
264. A Medicine to cure Warts.

Take the Leaves of Campanula, bruise them, and rub them upon the warts. Repeat this operation three or four times, if they prove obstinate; and they will afterwards soon waste away without leaving the least mark behind. This plant perhaps is not to be met with every where, but Botanists have described it by the following marks. Its leaves, say they, resemble those of the Blue Bell Flower, or Ivy, are stringy, composed of five lobes, without down, are small at the end, and have a loose flabby stalk.

265. Another.

Take the inner Rind of a Lemon, steep it four and twenty hours in distilled Vinegar, and apply it to the warts. It must not be left on the part above three hours at a time, and is to be applied afresh every day.

266. Or,

Divide a Red Onion, and rub the warts well with it.

267. Or,

Anoint the warts with the milky Juice of the herb Mercury several times, and they will gradually waste away.

268. Another safe and experienced Method.

Rub the warts with a pared Pippin, and a few days afterwards they will be found to disappear.



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