Illustrations in the Text |
Lammergeyer (GypaËtus barbatus) | 3 |
Woodchat Shrike (Lanius pomeranus) | 7 |
Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) | 9 |
Wooden Plough-share | 12 |
Cetti’s Warbler (Sylvia cettii) | 14 |
Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata) | 16 |
Fantail Warbler (Cisticola cursitans) | 17 |
Rock-Thrush (Petrocincla saxatilis) | 18 |
A Village Posada | 20 |
Serin (Serinus hortulanus) | 23 |
Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila bonellii) | 26 |
Black Vulture (Vultur monachus) | 27 |
White-Faced Duck (Erismatura leucocephala) | 28 |
Spanish Imperial Eagle | 31 |
Spanish Lynx | 33 |
Greenshank (Totanus canescens) | 34 |
Sketch-Map of Delta of Guadalquivir | 35 |
Marsh-Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) | 38 |
“Silent Songsters” | 39 |
Blackstart (Ruticilla titys) | 39 |
Great Spotted Cuckoo (Oxylophus glandarius) | 41 |
“Globe-Spanners” | 42 |
“Confidence” | 43 |
Abnormal Cast Antler | 44 |
Egret | 45 |
“Suspicion” | 49 |
Altabaca (Scrofularia) | 51 |
Tomillo de Arena | 51 |
“What’s This?” | 52 |
Antlers | 56 |
Stag “taking the Wind” | 57 |
Sylvia melanocephala | 60 |
Reed-Climbers | 61 |
Great Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) | 62 |
Spanish Green Woodpecker (Gecinus sharpei) | 63 |
Tarantula | 64 |
Stag—as he fell | 67 |
Hoopoes at Jerez, March 19, 1910 | 69 |
“Room for Two” | 71 |
Wild-Boar—at bay | 73 |
Wild-Boar—“Bolted past” | 79 |
Wild-Boar | 81 |
Praying Mantis | 87 |
Avocet | 88 |
Samphire | 90 |
Greylag Geese | 92 |
White-Eyed Pochard (Fuligula nyroca) | 94 |
“Flamingoes over” | 95 |
Pochard (Fuligula ferina) | 96 |
Flight of Flamingoes | 97 |
Wild-Geese alighting | 98 |
Wildfowl in the Marisma | 101 |
Flamingoes | 102 |
Stilt | 105 |
Godwits | 113 |
Root of Spear-Grass | 115 |
System of driving Wild-Geese | 117 |
Shelters for driving Wild-Geese | 118 |
Godwits | 124 |
Wild-Geese alighting on Sand-Hills | 129 |
Wild-Geese | 133 |
Godwits | 134 |
Sketch-Map of the NuclÉo Central of GrÉdos | 141 |
Grey Shrike | 162 |
Azure-Winged Magpie | 163 |
Sardinian Warbler | 164 |
Griffon Vulture | 166 |
Pair of Antlers | 167 |
Stag—“picking his way up a Rock-Staircase” | 168 |
“The Hart bounced, full-broadside, over the Pass” | 169 |
Pernales | 175 |
Sparrow-Owls (Athene noctua) and Moths | 182 |
Hoopoes | 183 |
Woodchat Shrike and its “Shambles” | 184 |
Desert-loving Wheatears | 185 |
Red-crested Pochard (Fuligula rufila) | 186 |
Red-crested Pochards | 190 |
“Minor Game” | 210 |
Southern Grey Shrike | 212 |
Griffon Vulture and Nest | 215 |
“The Way of an Eagle in the Air” (Lammergeyer) | 218 |
Black Vulture (Vultur monachus) | 222 |
Roller (Coracias garrula) | 226 |
Trujillo | 227 |
“Scavengers” | 228 |
Wolf-proof Dog-Collar | 231 |
Woodlark | 232 |
Sketch-Map of Las Hurdes | 234 |
White Wagtail | 238 |
Wolf-proof Sheepfold | 239 |
The Great Bustard | 243 |
Well on Andalucian Plain | 244 |
Calandra Lark | 246 |
Spanish Thistle and Stonechat | 248 |
Bustards—“Swerve aside” | 252 |
Bustards passing full broadside | 254 |
Imperial Eagle—“Hurtling through Space” | 258 |
Draw-Well with Cross-Bar | 259 |
“Hechando la Rueda” | 260 |
Tail-Feathers of Great Bustard | 261 |
Little Bustard | 263 |
Stilts in the Marisma | 265 |
Flamingoes | 266 |
Stilts disturbed at Nesting-Place | 268 |
Flamingoes and their Nests | 269 |
Flight of Flamingoes | 270-1 |
Head of Flamingo | 273 |
Little Gull and Tern | 274 |
Flamingoes | 277 |
“The Camels a-coming” | 281 |
Chamois | 283 |
A Chamois Drive—Picos de Europa | 288 |
Hoopoe | 293 |
Lammergeyer (GypaËtus barbatus) | 303 |
“Unemployed”: Bee-eaters on a Wet Morning | 311 |
Woodlark (Alauda arborea) | 313 |
Lammergeyer | 314 |
Soaring Vulture | 315 |
Golden Eagle Hunting | 317 |
Rock-Thrush | 318 |
Spanish Sparrow | 320 |
Imperial Eagle Passing Overhead | 342 |
PinsÁpo Pine (Abies pinsapo) | 347 |
Rock-Bunting (Emberiza cia) | 348 |
PinsÁpo Pines | 350 |
Crossbill | 351 |
Lammergeyer Overhead | 353 |
Golden Eagle Hunting | 354 |
Vultures | 356 |
Lammergeyer entering Eyrie | 358 |
Lammergeyer | 361 |
Griffon Vultures | 368 |
Reed-Bunting | 378 |
Grey Plover | 381 |
Head of Crested Coot | 384 |
Avocets Feeding | 385 |
White-Faced Duck (Erismatura leucocephala) | 387 |
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) | 389 |
Grey Plovers | 390 |
Orphean Warbler | 391 |
Savi’s Warbler (Sylvia savii) | 393 |
Unknown Insect | 394 |
Bonelli’s Eagles | 395 |
Great Spotted Cuckoo (Oxylophus glandarius) | 400 |
Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) | 402 |