Flag of the brave and free! Flag of our Liberty! Of thee we sing; Flag of our father's pride, With their pure heart's-blood dyed, When fighting side by side, Our pledge we bring. By their pure martyr-blood Poured on Columbia's sod For Liberty; By all their deeds of old, Their hunger, thirst and cold, Their battles fierce and bold, We'll stand by thee! Thy 'venging stripes shall wave To guard the homes they gave; Thy stars shall shine Upon oppression's night, To give the patriot light And make the dark world bright With hope divine. We pledge our heart and hand To bear thee o'er the land That God made free,— Till all its vales and hills, Its rivers and its rills,— Till the whole nation thrills With victory! Fear not, O Ship of State! Tho pirates with fierce hate May cross thy sea:— Fear not; at thy mast head We've nailed the blue, white, red Old Flag! Our fathers bled, And so can we! We love each tattered rag Of that old war-rent flag Of Liberty! Flag of great Washington! Flag of brave Anderson! Flag of each mother's son Who dares be free! O God, our banner save! Make it for ages waves! God save our flag! Preserve its honor pure, Unstained may it endure, And keep our freedom sure; God save our flag! April, 1861. |