
162. A certain Remedy for Whitlows; a Disorder that frequently affects the Fingers.

Take Pellitory of the Wall, cut as small as possible, and mix it with a proportionable Quantity of Hog's Lard; wrap it up in several papers, one over the other, and place it in warm ashes, which though not hot enough to burn the paper, yet retain sufficient heat to roast the Pellitory of the Wall, and incorporate it thoroughly with the Lard. Then spread this Liniment on a piece of brown paper, wrap it round the Whitlow, and apply a fresh dressing, at least twice a day. That it may give the speedier relief, spread the ointment thick.

163. Another.

Take Vine Ashes, with which make a strong Lee; and in this, warmed, let the finger soak a good while. To keep up an equal degree of warmth, every minute pour into the vessel a little more hot lees. Repeat this operation two or three times, and you will speedily find the good effect of it.


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