Abercrombie, General, [248], [253], [256] Abraham, Heights of, origin of name, [396] Acadians, expulsion of, [203] Adet, M., [384] Aiguillon, Duchesse d', [52] Ailleboust, D', [238] Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, [191] Albanel, PÈre, [396] Albemarle, Duke of, [145] American Revolution, [342] sqq., [428] Amherst, General, [253], [266], [273], [295], [307], [313], [317], [324] AndaraquÉ, attack on, [93] Andrews, Miss, [370] AngÉlique des Meloises, [199], [227], [380] Annapolis, so named, [178] Anson, Admiral, [191] Anstruther's Regiment, [295], [317] Anville, Duc d', [190] Argenson, D', Governor, [166] sqq. Arlington, Lord, [400] Arnold, Benedict, [344] sqq. Arnoux, the surgeon, [300] Austrian Succession, [187] Autray, D', on the Mississippi, [128] Avaugour, Baron d', [85], [167] Aylmer, Lord, [301], [308], [444], [447] Baffin, the explorer, [394] Bailey, Governor, [404] sqq. Beauharnois, Marquis de, [162] n., [184] Beaujeu, Captain, [131], [215] Beaumanoir, [199] Beaver Company, [395] Beaver Dams, Battle of, [434] Belleisle, M. de, Minister of War, [265] Bellona, statue of, [320] Berryer, French Colonial Minister, [262] Bienville, CÉloron de, [192] Bigot, FranÇois, [195] sqq., [244], [261], [303], [336], [337], [380] Bizard, sent to Montreal, [119] Black, the informer, [389] Blasphemy, law against, [102] Boerstler, Colonel, [434] Bois brÛles, [419] Bonne, M. de, [270] Boscawen, Admiral, [212], [253] Boucher, Pierre, [86] Bougainville, General de, [196], [246], [250], [262], [270], [279], [283], [302] sqq., [307], [310] sqq. Bourdon, Jean, [395] Bourlamaque, General, [246], [266], [289] Braddock, Major-General, [211] sqq., [436] Bradstreet, Colonel, [260] Bragg's regiment, [295], [317] Breakneck Stairs, [43] BrÉbeuf, PÈre, Jean de, [34], [41], [67] sqq., [80] sqq. Bressani, PÈre, [81] Bridgar, Governor, [406] British North America Act, [468] Brock, Major-General Sir Isaac, [426], [431] sqq. Brougham, Lord, [462] Brown, George, [466] BrulÉ, Étienne, [32] Brunswicker Regiment, [366] Burke, Edmund, [374] Burton, Colonel, [295], [298], [317] Buttes-À-Neveu, [105] Caen, Émery de, [34], [39], [40] CahiaguÉ, the Huron capital, [32] CalliÈres, M. de, [163] sqq., [175] Cambrai, Peace of, [5] Cameron, Duncan, [418] Campbell, Alexander, [467] Campbell, Donald, [342] Campbell, Duncan, [257] Campbell's Highlanders, [257] Canada, Act of, 1791, [443] Canada, population in 1700, [179] Carignan-SaliÈres, regiment of, [89] sqq., [92], [94], [96], [100], [161], [226], [380] Carion, Lieutenant, [119] Carleton, Sir Guy. See Dorchester, Lord Carnarvon, Earl of, [468] Carnival, [172] Carroll, Charles, [364] Cartier, George Étienne, [466] Cartier, Jacques, life and voyages of, [5] sqq. "Castle Dangerous," [161] Cataraqui, or Fort Frontenac, now Kingston, Ont., [124], [373] Censitaires, [94] Chabanel, PÈre, [82] Chabot, Philippe de Brion, [5], [12] Champigny, Intendant, [142] Champlain, Samuel de, life and discoveries of, [19] sqq., [238] Champlain's Chapel, [43] "Chariot, the," [314] Charles I., execution of, [104] Charles II., [406] Charles V., The Emperor, [5], [12] Charlevoix describes Quebec, [106] Chase, Samuel, [364] ChÂteau Bigot, [199] ChÂteauguay River, battle