974 Domnus II (?).
974 Benedict VII.
983 John XIV. Otto III 983
985 John XV.
996 Gregory V.
996 John XVI (Anti-pope).
999 Sylvester II.
Henry II (the Saint). 1002
1003 John XVII.
1003 John XVIII.
1009 Sergius IV.
1012 Benedict VIII.
1024 John XIX. Conrad II (the Salic). 1024
1033 Benedict IX.
Henry III. 1039
1044 Sylvester (Anti-pope).
1045(?) Gregory VI.
1046 Clement II.
1048 Damasus II.
1048 Leo IX.
1054 Victor II.
Henry IV. 1056
1057 Stephen IX.
1058 Benedict X.
1059 Nicholas II.
1061 Alexander II.
1073 Gregory VII (Hildebrand).
1080 (Clement, Anti-pope).
1086 Victor III.
1087 Urban II.
1099 Paschal II.
Henry V. 1106
1118 Gelasius II.
1118 Gregory, (Anti-pope).
1119 Calixtus II.
1121 (Celestine, Anti-pope).
1124 Honorius II.
Lothar II (the Saxon). 1125
1130 Innocent II.
(Anacletus, Anti-pope).
1138 Victor (Anti-pope). [*]Conrad III. 1138
1143 Celestine II.
1144 Lucius II.
1145 Eugenius III.
Frederick I (Barbarossa). 1152
1153 Anastasius IV.
1154 Hadrian IV.
1159 Alexander III.
1159 (Victor, Anti-pope).
1164 (Paschal, Anti-pope).
1168 (Calixtus, Anti-pope).
1181 Lucius III.
1185 Urban III.
1187 Gregory VIII.
1187 Clement III.
Henry VI. 1190
1191 Celestine III.
1198 Innocent III. [*]Philip, Otto IV (rivals). 1198
Otto IV. 1208
Frederick II. 1212
1216 Honorius III.
1227 Gregory IX.
1241 Celestine IV.
1241 Vacancy.
1243 Innocent IV.
[*]Conrad IV, [*]William, (rivals).[†]The names in italics are those of German kings who never made any claim to the imperial title.

[*] Those marked with an asterisk were never actually crowned at Rome.



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