Acton, John Edward Emerich Dalberg, Lord— career of, 382–84 characteristics of, 399 critical taste of, 390 family of, 382 history, view of, 391–92; view of study of, 394–95 learning of, 386–89, 392 liberty, history of, projected by, 395–96 libraries of, 388–89 and note political opinions of, 384 style of, 396–97 thoroughness of, 390, 393–95 University work of, 397–98 writings of, 395 American Civil War, 55, 57, 90 and note. See also United States Arnold, Dr., 343, 346 Austen, Jane, 127 Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Lord— Cairns valued by, 186–87 career of, 3–16 characteristics of— ambition, 21–22, 26, 30–31 bonhomie, 32, 34 courage, 11, 25–26, 65 cynicism, 30, 40–41 debating power, 47 intellectual congruity, 35–38, 42 loyalty, 33 self-confidence, 21, 26, 50, 65, 224 tactical adroitness, 48–50 tenacity, 11, 15, 23–24, 60, 65 Eastern policy of, 140, 275–76, 300, 356 education of, 39 epigrammatic phrases of, 41–42 estimates regarding, 1–2; foreign, 54, 58 family of, 3 Gladstone compared with, 418, 429, 465; contrasted with, 422; Gladstone’s attitude towards, 455–56 influence of, 66–68 literary works of, 4–5, 18–19, 29, 31–33, 35, 41, 43–45, 52 note; quoted, 21 note, 25 note, 41, 50 note, 55 Lowe and, 34, 302 Northcote appreciated by, 21, 218 political views of, 6–8; foreign policy of (see also above, Eastern policy), 15, 56, 59, 67 Stanley and, 81 suffrage extension, policy of, 305–306, 309–10, 442 otherwise mentioned, 107, 171, 220 Bentinck, Lord George, 9 Bishops— change in type of, 196–98 House of Lords, presence in, 112 industry of, 199 influence of, 100–101, 103 Bismarck, Prince, 54 Black, J. Sutherland, 311 note Bowen, Edward Ernest— biography of, 343 note career of, 345–46 characteristics of, 360–62 death of, 355 games, attitude towards, 351–52 influence of, 350; views regarding, 353–54 military history, fondness for, 357–58 482 political interests of, 355–57 school songs of, 343 note, 359–360 teaching methods of, 346–47, 349–350, 354–55 training of teachers, views on, 348 travel, fondness for, 358 walking tours of, 355 Bowen, Lord, 345, 359 Bright, John, 30, 98, 304, 428–29, 443, 455 note Bradlaugh, Mr., 437 Brooke, Rev. Stopford, quoted, 135–137 Brooks, Dr. Phillips, 209, 381 Brougham, Lord, 64, 428 Browning, Robert, 39, 126 Burke, Edmund, 410, 427–28, 440 Burney, Miss, 127 Cairns, Hugh M’Calmont, Earl— American Civil War, attitude towards, 57 career of, 184–86 characteristics of, 184, 188–91 Disraeli compared with, 47 Gladstone compared with, 429 Jessel compared with, 180, 193 judicial gifts of, 192–93 legal manner of, 191–92 Mellish and, 176–78 parliamentary reform opposed by, 307 political partisanship of, 187, 194–195 religious views and interests of, 185–86, 193–94 Cambridge— Jewish scholar at, 319 note Sidgwick at, 327 seq. Smith, W. R., at, 319 Canterbury, importance of See of, 101–105; qualifications of archbishops of, 105–107 Carlyle, Thomas, 40, 87, 92, 126, 277, 461 Celtic temperament, 403, 405 Chancery Bar, 170; famous trio at, 191 Chancery Courts, 181–82 Charity Organisation Society, 133 Church, Dean, 251–52 Church— Anglican— disestablishment of, 114–15, 141 possibilities before, 209–10 Stanley’s view of, 78–79 Tractarian movement in, 252, 264 note, 406 Roman Catholic— adaptability of, 259 Infallibilist claims of, 256, 385 modern research, attitude towards, 317 Clark, George T., quoted, 266–67 Clough, Miss A. J., 329 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 338 Cobden, Mr., quoted, 429–30 Collins, Wilkie, 116 Copleston, Dr. (Bishop of Llandaff), 197 Creighton, Bishop, 289, 387 Dalgairns, 251 Dante, 468–69, 471 Darwin, Charles, 457, 471–72 De la DÉmocratie, SchÉrer’s, cited, 309 note Delane, Mr., 422 Democracy and the Organisation of Political Parties, Ostrogorski’s, cited, 309 note Denison, Archdeacon, 133, 271 note Derby, Lord, 10, 12, 28, 47, 57, 198, 429, 470 Dickens, Charles, 123, 127 Disraeli. See Beaconsfield Dissenters. See