
¶ All stamps listed in this price-list are identified by numbers from Scott’s Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, followed by the numbers from the Standard Catalogue of Air Post Stamps.

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¶ Specialists are invited to send us their want-lists, as we have a varied and large stock of errors and unique items which lack of space prevents listing in the following columns.

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¶All stamps listed are guaranteed to be genuine and of superior quality. Approval selections will gladly be sent to all persons either personally known to us, or those submitting recognized references.

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¶ Prices quoted are net, but a discount of 5% will be allowed on purchases ranging from $100.00 to $1,000.00. On purchases larger than this, a discount of 10% will be granted.

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¶ Remittances may be made by Money Order or personal check. Cash is sent at sender’s risk, and should always be registered. Postage charges are extra on purchases of less than one dollar.

10-16 5c/5c-10c/10c (6 values) 25.00 125.00
553 12 10c/10c 125.00 600.00
1931 510-15 17-22 10c-1p 3.50 16.00
1932 516 23 10c .50 2.50
1933 517 24 10c .50 2.50
518 25 2c .05 .20
519 26 10c .15 .60
1934 520 27 10c .15 .60
1935 521 28 10c .15 .60
1936 522 29 10c .15 .60
1931 601-2 100-1 10c, 20c 15.00 75.00
1928 551-5 1-5 10c-1½gld 2.00 9.00
556-60 6-10 10c-1g50c 2.75 12.00
1930 561 11 30c on 40c .30 1.50
1931 562 12 1gld 1.00 5.00
563-65 13-15 30c-7½g1d 11.00 44.00
1932 566-67 16-17 30c-50c .75 3.00
1933 568 18 30c .50
1929 401-7 8-14 2c-5s 3.00 15.00
1929 401-8 8-15 2c-10s 17.50 100.00
1930 409-11 27-29 1c-10s 5.25 21.00
412-14 30-32 1s-10s 5.50 25.00
1929 451-57 100-6 2c-5s 5.00 25.00
1929 451-58 100-7 2c-10s 85.00 400.00
1930 459-62 108-11 50c-10s 5.50 22.00
1935 463-66 33-36 50c-2s 2.25 10.00
37-41 5c-5s .80 3.20
1926 251 1 27m .40 1.60
1929 252 2 27m .20 .80
1931 253-4 3-4 50m-100m 2.75 12.00
1933 255-74 5-24 1m-200m 6.50 26.00
170-4 25-29 5m-20m .65 2.75
1934 500-5 1-6 25c-2L .50 2.00
800-9 7-16 25c/10c-25L/2L 4.00 16.00
100 25L/2L 17.50 75.00
1920-23 201-3 1-3 5m-15m .80 4.00
1923 204-6 4-6 10m-45m 3.00 14.00
207-8 7-8 10m, 20m 5.00 25.00
1924 212-16 9-13 5m-45m .65 2.75
1928 218-22 14-18 5m-45m .45 2.00
1929 451-61 1-10 1/8m-3t 2.75 12.00
1931 462-68 11-17 1g-3t 2.75 12.00
1930 401 1 10m 1.25 5.00
1927 351-2 1-2 2F, 5F 1.25 5.00
1928 353-4 3-4 10F/90c, 10F/1F50 125.00 650.00
1930 355 5 1F50 .15 .75
356 6 1F50 .15 .75
1934 357 7 2F25 .20 .80
1936 8-13 85c-3F50 1.35 5.40
1933 301-08 1-8 50c-20F 3.85 15.50
1922 501 1 75c 5.50 35.00
502-11 2-11 1F-3F 1.50 6.00
1928 551-60 12-21 5c-5F 2.75 11.00
1929 561-70 22-31 5c-5F
1928 255-7 6-7 10s-25s .25
1930 8-11 10s/20s-15s/30s 10.00 40.00
1931 258-60 12-14 10s-25s .25
301-6 15-20 10s/5Os-25s/1.50 1.10
1932 307-12 21-26 10s/20s-25s/50s 3.50
27-36 5s/25s-25s/125s 6.00 28.00
1933 37-44 2s/52s-20s/70s 4.00 16.00
45-50 3s/53s-35s/135s 4.00
51-58 8s/68s-40s/190s 10.00 40.00
1924 201-4 1-4 2pi-10pi 1.75 7.00
