- "À la claire fontaine," 306.
- Albemarle, Duke of, 9.
- "Alouette," 312.
- Alliance, The Grand, 56.
- Allumette, 307.
- American Fur Company, 329.
- Anderson, A. C., 414.
- Arlington, Earl of, 9.
- Astor, John Jacob, 192.
- Astoria founded, 196.
- Assiniboia, Council of, 354.
- Assiniboine Indians, 87. 432.
- " Wool Company, 351.
- Athabasca, First Traders of, 97.
- " Lake and River, 383.
- Back, Sir George, 317.
- Beaver Club, 190.
- Beaver, Ship, 200.
- Beaulieu, FranÇois, 127.
- Beltrami, J. C. (Explorer), 330.
- " Work of, 331.
- Black, Rev. John, Pioneer, 423.
- " Judge, 442.
- " Samuel, Trader, 402.
- Blackfeet Indians, 432.
- Blanshard, Governor, 414.
- Bois-brÛlÉs turbulence, 219.
- Boothia Felix, Discovery of, 315.
- Boulton, Major, 467.
- Bourbon, Fort, 50, 52.
- Bourdon, Jean, 49.
- Bourke, Father, 417.
- Brandon House, 112.
- Brymner, Douglas, Archivist, 86.
- Buffalo Wool Company, 350.
- " hunting, 365.
- Bulger, Governor, 348.
- Butler, Capt. W. F., 343.
- Button, Sir Thomas, 48.
- Cadieux's lament, 308.
- Cadot, J. Baptiste, 91.
- Caldwell, Major, 440.
- California, Ship, 67.
- Calumet, 307.
- Campbell, Robert, 393. et seq.
- Cameron, Duncan, 181-184, 219, 262.
- " Murdoch, Fur Trader, 326.
- Canada Company, 2.
- Canadian Boat Song, 305.
- Canoe voyage by Gov. Simpson, 273-275.
- Cart and cayuse, " " Jr., 169-173.
- Hills, Bishop, 426.
- Hind, H. Y., explorer, 340.
- Hudson, Henry, 48.
- Hudson Bay, Early Governors on, 22.
- Hudson Bay, Early Forts, 108.
- " " Bleak shore of, 373.
- " " House, 20.
- " " Co. Ships, 20.
- " " " Claims of, 54.
- " " " Stores, 470.
- Hunt, William, Astorian, 198.
- Hunting regulations, 368.
- Indian chiefs on Red River, 248.
- Indians and H. B. C., 429.
- " in debt, 429.
- " of B. C., 433.
- " loyal to Co., 434.
- Isbister, A. K., 437 et seq.
- James, Capt., 48.
- Jamieson, Rev. Robert, 427.
- Johnson, Judge, 442.
- Johnston, John, Trader (Sault Ste. Marie), 179-181, 300.
- Johnston, Miss, 181.
- Jones, Rev. David, 300, 420.
- Kaministiquia, 94, 311.
- Kamloops rising, 403.
- Keating, W. H., Expedition of, 328.
- Keel and canoe, 359.
- Keith, George, Tales of, 160.
- Kelsey, Henry, 73.
- Kennedy and Bellot, Expedition of, 321.
- Keveny, Owen (Murdered), 254.
- King, Dr. Richard, 318.
- "King's Domains," 379.
- " Posts," 379.
- Kirke, Sir John, 20.
- Labrador, McLean on, 376.
- Lachine, 302.
- La France, Joseph, 67.
- Lefroy, Lieut. (Sir Henry), 335.
- " (Expedition), 335.
- Leith's bequest, 421.
- Le Moyne, The Brothers, 51.
- Lescarbot, 48.
- Lestane, The dastard, 466.
- Lewis and Clark, Expedition of, 324.
- Liard, River, 392.
- Lincolnshire farmers, 355.
- Locust visitation, 346
Treaty, Terms of, 57.
- Ste. Anne's, 304.
- St. Charles, Fort, massacre, 86.
- St. James, Fort, outbreak, 398.
- St. John's College, 421.
- St. Pierre, Legardeur de, 89.
- Sargeant, Governor, 52.
- Saskatchewan River discovered, 89.
- Saulteaux Indians, 431.
- Sault Ste. Marie, 310.
- Sayer "rising," 441.
- Schoolcraft, H. R., Explorer, 332.
- " " discovers Lake Itasca, 333.
- Schultz, Dr., rescued, 444.
- Scoresby, Capt. W., 313.
- Scott, Thomas, executed, 467.
- Selkirk, Earl of, 202.
- " " purchases H.B.C. stock, 206.
- Selkirk, Earl of, on Emigration, 205.
- " " Colony to Prince Edward Island, 205.
- Selkirk, Earl of, colony to Red River, 208-213.
- Selkirk, Earl of, opposition to, 214.
- " " Rescue by, 237-242.
- " " Estimate of, 259.
- Semple, Governor, 225 et seq.
- Shagganappe, 362.
- Shelburne, Lord, 15, 323.
- Sherbrooke, Gov. Gen., 242, 251.
- Sieveright, Trader, 300.
- Simpson, Gov. G., 269, 297, 385, 410, 412.
- Simpson, Gov. G., knighted, 276.
- " " Voyage round the world, 277.
- Simpson, Lady, 280.
- " Fort, 389.
- " " on Pacific, 408.
- " " Thos., death of, 320.
- Sinclair, a leader, 436.
- Slave Lake, 387.
- Sledge and packet, 357.
- Smith, Donald A., 381, 464.
- " William Robert, clerk, 444.
- South-West Fur Company, 193.
- Staines, Rev. Robert, 425.
- Stannard, Captain, 10.
- Status, present, of Co., 473.
- Stewart, Jas., rescued, 443.
- Stikine River, 393.
- Strathcona and Mt. Royal, Lord, PRINTED BY
THE EAST OF ENGLAND PRINTING WORKS LONDON AND NORWICH Transcriber's Note: - Obvious punctuation and spelling errors repaired. Others are listed below. Original spelling and its variations were not standardized.
- Word combinations that appeared with and without hyphens were changed to the predominant form if it could be determined, or to the hyphenated form if it could not.
- Corrections in the spelling of names were made when those could be verified. Otherwise the variations were left as they were.
- Footnotes were moved to the ends of the chapters in which they they belonged and numbered in one continuous sequence.
- Variant forms retained and errors corrected:
- Athabasca or Athapuscow Lake (pp. 106, 386). Athapuscow is spelling in French texts. Both forms were retained.
- Philip 'Turner' changed to Philip 'Turnor' (p. 127).
- Astor 'brought' out changed to 'bought' out (p. 194).
- 'it the' grandest speech changed to 'it was the' grandest speech p. 407).
- Other notes: