1 | William Wesley Van Orsdel, known as “BrotherVan.” | 2 | The Battle of Gettysburg. | 3 | A statue in honor of Sacajawea in Portland, Oregon. | 4 | Sitting Bull was dressed in full war regalia. | 5 | Historic Fort Benton, where Brother Van ate jerked buffalo meat. | 6 | Brother Van visiting a Blackfeet medicine lodge. | 7 | The ceremony of adoption into the Blackfeet tribe. | 8 | Indians were terrifying settlers everywhere. | 9 | Brother Van’s dispatch to the Helena Herald. | 10 | Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez PercÉs at Big Hole. | 11 | Dr.Thomas C. Iliff and Brother Van, who had many adventures together. | 12 | Brother Van was “hail fellow well met” with the people. | 13 | Brother Van shot the herd leader in the head. | 14 | The Van Orsdel Home for Nurses at Helena. | 15 | Great Heart with a Blackfoot brother. | 16 | A copper mine at Butte. |