205-8 5-8 2pi-10pi 1.25 5.00
1925 209-12 9-12 2pi-10pi .35 1.40
1926 213-16 13-16 2pi-10pi .50 2.00
413-16 17-20 2pi-10pi .55 2.75
1927 217-20 21-24 2pi-10pi .40 1.60
1928 221-24 25-28 2pi-10pi 1.10 4.50
225-28 29-32 2pi-10pi .40 1.60
229-32 37-40 2pi-10pi 35.00 150.00
1929-30 233-36 41-44 Op50-25pi 5.50 22.00
237 45 Op50 on Op75 .04 .20
238 46 2Opi on 1p25 .05 .25
1930-31 239-48 47-56 Op50-100pi 4.00 16.00
1928 151-2 1-2 50c, 80c .25 1.25
1930 401-6 1-6 15rp-1F 2.25 11.00
1931 407-8 7-8 1F, 2F 2.00 9.00
1934-35 409-13 9-13 10rp-50rp 1.00 4.00
1935 414 14 60rp on 1F .75 3.75
1921 401-7 1-7 2Osk-5auk 1.25 5.00
408-14 8-14 2Osk-5auk .45 2.50
1922 415-17 15-17 1auk-5auk .25
418-20 18-20 2auk-10auk .60 2.50
421-31 21-31 10c-1L 5.00 25.00
1924 432-35 32-35 20c-1L .60 2.40
36 20c 40.00 160.00
438 37 60c 30.00 150.00
551-54 38-41 20c/20c-1L/1L 1.20 5.00
42 60c/60c 30.00 150.00
1926 440-42 43-45 20c-60c .25 1.00
1930 443-49 46-52 5c-1L .40 1.60
1932 450-65 53-68 5c-2L 1.50 6.00
69-84 5c-2L 2.50 10.00
1933 85-89 20c-2L 30.00 150.00
90-105 5c-2L 2.75 11.00
1934 106-21 5c-2L 2.75 11.00
466-71 122-27 20c-5L 3.00 12.00
1931 501-4 1-4 75c-1¾F .30 1.25
1933 505-6 5-6 1F50, 3F .30 1.25
1935 300-12 1-13 50c-20F 8.25 33.00
1926 601 1 6p .25 1.00
1921 301-7 1-7 60pf/40c-3m/60c 6.50 27.50
1922 308-19 8-19 40pf/40c-4m/2F 5.75 25.00
320-30 20-29 40pf/40c-9m/5F .80 3.25
1922 901a 1 50c 9.00 45.00
1927 902 2 50c .40 1.75
901 3 c 4.50 25.00
1931 669 19 1C .70 3.50
670-73 20-23 15c-40c 2.60 12.50
1932 674-77 24-27 15c-40c 1.00 5.00
1933 678-82 28-32 15c-1C 1.50 7.50
1934 683-85 33-35 25c-1C 1.00 4.00
1935 686-90 36-40 15c-1C 3.00 15.00
691-95 41-45 15c-1C 2.00 10.00
696 46 30c .20 .80
1936 697-701 47-51 10c-30c .65 2.60
1931 401-10 1-10 50c-10L 5.00 20.00
1933 411-16 11-16 3L-20L 8.00 32.00
1935 400-10 1-11 25c-15F 4.10 17.00
1925 401-8 1-8 2s-1b 10.00 50.00
1930 409-12 9-12 2s-15s .40 1.75
1930 501-2 1-2 4p, 1sh 1.00 5.00
503-4 3-4 4p, 1sh .75 3.75
1931 506-9 5-8 3p-10p 1.25 5.00
1920 701-5 1-6 5c-1p (5 values) .50 2.00
1926 1301-5 7-11 5c-1p .40 2.00
1014-18 12-16 15c-4p 1.00 5.00
1927 1047-51 17-23 15c-4p (5 values) 1.75 10.00
1048a 19 20c 20.00 100.00
1049a 21 30c 20.00 100.00
1053-57 24-28 5c-1p .95 4.75
1058-61 29-32 75c/5c-75c/50c 3.00 17.00
1929 706-11 33-39 5c-4p (6 values) 1.80 9.50
38 1p 100.00 500.00
40 10c 25.00 125.00
1930 712-17 41-46 5c-4p .60 2.40
718-30, 801 47-61 5c-10p (14 values) 1.90 7.60
801a 62 20c 25.00 100.00
431-32 63-68 5c-10p (12 values) 1.60 6.40
65 5c 15.00 60.00
68 15c 15.00 60.00
737a 73 30c 3.00 12.00
76 1p 10.00 40.00
742a 79 10p 5.00 20.00
743-49 80-88 5c-4p (7 values) 1.30 5.20
84 50c 3.00 12.00
87 4p 10.00 40.00
750-57 89-97 5c-4p (8 values) .80 3.20
95 1p 2.00 8.00
1931 758-61 98-101 5c-50c 10.00 50.00
765-70 102-7 5c-4p .40 1.60
108-13 5c-4p 4.50 20.00
771-75 114-18 5c-1p 3.25 15.00
1932 119-26 5c-5c 8.00 32.00
127 2p .35 1.40
901-07 300-06 5c-4p 2.55 11.00
307-12 5c-4p 4.50 20.00
1931 401-4 1-3 5m-2pi .30 1.50
405-13 4-11 5m-5pi 6.00 30.00
1932 414 12 2½pi on 2pi .60 3.00
1933 415-16 13-14 3m, 2½pi .20 1.00
1934-35 417-22 16-21 15m-10pi 4.00 20.00


