Take a quarter of a pint of Oil of Sweet Almonds, fresh drawn; two ounces of Oil of Tartar per Deliquium; and four drops of Oil of Rhodium: mix the whole together, and make use of it to cleanse and soften the skin. Take a pint of Cream, infuse in it a few Water Lilies, Bean Flowers, and This Oil is extracted by an Iron Press, in the same manner as Oil of Almonds. It is excellent for Chaps in either the lips or hands, tetterous eruptions, and rigidity of the skin. Take five pints of the best French Brandy, and the same quantity of White-Wine; three quarters of a pound of bruised Fennel Seeds, and half an ounce of Liquorice Root sliced and bruised. Put the whole into an alembic, close the mouth with Parchment, and set it in a hot Bruise a little the Tuberoses or Jasmine Flowers in a marble mortar with a wooden pestle; put them into a proper vessel, with a sufficient quantity of Oil of Olives, and let them stand in the sun in a close stopped vessel twelve or fifteen days to infuse; at the expiration of which time, squeeze the Oil from the Flowers. Let the Oil stand in the sun to settle, then pour it clear off the dregs. This Oil is very fragrant, and well impregnated with the Essential Oil of these Flowers. Infuse a fresh parcel of Sallad Oil, Oil of Sweet Almonds, and Oil of Nuts, are the only ones used for scenting the hair. Blanch your Almonds in Hot Water, and when dry, reduce them to powder; sift them through a fine sieve, strewing a thin layer of Almond-powder, and one of Flowers, over the bottom of the Box lined with Tin. When the box is full, leave them in this situation about twelve hours; then throw away the Flowers, and add fresh ones in the same manner as before, repeating the operation every day for eight successive days. When the Almond-powder is thoroughly impregnated with the scent of the Flower made choice of, put it into a new clean Linen Cloth, and with an Iron Press extract the Oil, which will be strongly scented with the fragrant perfume of the Flower. |