The Second Climbing Party descending from their Record Climb | Frontispiece |
| PAGE |
Frozen Waterfall, Chumbi Valley | 28 |
Nuns at Tatsang | 34 |
Rongbuk Monastery and Mount Everest | 44 |
The Expedition at Base Camp | 46 |
View at Base Camp | 50 |
Camp II at Sunset | 54 |
Mount Everest from Camp III | 60 |
Watching the Dancers, Rongbuk Monastery | 72 |
The Chief Lama, Rongbuk Monastery | 78 |
Tibetan Dancing Woman | 84 |
Tibetan Dancing Man | 84 |
Old Tibetan Woman and Child | 90 |
Fording the Bhong Chu | 98 |
Panorama at Shekar Dzong | 106 |
In Khamba Dzong | 110 |
Lingga and the Lhonak Mountains | 114 |
Base Camp and Mount Everest in Evening Light | 124 |
Serac, East Rongbuk Glacier | 140 |
View from Ice Cavern | 146 |
Seracs, East Rongbuk Glacier, above Camp II | 150 |
Party ascending the Chang La | 156 |
Peak, 23,180 feet (Kellas’ dark rock peak), from the Rongbuk Glacier, above Camp II | 162 |
Mallory and Norton approaching their Highest Point, 26,985 feet | 204 |
Summit of Mount Everest from the Highest Point of the First Climb, 26,985 feet, May 21, 1922 | 210 |
The First Climbing Party | 218 |
Frost-bitten Climber being helped down to Camp II | 222 |
Mount Everest from Base Camp | 232 |
East Rongbuk Glacier, near Camp II | 236 |
Oxygen Apparatus | 242 |
Captain Noel kinematographing the Ascent of Mount Everest from the Chang La | 242 |
The British Members of the Second Climbing Party | 248 |
Chang La and North-east Shoulder of Mount Everest | 290 |
Religious Banners in Shekar Monastery | 314 |
Romoo, the Lepcha Collector who assisted Dr. Longstaff and Major Norton | 322 |
Karma Paul, the Expedition’s Interpreter | 322 |