The Banner. Soldier, hast thou halted,— Shrinking from the foe,— Friendless, beaten, taunted, Helpless in thy woe? Rally to the standard! God shall surely win! With Him thou shall triumph Over Death and Sin! The White. Hast thou stumbled, fallen? Have they passed thee by? In the filth, despairing, Have they let thee lie? Up! rise up, and follow Yonder folds of white! Thou shalt share their brightness, Triumph in their light! The Blue. Dost thou feel the darkness Near the gates of death? Dost thou shrink in terror At its icy breath? Lo! the flag is o'er thee With its field of blue! It shall guide thee homewards! Man, thy God is true! The Red Cross. Is the conflict bitter? Art thou faint; at last, Struggling, panting, straining, Foul fiends hold thee fast? Rouse thyself and smite them! Raise thy standard high! See, its cross is o'er thee! Christ, the Lord, is nigh! The Spade and Anchor. Christian, hast thou left us— Left the battle line? Idling, straggling, wand'ring, Heedless of the sign? Hark! the trumpet calls thee! With us heart and hand Raise the Spade and Anchor! Strike for Sea and Land! |