Transcribers' Notes


Punctuation, hyphenation, and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.

Simple typographical errors were corrected.

Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained.

Index not checked for proper alphabetization or correct page references.

Some instances of "Argentine" perhaps should be "Argentina"; none were changed here.

"de iure" was printed that way twice.

Text uses both "Musulman" and "Mussulman", "fetish" and "fetich".

Index was minimally checked for accuracy of page references and consistency with spellings in referenced pages.

Page 154: "or fly clamping them" likely is a misprint for "by".

Page 255: "MÄrjelen See" was printed that way, not as "MÄrjelensee".

Page 258: The anchor for footnote 62 (originally "1") was missing from this and several other editions of the book, but was inserted by the Transcriber based on the context of the text.

Page 330: "pastural" was printed that way. The book uses "pastoral" several times, but "pastural" may be intentional in this case, and has not been changed.

Page 338: "bought back" probably should be "brought".

Transliteration of Greek text in Footnote 59:
All aei Zephuroio ligupneiontas aÊtas
Ôkeanos aniÊsin anapsuchein anthrÔpous.


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