Nonconformists DÖllinger, Dr. von, 383, 385, 392 Dupanloup, Archbishop, 209, 385 Eastern Question (1876), 140, 275–276, 300, 356, 419 Editors, types of, 363–64; temptations of, 370, 380–81 Eliot, George, 124, 328 Equity Courts, 170, 173 Essays and Reviews, 113, 317 Essays on Reform, cited, 307 and note Evening Post, The, 365, 374–76 Forster, W. E., 234, 239 and note Fox, Charles James, 428–29, 435 France, novelists of, 129 Franchise extension. See Suffrage Fraser, James, Bishop of Manchester— biographies of, 196 note career of, 196, 200–201 characteristics of, 204–205 energy of, 202 483 Fraser, James, Bishop of Manchester— influence of, 206 new Episcopal type created by, 196, 210 personality of, 203–204 popularity of, 202, 206 ritualist illegalities, attitude towards, 208 science, attitude towards, 207 views of, 206–207 Freeman, Edward Augustus— biography of, 262 note career of, 262–63 friendships of, 290 Green influenced by, 137 historical work, merits of, 276–84; style of, 286–87 humour of, 287 interests of, 264–67, 271–72 kindliness of, 278, 291 literary preferences of, 269–70 methodical ways of, 285 military history, fondness for, 357 Oxford work of, 287–89 political views of, 272–75 simplicity and directness of, 270–71, 275 Trollope and, 120, 271 and note works of, 267, 284–86, 291–92 Froude, J. A., 271 note Gardiner, S. R., 357; quoted, 274 Gibbon, 133, 169, 281, 284 Gladstone, William Ewart— Acton, Lord, relations with, 383, 399 Alabama claims, action regarding, 444, 446, 449, 451 American Civil War, attitude towards, 57 career of, 412 characteristics of— breadth and keenness of interests, 400, 413, 459 caution, 409, 414, 419, 447, 453 complexity of nature, 400, 409–410, 412 conservatism, 401, 439 constructive power, 439–41 conversational powers, 461 courage, 447 and note, 451 note courtesy, 423 and note, 455–456, 461 dignity, 457 emotional excitability, 405, 410–411, 433–34 humour, 460 impulsiveness, 401, 405, 421, 447 independence, 418–19, 450 ingenuity, 404, 416–17, 430–31, 466 insight into character, 453 intensity, 402, 405, 426, 435, 450, 453, 460, 462 loyalty, 455 magnanimity, 457, 477 memory, 404, 424, 459 for faces, 423 open-mindedness, 416, 452, 454 oratory, 411, 426–39, 463 over-subtlety, 407, 432, 448, 452 patriotism, 450–51 pride, 416, 420, 423, 452, 455, 474, 477 religious disposition, 472–75 views, 401, 406–407 reserve: political, 409, 414–15, 419, 452 personal, 424, 475–476 Scottish temperament, 403–405 self-confidence, 224 simplicity, 453, 458, 461, 475 sincerity, 401 temper, 455–56 tranquillity, 462 voice, 430, 436–38 Disraeli and, 11, 33, 35 estimates of, 411, 417, 448 continental, 444 family of, 403 foreign affairs, attitude towards, 443–46, 458 Freeman’s appointment by, 263 High Church appointments of, 198 home life of, 462, 474, 477 Home Rule Bill of (1886), 272 Homeric studies and views of, 401, 465–68 hostility to, 304 literary activities of, 401, 458, 462–68 Lowe compared with, 293, 299, 429, 435 Lowe’s antagonism to, 295 Lowe in Cabinet of, 299 mistakes of, 449 Northcote and, 212, 216 Oxford training of, 406–408 484 parliamentary abilities of, 420–21, 424–26 Parnell’s resentment against, 239–240, 247 Peel’s influence on, 10, 409, 452 poetry, attitude towards, 471 quoted, 56 Reform Bill of, 13, 442 scholarship of, 468 science, attitude towards, 407–408, 470 suffrage qualifications, proposed reduction of, 308 note theological views of, tinging political, 473 otherwise mentioned, 67, 113, 179, 187, 221, 260 Godkin, Edwin Lawrence— career of, 365–66 courage of, 370–71 geniality of, 376 humour of, 368–73 independence of, 364, 369, 381 influence of, 378–80 sincerity of, 367, 373, 380 style of, 367–68, 373 Tammany, attitude towards, 374 and note views of, 366–67, 370, 374–76 Green, John Richard— biography of, 131 note career of, 131–34 conversation of, 165–66 eloquence of, 166 gifts and qualities of, 146, 151–52, 154, 160–62, 164–67 ill-health of, 138, 141–46 