I would mention that in the progress of my discoveries, especially in 1838-39, I came into frequent and intimate association with the late Prof. Wm. Byrd Powell, M. D., the most brilliant, and original of all American students of the brain, whose lectures always excited a profound interest in his hearers, and, in comparing notes with him, I found my own original observations well sustained by his. Though erratic in some of his theories, he was a bold student of nature, and the accidental destruction of his manuscript by fire, when too late in his life to repair the loss, was a destruction of much that would have been deeply interesting. Return
I do not publish or circulate this map apart from the explanatory volume (Outlines of Anthropology) for the reason that it is impossible by any nomenclature of organs to convey a correct idea of the functions, and hence, such a map would tend to a great many misconceptions. Return