The superstition with which the tale is interwoven— "Of fairy elves by moonlight shadows seen, The silver token, and the circled green"— has, for unknown ages, and in all countries, been an article of the popular creed. It is impossible to trace the origin of the belief. Some imagine it has been conveyed to us by the tradition of the LamiÆ, who took away young children to slay them, and that this, mixed up with the tales of Fauns and Gods of the woods, originated the notion of Fairies. Others, that the belief was imported into Europe by the Crusaders from the East, as Fairies somewhat resemble the Oriental Genii. It is certainly true that the Arabs and Persians, whose religion and history abound with similar tales, have assigned the Genii a peculiar country. Again, Homer is supposed to have been among authors the originator of the idea, as, in his third Iliad, he compares the Trojans to cranes when they descend to fight against pigmies or fairies. Pliny, Aristotle, and others give countenance to the belief in a race of fairies; Herodotus described a nation of dwarfs living on the head waters of the Nile; Strabo thought that certain men of Ethiopia were the original dwarfs; while Pomponius Mela placed them far south. But nobody believed these stories, which were taken to be either poetical licences or chapters in romance. It is, however, strange that a race called Obongos, about thirty-six inches high, are mentioned as existing near the Ashango country by Paul de Chaillu (the discoverer of the gorilla), in his late work "From the Country of the Dwarfs." Whatever conjecture may be adopted, it is certain our Saxon ancestors, long ere they left their German forests, believed in the existence of a kind of diminutive demons, or middle species between men and spirits, to whom they attributed performances far exceeding human art. Although we are now a great literary people, yet, in this description of legendary lore, we are far behind the Germans; for this is a peculiar style of writing not exactly fitted for English cultivation, but in which the Germans seem to possess the faculty of invention and contrivance, together with originality of conception and power of execution, in such an eminent degree as to leave the legendary writers of our own and other countries at an immeasurable distance. In fact, we may search the whole range of English, French, Spanish, and Italian literature, and there will not be found one author "who dips so deep into the dark profound," or one who is possessed of that magic wand that can give the same vitality to the beings of a shadowy world as the Germans, or one who, can conjure up before the mind's eye, in such enchanting colours, the magical representations of beings and forms of no mark or likelihood, and with whose names even we were previously totally unacquainted. The Fairies of our own land were, on the whole, a genial, frolicsome, happy race—occasionally given to mischievous tricks—benefiting those who were kindly disposed to them and paid them due honour, but revengeful and doing harm to those who were differently inclined. They were a kind of intermediate beings, partaking of the nature of both men and spirits: they had material bodies and the power of making them invisible, and of passing through any opening. They were generally, in their natural state, small in stature, of fair complexion—hence their name in England; while, for their kind dispositions, in Scotland they were called "the good people." Says Dr Rogers, in his work "Scotland Social and Domestic," in which will be found much of interest regarding "Folk Lore":—"The forms of the Scottish fairies were beautiful. The female was a being of seraphic loveliness: ringlets of yellow hair descended upon her shoulders, and were bound upon her brow with gems of gold. She wore a mantle of green silk, inlaid with eider-down, and zoned round her waist with garlands of wild flowers. The male fairy was clad in green trows and a flowing tunic. His feet were protected with sandals of silver, from his left arm hung a golden bow, and a quiver of adder-skin was suspended on his left side. His arrows were tipped in flame. The fairies feasted luxuriously. The richest viands adorned their boards. They frequented human banquets, and conveyed a portion of the richest dishes into their palaces. They were present at funerals, and extracted the liquor and meats which were presented to the company. Some Highlanders refused to eat or drink at funeral assemblages in apprehension of elfin interference. Their habits were joyous. They constructed harps and pipes which emitted delicious sounds. They held musical processions and conducted concerts in remote glens and on unfrequented heaths. In their processions, they rode on horses fleeter than the wind. Their coursers were decked with gorgeous trappings: from their manes were suspended silver bells which rang with the zephyr, and produced music of