interests of, 151, 154–57 letters of, 131 note, 152–53 literary work of— Saturday Review articles, 133, 135–37, 153; historical, 138–39, 142–45, 155, 158–60, 163–64; characteristics of, 139–40, 150, 152–53, 157–65, 167–69 military history, fondness for, 357 political activity of, 140–41 views of, 134 Green, Prof. Thomas Hill— career of, 85 characteristics of, 86–91 civic activities of, 98 influence of, 95–97, 99 literary works of, 92–94, 98 political keenness of, 95, 97 views of, 93, 97, 335 otherwise mentioned, 265, 268, 278 Hardy, Gathorne, 213 Hardy, Thomas, 116 Healy, T. M., 443 Henry VIII., 271 note Herodotus, 149–51 Historians— qualifications of, 146–48, 156, 277 two classes of, 149 History, Freeman’s view of, 268, 274 Hodgkin, Dr. Thomas, 357 Holker, Sir John, 453 note House of Commons— character of, 48 erroneous sketches of, 121 lawyers in, 172 leadership of, 217, 424 occasional detachment of, from popular sentiment, 51 power of, declining, 308–309 rhetoric unpopular with, 296 Huxley, 207 Iddesleigh. See Northcote Ireland— Anglo-Irish Protestants, 229–30 Church disestablishment in, 113, 187, 273, 407, 419, 442, 449 and note Disraeli’s attitude towards, 56–57, 67 Green, J. R., views of, regarding, 141 Home Rule, views regarding, of Acton, 384; Bowen, 356; Bright, 455 note; Freeman, 272; Gladstone, 272, 414, 447; Godkin, 375 Land Bill of 1881, 425, 442–43 James, Henry, 129 Jessel, Sir George— Cairns compared with, 180, 193 career of, 171 judicial methods of, 174–75, 179–181, 194 mental powers of, 173, 181–82 parliamentary manner of, 172 quickness of, 173, 176, 183, 193 Jews— bigotry towards, 183 Cambridge scholar, anecdote of, 319 note 485 concentration, power of, possessed by, 23 and note conservatism of, 25 note detachment of, 19–20 distinctions gained by, 171 practicality of, 182 satirical powers of, 45 Jowett, 113, 150 Kelvin, Lord, 184 Kipling, Rudyard, 129 Lawrence, Lord, 184 Lightfoot, Bishop, 199–200, 209, 290 Louis Napoleon, 55, 64, 98 Lowe, Robert— biography of, 293 note Cairns compared with, 188 career of, 293–95, 299–300 characteristics of, 301–304 Disraeli and, 34, 302 eclipse of fame of, 293, 300 educational work of, 294–95, 304–305 Gladstone compared with, 293, 299, 429, 435; antagonism to Gladstone, 295; in Gladstone’s Cabinet, 299 Oxford, at, 301 note 2 rhetorical power of, 296–97 shortsightedness of, 300–301 Utilitarianism of, 304 Lyndhurst, Lord, 29 Macaulay, 139, 169, 270, 274, 281, 427, 428 and note 2 Macdonald, Sir John A., 422 Maclennan, John F., 320 Magee, Archbishop, 112, 199, 429 Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward— biography of, 260–61 career of, 250–51 characteristics of, 251–54, 261 conversions effected by, 255 Infallibilist cause, work for, 256 interests and sympathies of, 257–61 speeches of, 255 Maurice, F. D., 134, 408 Mellish, Lord Justice, 176–79 Meredith, George, 116, 122 Mill, John Stuart, 61, 78 note, 93, 304 Monk, Bishop, 197 Mugwumps, 375 and note Napoleon Bonaparte, 238 Napoleon, Louis, 55, 64, 98 Nation, The, 365, 368, 371–73, 378 Newman, Cardinal, 251–52, 428 note 1, 467 Newnham College, Cambridge, 329–330 Nonconformists— Disraeli’s dislike of, 8, 52 Education Act (1870) resented by, 15 Fraser’s attitude towards, 202, 206–208 and note Gladstone trusted by, 401 Green’s dislike of, 134 Northcote, Sir Stafford (Lord Iddesleigh)— biography of, 211 note career of, 212–13 characteristics of, 213, 222–23, 225–26 Gladstone compared with, 435 parliamentary abilities of, 214–16, 218 Novels, types of, 122 O’Connell, Daniel, 6, 8, 248 Oliphant, Mrs., 116 Oratory— elevation in, 433 reputation for, nature of, 427 Oxford— Green, T. H., on municipal council of, 98–99 Thackeray’s candidature for, 120 Oxford University— Tractarian movement in, 252, 264 note, 406 training at, characteristics of, 408, 467 Palmer, Roundell (Lord Selborne), 176, 191–92, 294 Palmerston, Lord, 13, 28, 49, 57, 98, 294 Parliament. See House of Commons