of, [436] Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, [252] sqq. Chaumont, PÈre, [76] Cheeseman, Captain, [356] Chesapeake and Shannon, [435] Chien d'Or, [201] Chrystler's Farm, battle of, [436] Church, and the French Revolution, [384] Church, influence of, 45, 54, 66 sqq., [85], [238] sqq. Church, the first in New France, [30] Clarence, Prince William Henry, Duke of, [368] Clergy, influence of, [441] Clive, General Robert, [262] "Clive of Quebec, the," [110] Cockburn, James, [467] Colbert, Jean Baptiste, [86], [96], [117], [120], [168], [169], [468] Colborne, Sir John, [451] Colombo, Francisco, [20] Colonisation, French and English contrasted, [39], [45], [46], [48], [100] Columbus, Christopher, [3], [4] Colville, Admiral, Lord, [313], [322] Compagnie des cents AssociÉs. See Hundred Associates, Company of One Compagnie du Nord, [405] CondÉ, Prince de, [29] Confederation, [466] sqq. Conseil SupÉrieur, [239] Constitutional Act, [375] sqq. Cook, Captain James, at Quebec, [271] Copernicus, [3] Corlaer, or Schenectady, [91], [144] CortÈs, Hernando, [5] Coudouagny, Indian god, [10] Couillards, family of, [38] Courcelles, Daniel de RÉmy, Sieur de, [88] Coureurs de bois, [33], [102], [119], [143], [171], [408], [417] Coureurs de cÔte, [327] Cradock, Richard, [407] Craig, Sir James, [422] sqq. Criminal law, [102] Crown Point, [212] Daine, Mayor of Quebec, [304] Dalhousie, Earl of, [444], [447] Dalling, Major, [317] Daniel, PÈre, [41], [49], [69] sqq., [79] sqq. Daulac, or Dollard, Adam, [60] Davis, the explorer, [394] Davison, Alexander, [368] Dearborn, General, [431], [433] Declaration of Rights (1689), [404] Denis of Honfleur, [4] Denonville, [140] Deschenaux, [196] Des Ormeaux, Sieur. See Daulac Dieskau, [212] Dinwiddie, Governor, [206] Dolbeau, Father, [31] Dollard. See Daulac Dominion, formation of the, [468] Dongan, Governor of New York, [140] Donnacona, Indian chief, [8], [10] Dorchester, Lord (Sir Guy Carleton) [288], [341], [343], [373], [385], [428] Drucour, Chevalier de, [253] Duchambon, [190] Duchesneau, Intendant, [134], [168], [405] Dufferin Terrace, [308] Du Lhut, discoveries of, [138], [410], [414] Du MilliÈre, General, [386] Dunkirk of America, i.e. Louisbourg, [255] Du Peron, PÈre, [76] Dupuy, Paul, sentence on, [104] Duquesne, Marquis, [206] Durantal, Indian chief, [33] Durham, Earl of, [423], [441], [451] sqq. Dussault, Marie Anne, [391] sqq. Duvert, Dr., [388] Du Vivier, attacks Annapolis, [187] Earthquake, in Quebec, [136] "Echom," Indian name for BrÉbeuf, [70] Edgar, Matilda, Ridout Letters, [431] Emigration from France to Canada, [96] Esquimaux, [32] Estates General, [116] Estournelle, Admiral D', [191] Exploration, French and English, [411] "Family Compact," [444], [462] Federation, [466] sqq. FÉnelon, AbbÉ Salignac de, [119] Feudal system, imported into New France, [94] "Fils de LibertÉ," [450] Fire in Quebec, [135] Fitzgibbon, Lieutenant, [434] "Five Nations." See Indians, Iroquois Fontaine, Mlle. Marguerite, [164] Forbes, General, [260] Fort Charles, [400] Fort CrÈvecoeur, [125] sqq. "Fort des Sauvages," [83] Fort Duquesne, [185], [210], [260] Fort Necessity, [211] Fort William, [419] Fort William Henry, [213], [217], [250] Fort York, now Toronto, [434] Forts built by the French, [185] Fox, Charles James, [375] Francis, of AngoulÊme, [5] Francis