The Second Climbing Party descending from their Record Climb Frontispiece
Frozen Waterfall, Chumbi Valley 28
Nuns at Tatsang 34
Rongbuk Monastery and Mount Everest 44
The Expedition at Base Camp 46
View at Base Camp 50
Camp II at Sunset 54
Mount Everest from Camp III 60
Watching the Dancers, Rongbuk Monastery 72
The Chief Lama, Rongbuk Monastery 78
Tibetan Dancing Woman 84
Tibetan Dancing Man 84
Old Tibetan Woman and Child 90
Fording the Bhong Chu 98
Panorama at Shekar Dzong 106
In Khamba Dzong 110
Lingga and the Lhonak Mountains 114
Base Camp and Mount Everest in Evening Light 124
Serac, East Rongbuk Glacier 140
View from Ice Cavern 146
Seracs, East Rongbuk Glacier, above Camp II 150
Party ascending the Chang La 156
Peak, 23,180 feet (Kellas’ dark rock peak), from the Rongbuk Glacier, above Camp II 162
Mallory and Norton approaching their Highest Point, 26,985 feet 204
Summit of Mount Everest from the Highest Point of the First Climb, 26,985 feet, May 21, 1922 210
The First Climbing Party 218
Frost-bitten Climber being helped down to Camp II 222
Mount Everest from Base Camp 232
East Rongbuk Glacier, near Camp II 236
Oxygen Apparatus 242
Captain Noel kinematographing the Ascent of Mount Everest from the Chang La 242
The British Members of the Second Climbing Party 248
Chang La and North-east Shoulder of Mount Everest 290
Religious Banners in Shekar Monastery 314
Romoo, the Lepcha Collector who assisted Dr. Longstaff and Major Norton 322
Karma Paul, the Expedition’s Interpreter 322


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