Agricultural Bureau of the United States, the, 283. Agricultural prospects in South Africa, 267-270. Altenroxel, Mr H. S., 121-124. Angling in South Africa, 55, 182-184. Angoni, the, 15. Army in South Africa, the, 368-385; Assegai River, the, 143. Australia, land legislation in, 276-279; Austro-Hungary, parallel with, 360, 361. Baines, Mr, 8. Bantu races, the. See Kaffir. Barberton, 214, 228, 274, 341, 342. Barnard, Lady Anne, 35. Barolongs, the, 15, 45, 286, 306. Baronga, the, 30 n. Basutoland, 11, 12, 16, 17, 216, 286, 326. Bechuanaland, 11, 12, 15, 286, 326. Belfast, 341. Bell’s Kop, 134. Bent’s ‘Ruined Cities of Mashonaland’ quoted, 8, 10. Bethel, 218. Bezuidenhout, Frederick, 36. Bilad Ghana, discovery of, 21. Birds of South Africa, 54, 178-181. Bleloch, Mr W., quoted, 192. Bloemfontein, 216. Bloemfontein Conference of March 1903, the, 362. Bloemhof, 265, 341, 342. Boschdaal, 108. Brak River, the (Zoutpansberg), 153, 154. Bruderstroom, the, 116. Bruintje Hoogte, 36. Bryce, Mr James, quoted, 271 n., 326 n., 350, 355 n. Buffalo River, the, 5. Byles, Mr, 53. Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, 23. Callaway, Bishop, his works, 14 n. Cam, Diego, his discovery of the Congo, 22. Canada, nature of federation of, 363, 365; Cape Colony, native taxation in, 298; Cape of Good Hope, discovery of, 22. Casalis, M., 14 n. Castrol’s Nek, 144. Cetewayo, 15. Climate, 195. Coal, 193. Compensation, to slave-owners in Cape Colony, 39, 40; Compies River, 141. Congo Free State, 367. Conquered territory, the, 216. Constabulary, the South African, 105, 115, 246, 249, 376. Constitutie of Orange Free State, the, 327-329. Conto, Portuguese writer, quoted, 9. Coster River, the, 107. Cost of gold-mining, 203 n. Cost of living in new colonies, 220, 221. Crocodile Poort, 82, 110-112, 161. Crocodile River, 15. See Limpopo. Crown Colony administration, nature of, 331-334. Customs Union, the South African, 235-241, 355. d’Albuquerque, Affonso, 24. Damaraland, German acquisition of, 366. de Barros, 19. de Buys, Conrad, story of, 36, 37. Decentralisation, colonial, 29; Delarey, General, 88, 102, 138. de Silveira, Gonsalvo, 26. Dias, Diniz, 20. Diaz, Bartolomeo, 22. Dingiswayo, 14. do Espirito Santa, Luiz, 27. Dominicans in East Africa, the, 26, 27. dos Santos, 19. Drakensberg Mountains, the, 43, 113, 144, 173, 177. Durham, Lord, his Report on Canada, 331, 389. Dutch East India Company founded, the, 26. Dutch, the. See Boers. Egypt, 7, 84; Elands River (Lydenburg), 129. Elands River (Rustenburg), 106. Expenditure of Transvaal, the normal, 241. Federation, Imperial, 395, 396. Federation of South Africa, the, 347, 348-367; Forestry in the Transvaal, 194. Fourteen Streams, 215. Franchise in the new colonies, axioms which govern, 338; Francis, Mr, 53. Frere, Sir Bartle, 348. Game laws in Transvaal, 169-171. Glenelg, Lord, his Kaffir policy, 38, 40. Glen Grey Act, the, 298, 299, 307. Gold, how found in Transvaal, 191-194; Gold Law Commission, Report of, 227-231. Greylingstad, 192. Grey, Sir George, 348. Grondwet, the Transvaal, 328, 340. Guaranteed Loan, the, 216, 222, 244-250, 360. Hall and Neal, Messrs, their ‘Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia,’ 10 n. Harrier packs, 181. Harrismith, 214. Havilah, 9. Heidelberg, 192. High Commissionership, functions of, 353. Hillier, Dr A., quoted, 6 n. Himyarites. See SabÆans. History of South Africa, difficulties in way of, 4. Huguenot strain in the Boers, the, 35, 60. Ingwenya Mountains, the, 131. Inhambane, 28. Inter-Colonial Council, the, 246-248, 359-362. Irene, Mr van der Byl’s park at, 57. Iron ore, 193. Jacottet, M., his works on folk-lore, 14 n. Jesuits in East Africa, the, 26, 27. Johannesburg, 311-324; Johnston, Sir Harry, 204. Joubert’s Hoogte, 144. Junod, M., his works on folk-lore, 14 n., 30 n. K Kirk, the Dutch, 42, 328, 389. Korannafontein, 99. Kruger, Paul, 43, 69, 110, 317, 330. Labour party in the Transvaal, the, 319-321. Labour question in the Transvaal, the, 200-214; Lake Banagher, 132. Land settlement in South