1 William Wesley Van Orsdel, known as “BrotherVan.”
2 The Battle of Gettysburg.
3 A statue in honor of Sacajawea in Portland, Oregon.
4 Sitting Bull was dressed in full war regalia.
5 Historic Fort Benton, where Brother Van ate jerked buffalo meat.
6 Brother Van visiting a Blackfeet medicine lodge.
7 The ceremony of adoption into the Blackfeet tribe.
8 Indians were terrifying settlers everywhere.
9 Brother Van’s dispatch to the Helena Herald.
10 Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez PercÉs at Big Hole.
11 Dr.Thomas C. Iliff and Brother Van, who had many adventures together.
12 Brother Van was “hail fellow well met” with the people.
13 Brother Van shot the herd leader in the head.
14 The Van Orsdel Home for Nurses at Helena.
15 Great Heart with a Blackfoot brother.
16 A copper mine at Butte.

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