The purchase of mounted air mail collections remains the most economical and quickest way to achieve a good showing of these stamps. For this reason, we always carry a complete selection of collections, ranging in price from $40.00 upward, all carefully mounted in Scott Air Post Albums. Below we list a few representative items from our stock which we shall be glad to show for examination at our New York office, or send on approval after proper references have been submitted.

* * * * * * *

Collection #1—(contains over 400 stamps) $40.00
Collection #2—(contains over 600 stamps) $100.00
Collection #3—(contains over 800 stamps) $150.00
Collection #4—(contains over 1100 stamps) $500.00
Collection #5—(contains over 2200 stamps) $1,375.00
Collection #6—(contains 2,833 stamps, representing over 98% of all air mail stamps issued up to the present time.) $5,400.00

Proper mounting and lettering enhances the appearance of your collection and means much toward its success when competing against others at an exhibition.

As we specialize in air mail stamps, a great fund of knowledge has been gathered concerning these issues. We can, therefore, offer our clients the opportunity to have their collections “written up” with interesting and accurate descriptions, and skillfully mounted in loose-leaf albums.

We solicit your inquiries regarding this service.

* * * * * * * *

As we have agents in all corners of the world, our facilities for obtaining the new issues are unexcelled. Our service is an individualized one, for our customers can specify any requirements they choose. Whether they desire to restrict their purchases to certain countries, or to limit them to a definite price range, they will find us ready to meet these varying demands with exactitude.

In many cases, we are able to acquire certain issues through our network of agents that quickly command premiums, and these savings alone, which we pass on to our customers, pay the slight charge for subscribing to our new issue service.

We carry a complete line of
Air Post Albums
and Accessories

Illustrated below are the popular albums manufactured by the Scott Stamp & Coin Company, a distinguished selection to fit the purse of all collectors.

Loose Leaf with Two Spring Back Binders (Illustrated)

Loose leaf binders

Two spring back binders, with maroon colored Fabrikoid back and corners, maroon cloth sides. High grade linen ledger pages, linen hinged. Printed on one side only with artistic border and individual spaces for each stamp. Statistical data including dates of issue and historical information on outstanding flights.

De Luxe Edition $15.00 (12lbs.)
Pages only 7.50 (6 lbs.)
Binder only, each 4.00 (4 lbs.)
Blank Pages, with heading, Covers, Semi-Official, or no heading, for De Luxe Edition 25for1.50 (3 lbs.)
Loose Leaf, Hinged-Post Edition (not illus.) $5.00 (8 lbs.)
Pages only 3.50 (5 lbs.)
Binder only 2.00 (4 lbs.)
Blank Pages, with headings, Covers, Semi-Official or no heading 25 for .40 (2 lbs.)

The International AIRPOST ALBUM

A handsome and practical album at a low price. Provides spaces for all Air Post stamps issued up to January 1, 1936. Pages printed on both sides. Bound in red cloth, attractively stamped in black. $1.00


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