I., [45] Franciscans, arrival at Quebec, [30] Franklin, Benjamin, [338], [364] Fraser, Captain Malcolm, [352] Fraser, Colonel, [317] Fraser's Highlanders, [295] Frederick the Great, [246], [252], [262] Freemasons' Hall, [368] French exploration, character of, [19] French Revolution, [383] Frobisher, [394] Frontenac, Count, [110] sqq., [134], [143] sqq., [168] sqq., [175], [380], [404] Froude, J. A., [3] Fur trade, [395] sqq. Gage, General, [326] Gallows Hill, [390] Gait, Alexander, [466] Gamache, Marquis de, [49] Garneau, Dr., [389] GaspÉ, De, Les Anciens Canadiens, [234], [332], [387] Genet, French Ambassador to U. S., [383] Gensing root, [183] George II., death of, [328] George III., Court of, [380] Ghent, Treaty of, [440] Gillam, Captain, [400] Glandelet, Sieur, [172] Gosford, Lord, [444], [449], [454] Goupil, a Jesuit, [78] Governors of Canada, [473] Grant, Cuthbert, [418] Gray's Elegy, [292] Grey, Earl, [452] Groseilliers, Medard Chouart, called, [396] sqq. Guimont, Louis, [224] Habitants, described, [218] sqq. Habitation, built by Champlain, [24] Haldimand, Governor, [366], [367] Haldimand House, [380] Halifax, founding of, [203] Hamilton, Treasurer, [383] Hampton, General, [436], [439] Hanoverian regiments, [366] Hanseatic League, [2] Harrison, President, U.S.A., [435] Hart, John, sentence on, [391] Haverhill, destruction of, [177] Haviland, General, [324] Hazen, Moses, [342] Hazen's Rangers, [317] HÉbert, family of, [38] HÉbert, Louis, [39], [47], [55] Hennepin, PÈre, [125] Henrietta Maria, Queen, [39] Henry, John Joseph, Siege of Quebec, [352] Henry IV., of France, [20] Hessian regiment, [366] Highlanders, [256] sqq., [295], [297], [311], [317], [417] Hill, Brigadier John, [181] Hochelaga, the site of Montreal, discovery of, [10] Holbourne, Admiral, [249] Holmes, Admiral, [283], [284], [323] Hospital GÉnÉral, [282] Houses of Quebec in 1750, [235] sqq. Howe, General Lord, [253], [256] Hudson, the explorer, [394] Hudson's Bay Company, [395] sqq. Huguenots excluded from France, [35] Hull, General, [432] Hundred Associates, Company of One, [35], [48], [87], [395] Iberville, Sieur d', [155], [408], [410] Ignatius Loyola, Saint, motto of, [74] Ihonatiria, village of, [70], [77] Indian fair at Quebec, [40] Indians, [6], [8], [10], [39], [44] sqq., [175] sqq., [211], [252], [412] Intendant's Palace, [106], [349] Inverawe Castle, [257] Isabella of Castile, [3] Italy, influence of, in the Middle Ages, [2] James II., American estates, [140] James Stuart, the Chevalier, [176] Jansenists and Jesuits, [167] Jaquin, Nicholas, [201] Jay, John, [384] Jefferson, Thomas, 3rd President, U.S.A., [383] Jervis, Captain, Wolfe's companion, [290] Jesuit Missions, [49] sqq., [121] Jesuit Relations, [135], [395] Jesuits, [34], [56] sqq., [118] Jesuits and Jansenists, [167] Jogues, Isaac, [77] Johnson, Col. William, [212], [217] Johnstone, Chevalier, [314] Joliet, PÈre Louis, [121] sqq. Joseph, in Egypt, [200] Jumonville, Captain, [210] Kempt, Sir James, [444], [447] Kennedy's regiment, [295], [317] Kent, H.R.H. the Duke of, [376] "King's Girls," [97] Kirby, Mr., novel by, [227] Kirke, Sir David, [36] Kirke, Sir John, [399] Kirke, Lewis, [38] Kirke, Thomas, [38] Knox, Captain, Journal of the Siege, [236], [310], [322] La Barre, Governor, [129], [135] sqq., [410] La