-cane, 4, 9
Swan, wild, 375; Bewick’s, ib.
Swift, alpine, 355
Tagus River, 228 n. 1;
valley of, 210
Tarifa, 300
Tarik, Arab chief, 7
Tato, El, bull-fighter, 197
Teal, 91, 97, 101, 111, 126, 134, 188, 327, 373, 399, 403, 409
marbled, 186
Tench, 295
Tern, 41;
gull-billed (Sterna anglica), 268;
whiskered, 389
Thistle, Spanish, 248, 262
Thrush, 164, 223;
blue, 222, 313, 318, 319, 353 n. 1, 362, 367
Tit, blue, 319, 352;
cole, 319, 352, 367;
great, 319;
long-tailed, 232, 348, 367
Toledo, Montes de, 147, 148 and n. 1, 184, 227 n. 1
Tormes River, 221, 223
Tree-creeper, 367
Trout, 15-16, 294-5, 309, 317
Trujillo, 227, 229, 230-31, 295
Tumbler-pigeons, 126
Tunny, 299-300
Valdelagrana, 172
Valencia, 2, 4, 187;
ibex in, 142;
wildfowl in, 321-7, 410
Veleta, Picacho de la, 312 et seq.
Vetas, 88-9, 90, 115, 122
Villarejo, 221
Villaviciosa, Don Pedro Pidal, Marquis de, 292, 296
Vivillo, El, bandit, 175 et seq., 181-2
Vulture, 67, 228, 356 and n. 1, 362, 366, 367-8
black, 221-2
griffon, 163, 222, 315, 319, 359, 364, 367, 369, 370, 397
Waders, 41, 382, 403
Wagtail, grey, 318, 348, 410
pied, 410
white, 232, 237, 410
yellow, 410-11
Warblers. See under names
Water-hen, purple (Porphyrio), 388
Water-shrew, 103, 166
Wheatear, 41, 184, 211, 223, 312, 313, 318, 353 n. 1
black-throated, 318
eared, 318
Whimbrel, 390, 392, 403, 404
Whitethroat, 232, 318
Wigeon, 97, 101, 110, 111, 186, 188, 327, 380, 399, 409
Wild-cat, 165, 167, 226, 317, 333, 334, 337 et seq.
Wildfowl at Daimiel, 186-91, 409, 410
of marisma, 40-2, 91 et seq., 114 et seq., 381-91, 408, 409
shooting, 95 et seq., 105-13, 115 et seq., 131-2, 254, 323-7, 371-5, 379
in Valencia, 321 et seq.
Wild-thyme (CantuÉso), 225
Willow-warbler, 232
Wolf, 147, 154, 156, 164, 171, 229, 238, 289, 306, 317, 319, 334
Woodchat, 41, 318, 393, 396
Woodcock, 331
Wood-pecker, 396
great black, 298
green, 68 and n. 2, 164, 232
spotted, 367
Wood-pigeon, 362, 367
Wren, 282, 318
Wryneck, 311
Yna de la Garganta, 355-7
Zamujar, 172
Zaragoza, Cortes of, 6
Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.
Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber: |
averge depth=> average depth {pg 302} |
produces these montrosities=> produces these monstrosities {pg 348} |
secured a specimen of two=> secured a specimen or two {pg 360} |
are always strictly cleanly=> are always strictly clean {pg 368} |
PrÉjavelsky, Russian explorer, 276=> PrÉjavalsky, Russian explorer, 276 {index} |