German Translation
Reich Commonwealth
Reichs- of the Commonwealth, national
Reichsarbeiterrat National Workers’ Council
Reichsgericht National Judicial Court
Reichskanzler National Chancellor
Reichsminister National Minister
Reichsministerium, pl., -IEN National Department
ReichsprÄsident President of the Commonwealth, National President
Reichsrat National Council
Reichsregierung National Cabinet
Reichstag National Assembly
Reichsverwaltungsgericht National Administrative Court
Reichswirtschaftsrat National Economic Council
Land State (an integral part of the Commonwealth)
Landes- of the State, State
Landesregierung State Cabinet
Landtag State Assembly
WahlprÜfungsgericht Electoral Commission
Staat country, state (one of the family of nations); referring to Germany, it designates the Commonwealth and separate States as a single political entity.
Staatsgerichtshof Supreme Judicial Court
STAATLICH political


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