Published from 1849 to 1856 at Cincinnati, is to be re-established at Boston in February, 1887. When published formerly it was in its character and merits entirely unique, and, notwithstanding the progress of thirty-five years, its position is still unique, and in its essential characteristics different from all nineteenth century literature, and not in competition with any other publication. It was needed in 1849, and it is still more needed now. It represents an entirely new school of thought, based upon the establishment of the new science of Anthropology, which is a revelation of the anatomical, physiological, and psychic union of soul, brain, and body, and a complete portrait of man and the laws of his life, from which arise many forms of psychological, ethical, physiological, pathological, and therapeutic science, all of which are eminently practical and philanthropic in their results. One of these applications has been given in the volume entitled, “The New Education,” of which Edward Howland says, “Its results cannot fail of being of even more influence upon the culture and the virtue of society than the introduction of steam into industrial methods has had in the distribution of the products of skilled labor.”* *Rev. B. F. BARRETT, one of the most eminent writers of his church, says: “We are perfectly charmed with your book. I regard it by far as the most valuable work on education ever published. You have herein formulated the very wisdom of heaven on the highest and most momentous of all themes. Your work is destined, in my judgment, to inaugurate a new era in popular education. It contains more and higher wisdom on the subject of which it treats than all the other books ever written on education.” To watch and to assist the progress of humanity has been the pleasure of the editor for half a century, and it will be the task of the “Journal of Man,” as far as practicable, to present a periscope of progress in all that interests the philanthropist. Almost innumerable questions are arising concerning human rights, opinions, and interests, such as, the new education, the new theology, theosophy, occultism, spiritualism, materialism, agnosticism, evolution, paleontology, ethnology, ancient religions, systems of ethics, sociology, political economy, labor and wages, co-operation, socialism, woman’s progress and rights, intemperance and social evils of every grade, modern literature, the philosophy of art and oratory, revolutions in medicine, sanitary and hygienic science, democracy, public men and women, prison reform, the land question, and questions of war or peace, and national policy; upon all of which the “Journal of Man” must necessarily occupy an independent position, and present peculiar views, in the light of the new sciences of which it is the exponent,—views not derived from the past, not in harmony with the orthodox literature of the day, nor tinged by any credulous fanaticism, but resulting from a half century of earnest and scientific search for truth. Another important function for a philanthropic and progressive journal is to assist in the diffusion of liberal literature, and to keep an eye upon the prolific press of to-day, for the benefit of its readers, calling their attention to the meritorious works, which are often neglected, and warning against pretentious folly and sciolism. But it is not supposed that the programme of the Journal can be fully carried out until the completion of certain works now in hand will permit its enlargement. The existence and diffusion of such a science as psychometry—“the dawn of a new civilization,” as it is considered by its adepts and its friends,—is alone an imperative demand for a journal to assist the diffusion and illustration of a science, which no honorable and logical thinker, after accepting its well-established facts, can regard as anything less than the beginning of an intellectual revolution, the magnitude of which is astounding to a conservative mind; for the revolutionary science of the last forty years has been concealed from the conservative majority, by its exclusion from the press and from the college. But the “Journal of Man” has a still wider field, a task in which it may well claim the co-operation of all truly enlightened and philanthropic minds. It was the singular good fortune of the editor, over forty-five years ago, to crown his long investigations of the constitution of man by the discovery and demonstration that all the powers of the soul were exercised by the brain in a multiform subdivision of its structure, every convolution and every group of fibres and cells having a function appreciably distinct from the functions of all neighboring parts, the vast multiformity and intricacy of its structure corresponding to the vast multiformity and intricacy of our psychic nature, which has never yet been thoroughly portrayed by either philosopher or poet. The functions thus discovered are at once both psychic and physiological, for the brain is purely a psychic organ, when its influence is not transmitted to the body; but becomes a physiological organ, and in fact the controlling head and centre of physiological action, when its influence is transmitted, not merely in voluntary motion, but in the unconscious influence which sustains, modifies, or depresses every vital process. These discoveries were not entirely new, for it was the fundamental doctrine of Gall, the founder of the true cerebral anatomy, that the brain consisted of different organs of psychic functions; but in announcing the discovery (published from 1809 to 1819) of twenty-seven distinct organs, he fell far short of the ultimate truth, as a necessary consequence of his imperfect and difficult method of discovery by comparative development. The word phrenology has become so identified with his incomplete discoveries, that it may be laid aside in the present stage of our progress. There is no monotonous repetition of function in nervous structures, and the possibility of subdivision of