enchanting harmony. The feet of their steeds fell so gently that they dashed not the dew from the ring-cup, nor bent the stalk of the wild rose." Their haunts on the surface of the earth were groves, mountains, wooded dells, by springs, the southern sides of hills, and verdant meadows, where their diversions were dancing in circles, hand in hand. The traces left by their tiny feet were supposed to remain visible on the grass, and were called fairy rings, but are now discovered to be the production of an agaric or mushroom. Science, alas! sadly interferes with these fanciful old legends, but not always without leaving some doubtful explanation of her own. The unfortunate wight who turned up a fairy ring with the ploughshare became the victim of a wasting sickness— "He wha tills the fairy green Nae luck again sall hae, And he wha spoils the fairy ring Betide him want and wae, For weirdless days and weary nichts Are his till his deeing day." The protector of the fairy ring was proportionally recompensed— "He wha gaes by the fairy ring Nae dule or pains sall dree, And he wha cleans the fairy ring An easy death sall dee." The kingdom of Fairyland was supposed to be peculiarly beautiful, somewhere in the interior of the earth. The Ettrick Shepherd's description of this fair land is, perhaps, unequalled in Scottish poetry. It occurs in his ballad of "Bonny Kilmeny," embodying the tradition of the removal, to Fairyland, of the daughter of a labourer at Traquair, and her restoration to earth a few weeks after:— "Kilmeny had been where the cock never crew, Where the rain never fell, and the wind never blew; But it seemed as the harp of the sky had rung, And the airs of heaven played round her tongue, When she spake of the lovely forms she had seen, And a land where sin had never been; A land of love, and a land of light, Withouten sun, or moon, or night; Where the river swa'd a living stream, And the light a pure celestial beam: The land of vision it would seem, A still, an everlasting dream. * * * * * * * They lifted Kilmeny, they led her away, And she walked in the light of a sunless day: The sky was a dome of crystal bright, The fountain of vision, and fountain of light: The emerald fields were of dazzling glow, And the flowers of everlasting blow. Then deep in the stream her body they laid, That her youth and beauty never might fade; And they smiled on heaven, when they saw her lie In the stream of life that wandered bye. * * * * * * * She saw a sun on a summer sky, And clouds of amber sailing bye; A lovely land beneath her lay, And that land had glens and mountains gray; And that land had valleys and hoary piles, And marled seas and a thousand isles; Its fields were speckled, its forests green, And its lakes were all of the dazzling sheen, Like magic mirrors, where slumbering lay The sun and the sky and the cloudlet gray; Which heaved and trembled, and gently swung, On every shore they seemed to be hung." Scottish fairies had a king and queen and royal court, which, in pomp and pageantry, far exceeded that of any earthly monarch. In Poole's "Parnassus," the principal persons are named Oberon, the emperor; Mab, the empress; Perriwiggin, Periwincle, Puck, Hobgoblin, Tomalin, Tom Thumb, courtiers; Hop, Mop, Drop, Pip, Drip, Skip, Tub, Tib, Tick, Pink, Pin, Quick, Gill, Jim, Tit, Wap, Win, Nit, the maids of honour; Nymphidia, the mother of the maids. At one time, the Queen seems to have chosen Thomas of Ercildoune—better known as The Rhymer—with whom to share her royalty. Whether from infidelity to her royal spouse, or from his having fallen into temporary disgrace, tradition sayeth not, but her offer is celebrated in ballad lore— "An' I will gie to thee, luve Thomas, My han', but an' my crown; An' thou shalt reign o'er Fairylan' In joy, an' gret renown. "An' I will gie to thee, luve Thomas, To live for evermair; Thine arm sall never feckless grow, Nor hoary wax thy hair. "Nae clamorous grief we ever thole, Nae wastin' pine we dree; An endless life's afore thee placed O' constant luve an' lee." But, after seven years' residence, he was suddenly dismissed by her majesty, his mistress, and for a very sufficient reason, as told also in ballad lore— "'Busk thee, Thomas, for thou must be gane, For here no longer may'st thou be; Hie thee fast, with might and main; I shall thee bring to the Eildon tree.' "Thomas answered with heavy cheer, 'Lovely ladye, thou lat me be; For certainly I have been here Nought but the space of dayes three!' "'For sooth, Thomas, as I thee tell, Thou hast been here seven year and more; But longer here thou may not dwell, The skyl I will thee tell wherefore. "'To-morrow, of hell the foul fiend Among these folks shall choose his fee; Thou art a fair man and a hend, I trow full well he wil choose thee! "'For all the gold that ever might be, Frae heaven unto the worldes end, Thou be'st never betray'd by me; Therefore with me I rede thee wend.' "She