Parnell, Charles Stewart— biography of, 227 note career of, 228–29 family of, 227 leadership, aptness for, 248 moral courage of, 239 parliamentary tactics of, 218–19, 244; knowledge of procedure, 242–43 passion and self-control of, 240 Phoenix Park murders, demeanour after, 236, 238 Pigott affair, attitude towards, 239 486 practicality of, 230–33 pride of, 233, 235–38 self-confidence of, 224, 236, 238 speeches of, 241–42 unscrupulousness of, 237–38 unsympathetic manner of, 190 views of, 245–46 Peel, Sir Robert— caution of, 408–409, 452 death of, 10 Disraeli’s conduct towards, 28 and note his view of, 55 financial policy of, 441–42 Gladstone compared with, 411, 439, 455, 475 separation of, from Conservatives, 9, 61 speeches of, 428 Pitt, William, 429, 435, 439, 442, 476 Popular Government, Sir H. Maine’s, cited, 309 note Psychical Research Society, 331–32 Pusey, Dr., cited, 80 Rhodes, Cecil, 246 Rolt, Lord Justice, 191–92 Roman Catholic Church. See under Church Russell, Lord, 13, 28, 57, 295 Salisbury, Lord, 186, 247, 295, 456 Saturday Review— Bowen’s contributions to, 360 Freeman’s contributions to, 285 dissociation from, 275 Green’s contributions to, 133, 135–137, 153 Schoolmasters, types of, 343, 346 Schools Inquiry Commission, 200–201 Scott, Sir Walter, 123, 125 Scottish temperament and characteristics, 315, 403–405 Selborne, Lord. See Palmer, Roundell Sherbrooke, Viscount. See Lowe, Robert Sidgwick, Henry— career of, 327–29 characteristics of, 338–42 impartiality of, 334 literary preferences of, 338 psychical research, interest in, 331–332 views of, philosophical and political, 335–37 women’s education promoted by, 329 Sidgwick, Henry— works of, 332–34, 338 Skene, Mr., cited, 158 Smith, Professor Goldwin, 76, 281 Smith, R. Bosworth, quoted, 349–50 Smith, Prof. Robertson— Acton, Lord, and, 387 career of, 311–12, 315, 318–320 characteristics of, 323–25 ecclesiastical trial of, 313–16 EncyclopÆdia Britannica, work on, 312–14 versatility of, 322 works of, 320–21; characteristics of, 321 Stanley, Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn— career of, 70 characteristics of, 71, 73, 77, 82–84 debating power of, 77 Disraeli and, 81 family of, 69–70 Green influenced by, 132, 137 literary work of, 71–74 politics of, 78 sermons of, 76–77 theological position of, 80–81 Tait, attitude towards, 113 otherwise mentioned, 164–65, 205–206 Statesmanship, necessary qualifications for, 46 Stevenson, R. L., 129 Stubbs, Bishop, 138, 160, 289–90, 453 note Suffrage extension— Disraeli’s view of, 52, 57–58, 67–68, 310 Lowe’s opposition to, 295–98, 305–306 results of, 306–309 Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury— biography of, cited, 100 note career of, 107 characteristics of, 108–12, 209 Green appointed librarian by, 133–134 influence of, 110–12 Irish Church Disestablishment Bill, attitude towards, 187 policy of, 112, 114 views of, 110 Temple, Archbishop, 113 and note, 199 Tennyson, 39, 459 Thackeray, W. M., 35, 120, 123–25 487 Thirlwall, Bishop, 112 Thucydides, 149–50 Tone, Wolfe, 229, 248 Tory party— nature of, 218; (1848-1865), 60–62 suffrage extension profitable to, 52, 57–58, 67, 310 Tractarian movement, 252, 264 note, 406 Trollope, Anthony— biographies of, cited, 116 note Freeman and, 120, 271 and note literary position of, 116–18 personality of, 118, 126 political activity of, 120 travels of, 121–22 works of, 117–20, 128; characteristics of, 122–30 United States— Acton’s knowledge of history of, 387 Freeman’s visit to, 268 journalism in, 379 Presbyterianism in, 317 religion and politics dissociated in, 100 Trollope’s account of, 122 University influence in, 378 Westbury, Lord, 303 Whiggism, 6, 8, 63, 298, 469 Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, 111–12, 198, 254, 429 Women, education of, 329–31 Wordsworth, 301 Wright, William, 319 and note, 320 THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. 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