| PAGE | Uncle Ben’s Last Fox Race | 1 | Forty Acres and a Mule | 11 | The Spaniel and the Cops | 33 | A Hound of the Old Stock | 43 | Minerva—The Owl | 58 | Uncle Derrick in Washington | 68 | And the Signs Failed Not | 79 | The Irishman’s Game Cock | 97 | Strange Vision of Arabella | 112 | A Negro and His Friend | 125 | Faithful Unto Death | 142 | “Red Buck”: Where I Came By It | 153 | Until Death Do Us Part | 168 | Uncle George and the Englishman | 181 | She Didn’t Like my Yellow Shoes | 191 | Afraid of the Frowsy Blonde | 199 | Jan Pier—The Shoeshine | 206 | William and Appendicitis | 214 |