brought him again to the Eildon tree, Underneath the greenwood spray; In Huntly banks was fayr to be, Where birds do sing both night and day." Having thus restored The Rhymer to earth, he was permitted to remain for a time, to enlighten and astonish his countrymen by deeds resulting from the knowledge, and by his marvellous prophetic powers, acquired during his seven years' residence in the Fairyland; still, however, bound to return to his royal mistress when she should intimate her pleasure. Accordingly, while Thomas was making merry with his friends in the Tower of Ercildoune, a person came running in, and told, with marks of fear and astonishment, that a hart and hind had left the neighbouring forest, and were, composedly and slowly, parading the street of the village. This being the signal agreed upon for his recall to Elfinland, the prophet instantly arose, left his habitation, and followed the wonderful animals to the forest, whence he was never seen to return. According to the popular belief, he still "drees his weird" in Fairyland, and is one day expected to revisit the earth. The village of Ercildoune is situated on the Leader, two miles above its junction with the Tweed, and the ruins of an ancient tower are still pointed out as The Rhymer's castle. The Eildon tree, from under which he delivered his prophecies, no longer exists; but the spot is marked by a large stone, called Eildon Tree Stone; and a neighbouring rivulet takes the name of the Bogle Burn, from being the spot where The Rhymer's visitants met him. Hunting was a favourite sport at the Fairy court. They rode to the hunt in three bands. The first was mounted on brown horses; the second rode on grey; while the third, consisting of the king, queen, and chief nobles, sat on white steeds. One member of the court rode on a black charger: this was Kilmaulie, prime councillor of Fairyland. Altogether, they seem to have led a jolly life there, the principal drawback being the liability to pay, every seventh year, one of their number as a tribute or Kain to hell. This is described in the ballad of "Tamlane," who, while he relates the delights of his home in Fairyland, and even, somewhat selfishly, values them higher than the affection of his true love, fair Janet, does not relish the possible finale in his being made the Kain to hell:— "But we, that live in Fairyland, No sickness know, nor pain; I quit my body when I will, And take to it again. "I quit my body when I please, Or unto it repair; We can inhabit, at our ease, In either earth or air. "Our shapes and size we can convert To either large or small; An old nut-shell's the same to us As is the lofty hall. "We sleep in rose-buds soft and sweet, We revel in the stream, We wanton lightly on the wind, Or glide on a sunbeam. "And all our wants are well supplied From every rich man's store, Who thankless sins the gifts he gets, And vainly grasps for more. "And it is sic a bonnie place, And I like it sae well, That I wou'd never tire, Janet, In Elfish land to dwell. "But aye, at ilka seven years, They pay the teind to hell; And I'm sae fat and fair of flesh, I fear 'twill be mysel'!" And so the brave Janet, actuated by that greatest of all feelings—a true woman's love—took her lover from the procession on Hallow-e'en, by "pulling him down" from the "milk-white steed" on which he rode, and holding him fast in spite of all the "horrible and awfu'" changes he underwent in her hands, discovering, when he returns to his true likeness, that he is her old boyish love, son of Randolph, Earl of Murray, whom the fairies had, years before, stolen away. There were, as in all communities, a good and a bad section, known as the "seelie" and the "unseelie court." The seelie court were kind, courteous, and charitable to the aged, the poor, and the afflicted, to whom they gave gifts suited to their necessities, as in the rhyme— "Meddle and mell Wi' the fiends o' hell, And a weirdless wicht ye'll be; But tak' and len' Wi' the fairy men, Ye'll thrive until ye dee." The unseelie court, on the other hand, from those who offended them, stole their goods and killed their cattle by elf-shot, occasionally found on the moors or turned up in the fields now-a-days, but which science ruthlessly asserts to be the arrow-heads of our prehistoric ancestors. They entertained a particular dislike against those who wore clothing of a green colour. To this cause the Highlanders ascribed the death of Viscount Dundee at Killiecrankie. But their most wicked prank of all was the carrying away of handsome unbaptized children from the side of the lying-in mother, substituting their own loathsome and sickly progeny in their stead. To prevent this misfortune, it was customary in the Highlands to perform the Dessil—that is, carrying fire in the right hand, and in the direction from right to left, morning and evening, round the house in which lay the mother and child, until the baptism and churching