an>,” according to Hyrtl, should be named “Duddel’s membrane,” 87 “De Sedibus et Causis Morborum,” the title of Morgagni’s famous work, 92 Desgenettes, AimÉ-Nicolas Du-friche, a distinguished French military surgeon, 241 - in the retreat of the French Army from Russia, he was taken prisoner, but was immediately released by order of the Emperor Alexander, 242
- (Portrait 242)
Desruelles, one of Broussais’ pupils, did not employ mercury in his treatment of syphilis, but applied leeches locally, 211 Devaux, Jean, a learned French surgeon of the 17th century, 237 Dezeimeris, 37, 42, 97 Diderot favors Locke’s philosophy, 53 Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich, 48 Dimsdale and Tronchin, the two earliest European advocates of inoculation in small-pox, 108 “Doceo ut discam,” Seneca’s motto, 159 “DothiÉnentÉrite” the name proposed by Bretonneau for typhoid fever, 203 Douglass, James, distinguished Scotch anatomist and surgeon of the 18th century, 35, 132 Douglass, John, younger brother of James, revived the supra-pubic operation for stone in the bladder, 132 Drowning, case of recovery, 29 Dublin lying-in hospital, 255 Duddel, E., an Englishman, was the first to describe the membrane commonly known as “Descemet’s membrane,” 87 Dumas, Charles Louis, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Montpellier, 174 Dupuytren, Guillaume, one of the great surgeons at the HÔtel-Dieu of Paris, 226 - founder of the MusÉe Dupuytren, 229
- (Photograph of the Museum, 260)
- (Portrait 226)
- very successful as a clinical teacher, 228
Duverneys, father and son, 35 E École de MÉdecine, the old, of Paris, has now been transformed into a sort of social hall for the use of all the university students, 259 Écoles de SantÉ, in France, 259 Eli, the High Priest, long life of, 31 Elisha, long life of, 31 Engel, Dr., of Vienna, 62 Enteric fever, one of the first names given to typhoid fever, 202 Esmarch, 49, 50 F Face, articulations of the bones of the, 159 FacultÉ de MÉdecine, the, of Paris, was housed in 1808 in the quarters of the CollÈge de l’AcadÉmie de Chirurgie, 258 Fauchard, Pierre, author of a treatise on the surgery of the mouth, 237 Femur, ununited fracture of, 149 - Dr. Physick’s treatment of, 149195
- on the pathological anatomy of diseases of the chest, 83
- treatise of, on auscultation, 197
- (Portrait 196)
- Langenbeck, von, 48, 49
- Larrey, Baron Jean-dominique, distinguished French military surgeon, and inventor of an improved type of field ambulance, 243, 244
- advocated strongly primary amputations in military surgery, 248
- great resourcefulness of, under difficulties, 247
- highly commended by the Emperor Napoleon, 247
- (Portrait 244)
- showed his high character when the French troops retreated during the Russian campaign, 245
- Lassus, 260
- Latin, barbaric, employed by the Germans in their university lectures at the end of the 18th century, 53
- Laugier, Robert, 65
- Lausanne, in 1765, still recognized the Bernese Government as its overlord, 100
- Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, invented the term “oxygen” and described its full significance, 120, 122.
- (For portrait see Frontispiece.)
- discovered the important fact that all organic bodies are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, 123
- credited with having formulated the chemical theory of respiration, 125
- discovered also that all the acids contain oxygen, 120
- formulates the theory of heat-production in living animals, 124
- Government collector of taxes in the early part of his career, 122
- guillotined on May 8, 1794, 124
- maintains that combustion represents simply the combination of the two elements, carbon and oxygen, 123
- one of the first to cultivate experimental physiology, 168
- proves that the act of respiration in animals is a species of combustion, in the course of which oxygen combines with certain elements of the body to form water and carbonic acid, 123
- proves also that Stahl’s doctrine of animism, as well as the phlogiston theory, is untenable, 123
- Le Clerc, biographer of Dupuytren, 226
- Leclerc du Tremblay, Capucin monk, known as “His Gray Eminence,” 4
- Le Dran, distinguished French surgeon, 36
- Leipzig, battle of, 21
- Lemonnier, Louis Guillaume, a French physician who ardently cultivated the science of botany, 171
- life saved from the violence of the mob in 1782, 173
- Liard, value of the, 6
- “Life, the Art of Prolonging,” title of famous treatise written by Hufeland, 28
- Lithotomia Douglassiana, 133
- Livia, long life of, 30
- Livre, value of the, 8
- Loaning money to the poor at a low rate of interest (Renaudot’s saggestion), 5
- Locher, Maximilian, 68
- Locke, John, the English philosopher, 52
- Longevity, instances of exceptional, 30
- Loudon, Western France, birthplace of Renaudot, 3
- (Views of city and vicinity, 34, 38, 95, 101
- the first to cultivate experimental physiology, 168
- Von Langenbeck, 48, 49
- Von Walther, Philip, 77
- W
- Wakefulness defined by von Haller, 39
- Water, infected, drinking of, mentioned by Galen as the cause of various epidemic fevers, 202
- Wheeler, translator of Hahnemann’s “Organon,” 22
- “White inflammation,” Boerhaave’s, 183
- Williams Memorial Publication Fund, VII
- Winslow, distinguished anatomist, 36
- Woolhouse, the first surgeon to perform the operation of perforating the os unguis, 151
- Wunderlich, Karl August, 54
- Z
- Zimmermann, Johann Georg, 41