- Some minor obvious typographical errors have been corrected silently.
- All inconsistent hyphenation, apostrophes and single quotes have been left as found unless noted.
Corrections made are shown below in square brackets: - Pg. 2 "She understood all the arts of courtesey[courtesy]"
- Pg. 16 "to unit[unite] myself with vice"
- Pg. 19 "My dear kind feather[father],' she cried,"
- Pg. 21 "features indeliby[indelibly] engraven on her recollection"
- Pg. 23 "Soon after she first saw Hargraves[Hargrave]"
- Pg. 24 "the cause of Laura's depresion[depression]"
- Pg. 41 "Hargraves[Hargrave] was the only child"
- Pg. 66 "and she run[ran] on till she was"
- Pg. 108 "triumphantly, [']for haven't I read it"
- Pg. 127 "Varius[Various] circumstances, however, had led De Courcy"
- Pg. 135 "must have a companion to it.[']"
- Pg. 198 "was leaving the shop, goodnaturedly[good-naturedly] said"
- Pg. 219 "she should inhabit so lovely, so peaceful [a] scene."
- Pg. 224 "Hargrave could not possibility[possibly] refuse to fight"
- Pg. 225 "the close of a sleepness[sleepless] night"
- Pg. 233 "'That you have no ambition,' replied [Mrs] De Courcy,"
- Pg. 237 "twenty times before.--[']"Always live with a"
- Pg. 247 "'I think,' said [Mrs] De Courcy, 'I can observe"
- Pg. 249 "Then I was gong[going] to have got"
- Pg. 253 "namely, the liberty to infrine[infringe]"
- Pg. 264 "Montague [who] looks so provokingly pleased"
- Pg. 306 "'Do you dare to tell you[replaced with "me"] that you will not go?'"
- Pg. 313 "Laura's habitual ascendancy was completed[completely] restored"
- Pg. 343 "instead of cards, prefer[prefers] allowing me to attend her"
- Pg. 347 "through every tedious hours[hour] in which the absence of visitors"
Multiple versions of words not changed: - bridemaid, bride-maid
- control, controul
- couldn't, could'nt
- extasy, ecstasy
- might'nt, mightn't, might'n't
- mustn't, must'nt
- print-seller, printseller
- recal, recall
- superstitution, superstition
- surprise, surprize
- suspence, suspense
- tÊte À tÊte, tÊte-À-tÊte
- tonight, to-night
- tremor, tremour
- wasn't, was'nt