

Day dawned. Bright tongues of scarlet flame

Shot up into the sky,

The livid heav’ns blushed, and became

A sea of crimson dye.

The sun his fiery beams unrolled

Like strands of coloured thread;

Embroidered all the clouds with gold,

And blue, and green, and red.

Then o’er the mountain, full in view,

Nature’s great Monarch rose:

And from his tent of Royal blue

Hurled darts upon his foes.

Eternal foe of Gloom and Night,

On high he raised his arm;

His shield of gold, all shining bright,

Sheltered the world from harm.

The Founding of Van

The Founding of Van

“It is needful that we build for ourselves a city and palaces in this balmy clime and beautiful country, by the side of these pure waters.”

Moses of Khorene.


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