Chesnaye, Aubert de, [135] La Chesnaye, massacre of, [161] Lacolle Mill, battle of, [439] La Corne, Captain, [332], [334] La Durantaye, M. de, [138] La GalissoniÈre, Marquis de, [192] La Grange-Trianon, Anne de, [111] La Hontan, opinion of the female emigrants, [97] La JonquiÈre, Admiral, [191] Lake of the Woods, discovery of, [186] Lalement, PÈre, [34], [75] sqq., [80] sqq., [85] Lambert's Travels quoted, [232] La Monnerie, M. de, [164] La Motte Cadillac, [172] La Motte de LussiÈre, [125] "La nation Canadienne," [448] Land tenure, [95] Langevin, Hector, [467] Language question, [327], [341], [458] La Peltrie, Madame de, [50] sqq. La Pompadour, Mme. de, [195] La Potherie describes Quebec, [106] La Salle, Robert Cavelier, Sieur de, [122], [134] Lascelles' regiment, [295], [317] Laval, Bishop FranÇois-Xavier, [85] sqq., 167 Laval Seminary, students at the siege, [275] La VÉrendrye, Sieur de, [185] sqq., [410], [414] Laws, Captain, [355] Le Canadien, [424] Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, [206] Le Jeune, PÈre, [39], [40], [49] sqq., [67] sqq. Le Masse, Enemond, [34] Le Mercier, PÈre, [76] Le Moine, Sir James, [368] Le Moyne, Charles, commands force of colonists, [92] Le Moyne, family of, [155] n. LÉvis, Chevalier de, [196], [246], [250], [270], [307], [310], [313] sqq., [331] Ligneris, Commandant de, [260] Longfellow, H. W., Evangeline quoted, [203] Loudon, General, [248], [249], [253] Louis XIII., [110] Louis XIV. and New France, [86] sqq., [96] sqq., [120], [129], [168], [174] Louis XV., [195] Louisbourg, fortifications at, [183], [188], [249] sqq., [253] Louisbourg Grenadiers, [295], [298] Louisiana, [128] Loyalty, French, [426] sqq., [436], [441] Lundy's Lane, battle of, [440] Lymburner, Adam, [374] Lyndhurst, Lord, [462] M'Donald, Captain Donald, [313], [317] Macdonald, Rt. Hon. Sir John A., [466] sqq. M'Dougall, William, [467] M'Gee, Thomas D'Arcy, [467] M'Gillivray, William, [419] M'Lane [388] Maclish, Governor, [416] M'Pherson, Captain, [356] M'Tavish, Simon, [418] Madison, James, 4th President, U.S.A., [383] Madras exchanged for Louisbourg, [191] Magdelaine de VerchÈres, RÉcit de Mlle., [161] Maison de la Montagne, [199] "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre," [233] Maple sugar season, [236] Mareuil, Sieur de, excommunicated, [173] Marguerite, Roberval's niece, [14] sqq. Maria Theresa, [187] Marie de l'Incarnation, [52] Market at Quebec, [226] Marlborough, Duke of, [409] Marquette, PÈre, [121] Martin, Abraham, [396] Matagorda Bay, [131] Mazarin, Cardinal, [86], 166 Medicine men, [72] Melbourne, Lord, [462] Mercoeur, Duc de, [20] MÉzy, M. de, [167] Michillimackinac, mission at, [121] Military dress, [431] Minorca lost by England, [252] Mission of the Martyrs, [78], [93] Mississippi exploration, [122] sqq. MoliÈre's plays acted in Quebec, [172] Monckton, General, [287], [310] Monckton's brigade, [273], [281] Monro, Captain, [250] Montcalm, Marquis de, [196], [227], [246] sqq., [249], [255] sqq., [260] sqq., [299] Montgomery, General Richard, [342] sqq. Montmagny, M. de, [48], [54], [58], [185], [238] Montmorency, Duc de, [34] Montpensier, Mlle. de, [112] Montreal, address by the citizens in 1760, [328] Montreal Gazette, [338] Montresor, Lieutenant, [313] Monts, Sieur