By C. A. DODOCHIAN O swallow, gentle swallow, Thou lovely bird of spring! Say, whither art thou flying So swift on gleaming wing? Fly to my birthplace, Ashdarag, The spot I love the best; Beneath my father’s roof-tree, O swallow, build thy nest. There dwells afar my father, A mournful man and grey, Who for his only son’s return Waits vainly, day by day. If thou shouldst chance to see him, Greet him with love from me; Bid him sit down and mourn with tears His son’s sad destiny. In poverty and loneliness, Tell him, my days are passed: My life is only half a life, My tears are falling fast. To me, amid bright daylight, The sun is dark at noon; To my wet eyes at midnight Sleep comes not, late or soon. Tell him that, like a beauteous flower Smit by a cruel doom, Uprooted from my native soil, I wither ere my bloom. Fly on swift wing, dear swallow, Across the quickening earth, And seek in fair Armenia The village of my birth! Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell. |