structure and function is limited only by our own intellectual capacities. Moreover, Dr. Gall did not ascertain the functions of the basilar and internal regions of the brain, which were beyond the reach of his methods, and entirely overlooked the fact that the brain is the commanding centre of physiology, the seat of the external and internal senses, and of organs that control the circulation, the viscera, the secretions, and all their physiological and pathological phenomena, as demonstrated in my experiments, which reveal the entire physiological and the entire psychological life, with the anatomical apparatus of their intimate union. The experiments on intelligent persons, by which these discoveries were made and demonstrated, have been repeated many thousand times. They have been officially presented during many years in medical colleges, and sanctioned by scientific faculties as well as by committees of investigation, none of which have ever made an unfavorable report. They have been tested and demonstrated so often that further repetition appeared needless, since the unquestioned demonstrations produced no result beyond a passive assent; for men’s minds are generally so firmly held in the bondage of habit, fashion, and inherited opinion, as to be incapable of entering freely upon a new realm of intellectual life without pecuniary motive; and investigating committees accomplished little or nothing important, the reason having been, as assigned by a distinguished and learned secretary of a medical committee in Boston, that the subject was too profound, too difficult, and too far beyond the knowledge of the medical profession. In the presence of such unmanly apathy my demonstrations were discontinued, as I found that only a few high-toned and fearless seekers of scientific truth, such as the venerable Prof. Caldwell, President Wylie, Rev. John Pierpont, Robert Dale Owen, Prof. Gatchell, Dr. Forry, and a score or two of similarly independent men and women, have spoken to the public with proper emphasis of the immortality of the discovery and the greatness of the total revolution that it makes in science and philosophy,—a revolution so vast as to require many pages to give its mere outline, and several volumes to give its concise presentation. The subjects of these volumes would necessarily be Cerebral Psychology, Cerebral Physiology, Psychological Ethics or Religion, Pneumatology, Psychic Pathology, Sarcognomy, Psychometry, Education, and Pathognomy. A very concise epitome of the whole subject in 400 pages was published in 1854, as a “System of Anthropology.” “The New Education” was published in 1882. “Therapeutic Sarcognomy”—the application of sarcognomy to medical practice—was published in 1884, and the “Manual of Psychometry” in 1885. The discoveries constituting the new anthropology stand unimpeached to-day, sustained by every complete investigation, and not refuted or contradicted by the innumerable experiments of medical scientists. The labors of Ferrier, Fritsch, Hitzig and Charcot, become a part of the new system, as they lend corroboration; and the annals of pathology furnish numerous corroborative facts. These are not barren, abstract sciences, but bear upon all departments of human life—upon education, medical practice, hygiene, the study of character, the selection of public officers, of partners, friends, and conjugal companions,—upon religion and morals, the administration of justice and government, penal and reformatory law, the exploration of antiquity, the philosophy of art and eloquence, and the cultivation of all sciences except the mathematical. Anthropology must, therefore, become the guide and guardian of humanity, and, as such, will be illustrated by the “Journal of Man.” It will indulge in no rash ultraism or antagonism, but will kindly appreciate truth even when mingled with error. There is, to-day, a vast amount of established science to be respected and preserved, as well as a vast amount of rubbish in metaphysical, theological, sociological, and educational opinions, that requires to be buried in the grave of the obsolete. The greatness of our themes forbids their illustration in a prospectus, which can but promise an unfailing supply of the novel and wonderful, the philanthropic and important, the interesting and useful, presented in that spirit of love and hope which sees that earth may be changed into the likeness of heaven, and that such progress is a part of our world’s remote but inevitable destiny. Let it be remembered that science, philosophy, and religion are false and worthless when they do not contribute to the happiness and elevation of mankind, and that the chief factor in human elevation is that wise adaptation of measures to human nature which is utterly impossible without a thorough understanding of man,—in other words, without the science of anthropology, for the lack of which all national and individual life has been filled with a succession of blunders and calamities. It is especially in the most brilliant portion of anthropology, the science of psychometry, that we shall find access to the reconstructive wisdom which leads to a nobler life in accordance with the laws of heaven, as well as the prosperity and success which come from the fulness of practical science and the perfection of social order. For the truth of these unusual claims the reader is referred to “The Manual of Psychometry,” “The New Education,” “Intelligent Public Opinion” and future publications. The “Journal of Man” will be published at $1.00 per annum, in advance, in monthly numbers of thirty-two pages, beginning in February, 1887. Subscriptions should be sent, not in money, but by postal order, to the editor, Dr. J. R. Buchanan, 6 James Street, Boston. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. Agents wanted. Those who wish to receive the “Journal of Man” should enter their names below as subscribers, and forward to the editor, without delay. Subscribers’ names. No. copies. Post Office Address. |