Africa, 244; Lebombo flats, the, 134. Legislative Councils of Transvaal and Orange River Colony, the, 336, 337. Letaba River, the, 113, 117-124. Letsitela River, the, 113. Lichtenburg, 97, 100, 101, 218, 264. Lichtenstein, his ‘Travels in South Africa,’ 36 n. Linschoten, publication of his works, 26. Livingstone, 8. Louis Trichard, 154. Lydenburg, 37, 43, 121, 129, 186, 216, 274, 341, 342. Macdonald, John, 53. Machadodorp, 129. Machadodorp-Carolina railway, the, 130, 215, 217. Machubi, 124. Mackenzie, John, quoted, 294. Magalakween River, the, 149. Magaliesberg, the, 15, 44, 82, 107-112, 160, 312. Magata’s Nek, 107. Main Reef formation, extent of, 192. Makalanga, the, 10, 11, 12, 24-27. Makasi Spruit, the, 96. Malapoch, 152. Manicaland, 11. Manuza, 27. Marah, 37. Marico, river and district, 15, 45, 106, 177, 274, 342. Maritz, Gerrit, 44. Market, nature of, 219, 261, 266, 267. Mashonaland, 10, 11, 169, 286. Mazimba, the, 11. Mosilikatse, 15, 16, 43-45, 112. Mountaineering in South Africa, 153. Municipal government in Transvaal, 335. Murchison Hills, the, 117. Natal, discovery of, 23; Native Labour Association, the, 202, 213, 351. Natives. See Kaffirs. Nauraghes, the Sardinian, 8, 9. Neolithic age, traces of, 6. Netherlands railway, the, 217. Nomenclature, Dutch, 47, 48, 82. Nyl, the river, 34. Nylstroom, 341. Occupation farms in Transvaal, 255. Ogilby’s ‘Itinerarium AngliÆ’ quoted, 282. Olifant’s Poort, 82. Olifant’s River, 121, 172, 173. Orange River Colony, the, 176; Ovampas, the, 11. PalÆolithic age, traces of, 5. Panda, 16. Parties in the Transvaal, probable division of, 344, 345. Pietersburg, 113, 114, 148, 214, 216, 341. Piet Potgieter’s Rust, 42, 341. Pongola River, the, 129, 141, 144. Portuguese in East Africa, the, 4, 7, 11; Prazos, the Portuguese, 28, 119. Pretoria-Pietersburg railway, the, 217. Pungwe River, the, 169. Railway Extension Conference, the, 216. Railway system in South Africa, the, 214-219, 246; Reitz, Mr F. W., his songs, 69. Repatriation, 94, 95, 109, 136, 138, 139, 149, 244. Revenue of Transvaal, the, 224-241; Rhodes, Mr C. J., his native policy, 307; Rhodesia, 7, 8-10, 161, 173, 210, 215, 326, 379. Rooijantjesfontein, 100. Rooi Rand, the, 118. Rustenburg, 82, 107-110, 171, 216, 274. Sabi game preserve, 171. Sabi River, the, 9. Sand River, the (Zoutpansberg), 114, 216. Sardinha, Manoel, 27. Schoon Spruit, the, 93. Scriptural parallels, the Boer sense of, 34. Selati railway, the, 120. Selons River, the, 107. Selous, Mr, quoted, 10, 50, 52, 53, 168. Slaangaapies mountains, the, 132, 141-143. Slachter’s Nek, story of, 36, 41. Slave question in Cape Colony, the, 38-40. Smith, Sir Harry, 41. Somerset, Lord Charles, 38. Springbok Flats, 171, 264, 265 n. Springs-Ermelo railway, the, 215. Squatters’ law, the, 304, 305. Stock diseases, 262; Swaziland, 129, 132-135, 177, 215, 286, 326. Tarshish, 9. Taxation in Transvaal, 225, 226; Tete, 28. Thaba Bosigo, 16. Thaba ’Nchu, 43. Theal, Dr, his work, 14 n. Transvaal, estimated population of, 342. Trout Acclimatisation Society of the Transvaal, 184. Trusts, possibility of, in South Africa, 197-199. Umpilusi River, the, 132, 134. Usutu River, the, 183. Van Riebeck, Jan, 210 n. Van Rooyen, Mr, 54. Veld, nature of, 80; Vergunnings, 230. Volksraad, the, of the Orange Free State, 328; Volunteer forces in South Africa, the, 379, 380 n. Voortrekkers, the. See Trek, the Great. War debt, the, 222, 244-250, 318. Waterberg, 171, 218, 264, 342. Willcocks, Sir W., his Report on Irrigation, 263. Wilmot, Mr A., his ‘Monomotapa,’ 10 n., 28 n. Winburg, 44. Wood Bush, the, 113-128, 149, 186, 228. Zambesi River, the, 7, 10, 147, 168, 172, 177, 296, 350, 367. THE END. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. The following changes were made to the original text: Page 23,"Muslin" changed to "Muslim" (with Muslim pilgrims) Page 280, "other" changed to "another" (for another two) Page 376, £ restored to Footnote 39 (£270,000) All other inconsistencies in spellings and hyphenations were retained as printed in the original text. |