de, [21] Moranget, La Salle's nephew, [132] Morrin College, [392] Murphy, Patrick, executed, [390] Murray, General, [240], [245], [276], [283] sqq., [287], [295], [310] sqq., [314], [323], [339] Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince, [320] Nelson, Lord, [368] sqq., [432] Nesbit, Mrs., [370] Newcastle, Duke of, [247], 248 New England's claims in the West, [206] New England colonies, population, [179], [248] New Orleans, [363] Nicholson, Colonel, [177] Nicollet, an interpreter, [49] Nika, in La Salle's company, [132] Noblesse, Canadian, [100] sqq. Norembega, Lord of, [13] Northmen in America, [4] North-West Company, [418] "Notre Dame de la Victoire," [157] "Notre Dame des Victoires," [182] Noyan, Commandant de, [260] Ohio valley, war in, [206] Old Lorette founded, [84] "Old RÉgime," [218], [324], [336] "Onontio," Indian name for Frontenac, [143], [171] Ontario in 1812, [427] Osgoode, Chief-Justice, [387] Oswego, capitulation of, [249] Otway's regiment, [295], [317] Palais de Justice, [106] Palmerston, Lord, [452] Papineau, Joseph, [448] sqq. Parkman, Francis, quoted, [14], [60], [126], [214], [259], [314] Parliament House, [375] PÉan, [335] Penisseault, [335] Pepperell, General Sir William, [189] sqq. Perrot, Nicolas, Governor of Montreal, [119], [120], [138] Perry, Commodore, [435] Philibert, or Nicholas Jaquin, [201] Philip of Anjou, [176] Phipps, Sir William, [145] Pitt, William, the elder. See Chatham, Earl of Pitt, William, the younger, [374] Planchon, Étienne, house of, [135] Plattsburg, battle of, [440] Plessis, Bishop, [441] Political progress, [422] sqq., [443] sqq. Polo, Marco, [1] Pontbriand, Bishop, [283] PontgravÉ, [27] Population of Canada in 1700, [179]; Population of Quebec in 1660, [85]; Population, Upper and Lower Canada, [460], [466] Portneuf, Captain, [144] Port Royal, capture of, [178] Portuguese, discoveries by, [3] Premiers of Canada, [476] Prentice, Widow, [356] Prescott, General, [385] sqq. Press-gangs, [425] PrÉvost, Mayor of Quebec, [149] Prevost, Sir George, [429] sqq., [440], [445] Proctor, General, [434], [435] "Provincials," [341] Quebec Act of 1774, [341], [370] Quebec Chronicle, [337] Quebec Literary and Historical Society, [392] Queenston Heights, battle of, [432] Queylus, AbbÉ de, [166] Radisson, Pierre, [396] sqq. RamÉzay, Commandant de, [181], [270], [300], [304] sqq. Rattier, Jean, sentence on, [393] Rebels, treatment of, [461] RÉcollets, arrival at Quebec, [30] RÉcollets, re-introduced into America, [168] Regne militaire, [325] Rensselaer, General Van, [431] RÉpentigny, commander of colonial force, [92] Richelieu, Cardinal, [35], [48], [395] Richmond, Duke of, [419], [444] sqq. Ridout Letters, [431] Robertson, Colin, [418] Roberval, Sieur de, [12], [16], [45] Robson, Joseph, [416] Rupert, Prince, [400] Rupert's Land, [404] Ryswick, Treaty of, [173], [175], [409] Saget, La Salle's servant, [132] Sainte-Anne de BeauprÉ, [224] sqq. Ste. Foye, battle of, [315] sqq. St. Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of, [39], [66] Sainte-HÉlÈne, Captain, [155] St. Lawrence, Gulf of, discovery of, [7] Saint-Luc, La Corne de, [196], [332] Ste. Marie, mission at, [77] Saint-Ours, M. de, [101], [196], [270], [295], [302] Saint-Simon, Duc de, Memoirs, [112], [227] Saint-Vallier, Bishop, [170] Salaberry, General de, [380], [433] sqq., [435] sqq., [439] Sault Ste. Marie, [121] Saunders, Admiral, [266], [289], [293], [305], [310] Sawyer, Commodore, [379] "Scholars' Battle," [275] Scotch settlers, [417] sqq. Secord, Laura, [434] Seigneur, position of the, [218] sqq. Selkirk, Lord, [419] Selwyn, John, [406] "Seminaire de Laval," [168] sqq. SÉnÉzergues, Brigadier, [270], [295], [302] "Seven Years' War," [246] Shannon and Chesapeake, [435] Shawanoe, in La Salle's Company, [132] Sheaffe, General, [434] Sherbrooke, Sir John Cope, [444] sqq. Shirley, Governor, [188], [212] Sillery, M. de, [49] Simcoe, Colonel, [428] Simpson, Miss Mary, [370] Smith, Prof. Goldwin, [110] Social life, [218] sqq., [366] sqq. Soissons, Comte de, [29] Southey, Robert, Life of Nelson, [370] Spanish, discoveries by, [3] Spanish succession, war of, [176] StadaconÉ, the site of Quebec, discovery of, [9] Stamp Act, [339] Stoney Creek, battle of, [434] Subercase, Commandant at Port Royal, [178] TachÉ, Étienne Paschal, [466] Talon, Intendant, Jean Baptiste, [88], [96], [116], [118], [120], [168], [405] Tecumseh, Indian chief, [432], [435] Tessouat, Algonquin chief, [29] Theatre in Quebec, [172] Thompson, James, diary of, [343] Thunder, Indian beliefs, [73] Ticonderoga, or Carillon, [259] Tiers État, [337] Times, The, [452] Tonty, Henri de, [125] Townshend, Brigadier, afterwards Marquis of, [276], [287], [295], [302] sqq., [310] Tracy, Marquis de, [88], [172], [225], [376] Trading, Indian, [412] sqq. Tupper, Sir Charles, [467] Turenne, Vicomte de, MarÉchal de France, [111] Umfreville, Present State of Hudson's Bay, [412], [416] United Empire loyalists, [365], [370], [427] United States and Canada, [364] sqq., [424] sqq. Ursuline nun, quoted, [136], [238] Utrecht, Treaty of, [182], [404], [409] Varin, [335] Vauban, engineer, [159], [183] Vaudreuil, Mme. de, [227] Vaudreuil, Marquis de, [179], [195], [212] Vaudreuil, Pierre FranÇois Rigaud, Marquis de, [247], [260] sqq., [302] sqq., [313] sqq., [324], [335] Vauquelin, Commander, [323] Ventadour, Henri LÉvis, Duc de, [34] VerchÈres, M. de, [161] VerchÈres, Mlle. Magdelaine de, [161] VerchÈres, Seigneury de, [161] Vergor, Captain, [293] Vespucci, Amerigo, [2] Vignau, Nicolas de, story of a route to Cathay, [29] Ville Marie, or Montreal, [60] Villiers, Coulon de, [211] Vincent, General, [434] Voltigeurs, [433] sqq. Walker, Sir Hovenden, [178] sqq. Walley, Major, at Quebec, [154] Walpole, Horace, [307] Ward, the executioner, [388] Warren, Commodore, [189] Washington, George, [206] sqq., [213] sqq., [340], [383] Webb, General, [248], [250], [253] Webb's regiment, [317] Western exploration, [192] sqq. Wilkinson, General, [436] William III., [142], [408] sqq. Willson, Beckles, The Great Company, [406] Winthrop, Governor, [146] Wolfe, General, [253], [254] sqq., [266], [302], [307], [342] Young, Colonel, [317] Young, Sir William, [407] Transcriber's Notes: 1. Spelling of 'Cap la HÊve' was retained, even though geographically incorrect. 2. Page 271--typographical error 'spirts' corrected to 'spirits' 3. Page 338--typographical error 'Engish' corrected to 'English' 4. Page 349--typographical error 'posession' corrected to 'possession' 5. 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