Joseph R. Buchanan
Archtypal Literature for the future.
Chapter 1. General Plan of Brain, Synopsis of Cerebral Science
Superficial Criticisms, a reply to Miss Phelps
Spiritual Phenomenon, Abram James, Eglinton, Spirit writing
Mind reading Amusement and Temperance
Miscellaneous Intelligence
Pigmies in Africa
A Human Phenomenon
Surviving Superstition
Spiritual test of Death
A Jewish Theological Seminary
National Death Rates
Religious MediÆvalism in America
Buddhism in America
Craniology and Crime
Morphiomania in France
Montana Bachelors
Relief for Children
The Land and the People
Christianity in Japan
The Hell Fire Business
Sam Jones and Boston Theology
The American Psychical Society
Progress of Spiritualism
The Folly of Competition
Insanities of War
The Sinaloa Colony
Medical Despotism
Mind in Nature
Physiological Discoveries in the College of Therapeutics
Business Department, College of Therapeutics