
In addition to the titles in the following brief list the reader will find many references to official papers, and other important and useful works, in the author's Virginia's Mother Church, volumes one and two. A great many of the statements herein made are based upon these two volumes.

Anderson, James S. M. A History of the Colonial Church. London: 1843. 3 vols.

Andrews, Matthew Page. The Soul of a Nation, The Founding of Virginia and the Projection of New England. New York: Doubleday, 1943.

Brydon, George MacLaren. Virginia's Mother Church and the Political Conditions Under Which It Grew. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Historical Society, 1947. Vol. I, 1607-1727; Vol. II, 1725-1814.

Fiske, John. Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. 2 vols.

Goodwin, Edward L. The Colonial Church in Virginia. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Morehouse Publishing Company, 1927.
With appendix giving list of Anglican clergymen who served in Virginia in the Colonial period.

Hening, W. W. Statutes of Virginia, 1619-1792. 13 vols.

Mason, George C. Colonial Churches of Tidewater, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia: Whittet and Shepperson, 1945.

Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers, and Families in Virginia. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1857. 2 vols.
This is the old standard work upon this subject, and is still of great value, but must be used with the understanding that records and other original sources made available since his day disprove many of his statements about local conditions. This is especially true regarding his statements concerning the unworthiness of the colonial clergy. His expressed conviction that most of them were unworthy morally has been entirely disproved by the evidence of records now available.

Perry, W. S. History of the American Episcopal Church. Boston and New York: Osgood, 1899. 2 vols.

Historical Collections Relating to America's Colonial Church. Virginia: Privately printed, 1870.

Swem, E. G. Virginia Historical Index. Roanoke, Virginia: Stone Printing Co., 1934-36. 2 vols.


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