974 | Domnus II (?). | | | 974 | Benedict VII. | | | 983 | John XIV. | Otto III | 983 | 985 | John XV. | | | 996 | Gregory V. | | | 996 | John XVI (Anti-pope). | | | 999 | Sylvester II. | | | | | Henry II (the Saint). | 1002 | 1003 | John XVII. | | | 1003 | John XVIII. | | | 1009 | Sergius IV. | | | 1012 | Benedict VIII. | | | 1024 | John XIX. | Conrad II (the Salic). | 1024 | 1033 | Benedict IX. | | | | | Henry III. | 1039 | 1044 | Sylvester (Anti-pope). | | | 1045(?) | Gregory VI. | | | 1046 | Clement II. | | | 1048 | Damasus II. | | | 1048 | Leo IX. | | | 1054 | Victor II. | | | | | Henry IV. | 1056 | 1057 | Stephen IX. | | | 1058 | Benedict X. | | | 1059 | Nicholas II. | | | 1061 | Alexander II. | | | 1073 | Gregory VII (Hildebrand). | | | 1080 | (Clement, Anti-pope). | | | 1086 | Victor III. | | | 1087 | Urban II. | | | 1099 | Paschal II. | | | | | Henry V. | 1106 | 1118 | Gelasius II. | | | 1118 | Gregory, (Anti-pope). | | | 1119 | Calixtus II. | | | 1121 | (Celestine, Anti-pope). | | | 1124 | Honorius II. | | | | | Lothar II (the Saxon). | 1125 | 1130 | Innocent II. | | | | (Anacletus, Anti-pope). | | | 1138 | Victor (Anti-pope). | [*]Conrad III. | 1138 | 1143 | Celestine II. | | | 1144 | Lucius II. | | | 1145 | Eugenius III. | | | | | Frederick I (Barbarossa). | 1152 | 1153 | Anastasius IV. | | | 1154 | Hadrian IV. | | | 1159 | Alexander III. | | | 1159 | (Victor, Anti-pope). | | | 1164 | (Paschal, Anti-pope). | | | 1168 | (Calixtus, Anti-pope). | | | 1181 | Lucius III. | | | 1185 | Urban III. | | | 1187 | Gregory VIII. | | | 1187 | Clement III. | | | | | Henry VI. | 1190 | 1191 | Celestine III. | | | 1198 | Innocent III. | [*]Philip, Otto IV (rivals). | 1198 | | | Otto IV. | 1208 | | | Frederick II. | 1212 | 1216 | Honorius III. | | | 1227 | Gregory IX. | | | 1241 | Celestine IV. | | | 1241 | Vacancy. | | | 1243 | Innocent IV. | | | | | [*]Conrad IV, [*]William, (rivals).[†]The names in italics are those of German kings who never made any claim to the imperial title. | [*] Those marked with an asterisk were never actually crowned at Rome. THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. |