
147. A safe and approved Cosmetic.

Take equal parts of Gum Benjamin, and Storax, and dissolve them in a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine. The spirit will then become a reddish Tincture, and exhale a very fragrant smell. Some people add a little Balm of Gilead. Drop a few Drops into a glass of clear Water, and the Water, by stirring, will instantly become milky. Ladies use it successfully to clear the complexion, for which purpose nothing is better, or indeed so innocent and safe.

148. Another, very easily made.

Beat a quantity of Houseleek in a marble mortar, squeeze out the Juice and clarify it. When you want to use it, pour a few drops of rectified Spirit on the Juice, and it will instantly turn milky. It is a very efficacious remedy for a pimpled face, and preserves the skin soft and smooth.

149. Another.

Take a half-gallon bottle, pour into it a quart of Spirit of Wine, and a pint of clear Brandy; then add a quarter of a pound of the finest Gum Benjamin, two ounces of Storax, half an ounce of Cinnamon, two drachms of Cloves, and a Nutmeg, all bruised, and four drops of Quintessence of Egyptian Ketmia. Carefully cork the bottle, and expose it to the sun a month; but take it within doors in rainy weather. At the month's end, gently draw off the clear Tincture; and you will have a fragrant Milk, which is used by pouring a few drops on a wet napkin.

150. A Liniment to destroy Vermin.

Take an ounce of Vinegar, the same quantity of Stavesacre, half an ounce of Honey, and half an ounce of Sulphur; mix into the consistence of a soft liniment, with two ounces of Sallad Oil.


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