had taken place. "This was," says Martin, in his "History of the West Highlands," "considered an effectual means to preserve both the mother and infant from the power of evil spirits, who are ready at such times to do mischief, and sometimes carry away the infants and return poor, meagre skeletons; and these infants have voracious appetites. In this case, it was usual for those who believed that their children were thus taken away to dig a grave in the fields on quarter-day, and there to lay the fairy skeleton till next morning, at which time the parents went to the place, where they doubted not to find their own child instead of the skeleton." They had also, in other localities, recourse to the barbarous charm of burning, with a live coal, the toes of the suffering infant, the supposed changeling. They were not content with abstracting handsome children—beautiful maidens and wives sometimes disappeared, and, of course, the fairies were the abductors. The Miller of Menstrie, "Oh! Alva woods are bonnie, Tillicoultry hills are fair; But, when I think o' the bonnie braes o' Menstrie, It mak's my heart aye sair." After many attempts to procure her restoration, the Miller chanced one day, in riddling some stuff at the mill door, to use a posture of enchantment, when the spell was dissolved and the matron fell into his arms. The wife of the Blacksmith of Tullibody was carried up the chimney, the fairies, as they bore her off, singing— "Deidle linkum doddie; We've gotten drucken Davie's wife, The Smith o' Tullibody." Those snatched to Fairyland might be recovered within a year and a day, but the spell for the recovery was only potent when the fairies made, on Hallow-eve, their annual procession. Sir Walter Scott relates the following:—"The wife of a Lothian farmer had been snatched by the fairies. During the year of probation, she had repeatedly appeared on Sundays in the midst of her children, combing their hair. On one of these occasions she was accosted by her husband, when she instructed him how to rescue her at the next Hallow-eve procession. The farmer conned his lesson carefully, and, on the appointed day, proceeded to a plot of furze to await the arrival of the procession. It came, but the ringing of the fairy bridles so confused him that the train passed ere he could sufficiently recover himself to use the intended spell. The unearthly laughter of the abductors, and the passionate lamentations of his wife, informed him she was lost to him for ever." A woman who had been conveyed to Fairyland was warned, by one she had formerly known as a mortal, to avoid eating or drinking with her new friends for a certain period. She obeyed; and, when the time expired, she found herself on earth, restored to the society of mankind. A matron was carried to Fairyland to nurse her new-born child, which had previously been abducted. She had not been long in her enchanted dwelling when she furtively anointed an eye with the contents of a boiling cauldron. She now discovered that what had previously seemed a gorgeous palace was, in reality, a gloomy cavern. She was dismissed; but one of the wicked wights, when she demanded her child, spat in her eye and extinguished its light for ever. About the middle of last century, a clergyman at Kirkmichael, Perthshire, whose faith was more regulated by the scepticism of philosophy than the credulity of superstition, would not be prevailed upon to yield his assent to the opinion of the times. At length, however, he felt, from experience, that he doubted what he ought to have believed. One night, as he was returning home, at a late hour, from a meeting of presbytery, and the customary dinner which followed, he was seized by the fairies and carried aloft into the air. Through fields of ether and fleecy clouds he journeyed many a mile, descrying, like Sancho Panza on his clavileno, the earth far distant below him, and no bigger than a nut-shell. Being thus sufficiently convinced of the reality of their existence, they let him down at the door of his own house, where he afterwards often recited, to the wondering circle, the marvellous tale of his adventure. Some people will believe that spirits of a different sort had a little to do with the worthy minister's conviction, and that his "ain gude grey mare" had more to do with bringing him to his own door than the fairies. Toshack, the last chief of clan Mackintosh, occupied a castle or keep on the margin of the river Turret, in Perthshire. He held nocturnal interviews with a fairy whom he had brought with him from abroad. The mode of his reaching the place of meeting, and the nature of his companion, were long a mystery. His wife, at length, became jealous of the frequent departures of her lord; and, being unable to discover whither he proceeded, resorted to the scheme of attaching a piece of worsted to his button. Thus guided, she followed him down a subterraneous passage under the bed of the river, where, after various windings, she discovered him in conversation with a beautiful lady. The discovery so enraged the matron that she insisted on the immediate destruction of the stranger, who fled, and the sun of Toshack set to rise no more. With all the passions and wants of human beings, fairies are represented as great lovers of cleanliness and propriety, for the observance of which they were said frequently to reward good servants by dropping money into their shoes; and, on the other hand, punishing the sluts and slovenly by pinching them black and blue— "There is Mab, the mistress fairy, That doth nightly rob the dairy, And can help or hurt the churning As she please, without discerning; She that pinches country wenches If they rub not clean their benches, And with sharper nails remembers When they rake not up their embers; But if so they chance to feast her, In their shoe she drops a tester; This is she that empties cradles, Takes out children, puts in ladles, Trains forth midwives in their slumber, With a sieve the holes to number, And then leads them from their boroughs Thorough ponds and water furrows." They took particular fancies to certain people and families. Sometimes their favour was obtained by compulsion, as in the case of Musgrave of Edenhall, near Penrith, in Cumberland. The legend is, that the butler of the family, having gone one night to draw water at the well of St Cuthbert, a copious spring in the garden of the mansion of Edenhall, surprised a group of fairies disporting themselves beside the well, at the margin of which stood a drinking glass. He seized hold of it, when the elves took to flight, kindly informing him, however, as they went, that "If this glass do break or fall, Farewell the luck of Edenhall." It is still in existence, but had at one time nearly been destroyed by the wild and hair-brained Duke of Wharton, who let it drop from his hands. The luck of Edenhall was, however, preserved by the presence of mind of the butler, who, standing by, caught it in a napkin. Lloyd, a boon companion of the Duke, wrote a burlesque poem on it, as a parody of "Chevy Chase," beginning "God prosper long from being broke The luck of Edenhall;" and Uhland, the German poet, has a ballad, "Das GlÜck von Edenhall," on the same legend. The glass is of a peculiar shape, very thin, and painted outside with various devices, including the letters "I.H.S." (Iesus Hominum Salvator). Most probably, it had originally been a chalice used in the chapel dedicated to St Cuthbert, which stood in the neighbourhood of Edenhall. Another description of fairy was the brownie—so called from their complexion—a sort of domestic elf, who was extremely useful and performed all sorts of domestic drudgery, and was repaid by meat, a bowl of milk, or wort, but who, if offered clothes, departed in sorrow and great distress, returning no more. At one time, every family of substance had their brownie. Milton, in his "L'Allegro," describes the brownie, and "Tells how the drudging goblin swet To earn his cream-bowl duly set; When in one night, ere glimpse of morn, His shadowy flale hath threshed the corn That ten day-lab'rers could not end; Then lies him down, the lubbar fiend, And stretched out all the chimney's length, Basks at the fire his hairy strength, And crop-full out of doors he flings, Ere the first cock his matin rings." Notwithstanding the progressive increase of knowledge, and proportional decay of superstition in the Highlands, these genii are still supposed by many of the people to exist in the woods and sequestered valleys of the mountains, where they frequently appear to the lonely traveller, clothed in green, with dishevelled hair floating over their shoulders, and with faces more blooming than the vermeil blush of a summer evening. At night, in particular, when fancy assimilates to its own preconceived ideas every appearance and every sound, the wandering enthusiast is frequently entertained by their music, more melodious than he ever heard. It is curious to observe how much this agreeable delusion corresponds with the superstitious opinion of the Romans concerning the same class of genii represented under different names. Lucretius, an acute philosopher, brilliant poet, and most accomplished disciple of Zeno, after describing the predisposing causes of echoes, sums up their effects on uncultivated minds in the following beautiful lines:— "Sex etiam, aut septem loca vidi reddere voces. Unam cÙm jaceres: ita colles collibus ipsis Verba repulsantes iterabant dicta referre. HÆc loca capripedes Satyros, Nymphasque tenere Finitimi fingunt, et Faunos esse loquuntur: Quorum noctivago strepitu, ludoque jocanti Adfirmant volgo taciturna silentia rumpi, Chordarumque sonos fieri, dulceisque querelas, Tibia quas fundit, digitis pulsata canentum: Et genus agricolÛm latÈ sentiscere, cÙm Pan Pinea semiferi capitis velamina quassans, Unco sÆpÈ labro calamos percurrit hianteis, Fistula sylvestrem ne cesset fundere Musam. CÆtera de genere hoc monstra, ac portenta loquuntur, Ne loca deserta ab Divis quoque fortÈ putentur Sola tenere: idÈo jactant miracula dictis: Aut aliqu ratione ali dicuntur, ut omne Humanum genus est avidum nimis auricularum." For the sake of those readers to whom Latin is an unknown tongue, we add the following translation by Thomas Creech:— "I myself have known Some Rocks and Hills return six words for one: The dancing words from Hill to Hill rebound, They all receive and all restore the sound. The Vulgar and the Neighbours think, and tell, That there the Nymphs and Fauns and Satyrs dwell; And that their wanton sport, their loud delight Breaks thro' the quiet silence of the Night; There Music's softest Ayrs fill all the Plains, And mighty Pan delights the list'ning Swains. The Goat-faced Pan, whilst Flocks securely feed, With long-hung lip he blows his Oaten Reed; The horn'd, the half-beast God, when brisk and gay, With Pine-leaves crown'd, provokes the Swains to play. Ten thousand such Romants the Vulgar tell, Perhaps lest men should think the Gods will dwell In Towns alone, and scorn their Plains, and Cell: Or somewhat; for Man, credulous and vain, Delights to hear strange things—delights to feign." Sir John Sinclair's "Statistical Account of Scotland, 1792," says:—"About eight miles to the eastward of Cailleachbear, a conical hill rises considerably above the neighbouring hills. It is called Siensluai, the fairy habitation of a multitude." He adds, in a note:—"A belief in fairies prevailed very much in the Highlands of old, nor at this day is it quite obliterated. The small, conical hill Siensluai was assigned them for a dwelling, from which melodious music was frequently heard, and gleams of light seen on dark nights." In the account of the parish of Kirkmichael, we read: "Not more firmly established in this country is the belief in ghosts than that in fairies. The legendary records of fancy, transmitted from age to age, have assigned their mansions to that class of genii in detached hillocks, covered with verdure, situated on the banks of purling brooks, or surrounded by thickets of wood. They derive this name from the practice of the Druids, who were wont occasionally to retire to green eminences to administer justice, establish peace, and compose differences between contending parties. As that venerable order taught a saogh hal, or world beyond the present, their followers, when they were no more, fondly imagined that seats, where they exercised a virtue so beneficial to mankind, were still inhabited by them in their disembodied state. In the autumnal season, when the moon shines from a serene sky, often is the wayfaring traveller arrested by the music of the hills, more melodious than the strains of Orpheus. Often struck with a more solemn scene, he beholds the visionary hunters engaged in the chase and pursuing the din of the clouds, while the hollow rocks, in long-sounding echoes, reverberate their cries. There are several now living who assert that they have been suddenly surrounded by visionary forms, have seen and heard their aerial hunting, and been assailed by a multitude of voices." But it would be impossible, without very largely extending our limits, to give other than a meagre sketch of this interesting portion of folk lore. All our ancient poets and writers of fancy, Scotish and English, dealt largely with the subject, and quarried from this exhaustless mine. "Spenser was contented with the fairies of romance, but Shakespeare founded his elfin world on the frothiest of the people's traditions, and has clothed it in the ever-living flowers of his own exuberant fancy. How much is the invention of the great poet we shall probably never be informed, and his successors have not rendered the subject more clear by adopting the graceful world he has created, as though it had been interwoven with the popular mythology and formed a part of it." With the spread of education and increase of knowledge, the superstitious belief in fairies has almost died out, except in some very few localities and among very uneducated people. When the writer was a very young boy, he was acquainted with an old couple who related to him their having jointly and severally seen the "good people" in troops enter, in procession, the Castlehill of Inverugie; and the husband, a worthy, honest man, with the strongest declarations of verity, described his having spent part of a summer eve lying, with his ear on the turf, listening to the delighful music which was executed by the fairy minstrels within the mount. That such things have been is still believed by many, and there are still those who assert that their appearance and mischievous exploits have ceased, or, at least, become less frequent, since the light of the Gospel was diffused in its purity, or that they have fled before the minister and the schoolmaster.