- A.
- Abyssinia divided into provinces, vol. iii. 248
- Abyssinians, list of their kings, i. 480
- —— customs, iii. 262
- —— manner of marrying, iii. 306
- —— manner of baptism, iii. 324
- —— mode of administering the sacrament of the supper, iii. 334
- —— religion, iii. 313
- —— military force, iii. 308
- —— practise circumcision, iii. 341
- —— books, i. 493
- —— when converted to Christianity, i. 504
- Abreha makes war with the Arabians, i. 512
- Abuna, law to bring him from Cairo, i. 534
- Adelan, character, iv. 439
- —— cavalry, beauty of, iv. 437
- —— promises the author protection, iv. 441
- Adowa, town, iii. 119
- Agageers, account of them, iv. 298
- Agows, i. 401
- Alexander attempts to discover the source of the Nile, iii. 607
- Alexandria, i. 10
- Algiers, the author made consul there, Introd. 6.
- Ali Bey, account of him, i. 28
- Alphonso Mendes, patriarch, enters Abyssinia, ii. 349
- —— violent conduct, ii. 355
- —— banished from Abyssinia, ii. 402
- Alvarez, account of his journal, ii. 150
- —— his account of Abyssinian baptism, iii. 227
- Amda Sion, his licentious conduct, ii. 6
- —— attacks Adel, ii. 15
- —— defeats the Moors, ii. 16
- —— kings of Hadea, and Fatigar, ii. 22
- —— the king of Adel, ii. 30
- —— silences the murmurs of his army, ii. 41
- —— defeats the rebels, ii. 43
- Amhara, account of, i. 401, and iii. 254
- Amlac, Icon, restored to the kingdom, ii. 2
- Arabia, its climate and productions, i. 373
- Aroossi, iii. 572
- Ashkoko, app. 139
- Axum, capital of Tigre, iii. 129
- —— when and by whom built, i. 378
- —— Chronicle, i. 398
- B.
- Baalbec, description of, Introd. 58
- Babelmandeb, account of, i. 311, 314
- BÆda Mariam banishes his brothers to Wechne, ii. 80
- —— his character, ii. 90
- Bacuffa, character, ii. 595
- —— annals of his reign imperfect, ii. 596
- —— singular accidents of his life, ii. 597, 598
- Baharnagash, i. 483
- Balessan, balm, or balsam, vol. i. p. 374
- 375
- —— deceives Fasil, iii. 465
- —— marches to Gondar, iii. 481
- —— author’s interview with him, iii. 482
- —— defeated at Serbraxos, iv. 144
- —— offers the king terms of peace, iv. 146
- —— refused, iv. 151
- —— the author’s second interview with him, iv. 204
- —— his army invests Gondar, iv. 229
- —— forces Michael’s army to surrender, iv. 231
- —— created Ras, iv. 240
- —— his bad conduct, iv. 244
- —— flies from Gondar, iv. 246
- —— taken and put in irons, iv. 247
- —— released, iv. 260
- H.
- Habesh, meaning of that word, i. 397
- Halouan, island of the Nile, i. 71
- Hanno’s periplus explained, ii. 552
- —— vindicated, ii. 564
- Henry king of Portugal, his ardour for promoting science, ii. 95
- —— attempts a passage round Africa, ii. 96
- —— sends an embassy to Abyssinia, ii. 103
- Herodotus, passage of his explained, ii. 562
- —— account of the Nile’s rise, iii. 685
- Hieroglyphics founded on observation of the dog star, i. 412
- —— absurd opinion concerning them, i. 415
- Hor-Cacamoot, account of that place, iv. 324
- HyÆna, description of, appen. 107
- Hybeer, iv. 536
- I.
- India, account of its climate and productions, i. 371
- Indian trade origin of it, i. 373
- —— fluctuating state, i. 447
- —— hurt by the expedition of the Persians, i. 448
- —— lost in the time of the Romans, i. 470
- Iscander makes war with Adel, ii. 116
- —— slain by Za Saluce, ii. 118
- Israelites, probable course of their journey from Egypt, i. 230
- Iteghe, her power, i. 507
- J.
- Jahaleen Arabs, iv. 456
- Janni, his kind reception of die author, iii. 120
- Jemma river, beauty of, iv. 12
- Jerboa, description of, appen. 121
- Jidda description of, i. 265
- Joas confers his favour on the Galla, ii. 670
- —— disgusts Mariam Barea, ii. 675
- —— his army defeated, ii. 679
- —— claims the protection of Michael, ii. 680
- —— rupture with Michael, ii. 701
- —— attempts to assassinate him, ii. 703
- —— assassinated by Michael, ii. 706
- Judith massacres the royal family, vol. i. p. 526
- —— transmits the crown of Abyssinia to her posterity, i. 527
- K.
- Kantuffa, description of, appen. 507
- —— assassinated, ii. 508
- S.
- Saba, queen of, i. 471
- —— visits Jerusalem, i. 472
- —— has a son to Solomon, i. 476
- —— founds the Abyssinian Monarchy, i. 476
- Salama Abba, character of, iii, 201
- ——- condemned and executed, iv. 68
- Samen, province of Abyssinia, iii. 252
- Sancaho, iv. 376
- Sand, pillars of, iv. 553-6
- Sassa, append. 27
- Sennaar, author arrives there, iv. 428
- —— character of its king, iv. 430
- —— account of his wives, iv. 418
- —— treacherous conduct to the author, iv. 453
- —— list of its kings, iv. 464
- —— government, iv. 479
- —— forces, iv. 480
- —— climate, diseases, iv. 481
- Serbraxos, first battle of, iv. 140
- —— second battle of, iv. 165
- —— third battle of, iv. 199
- Sesostris improves Egypt, i. 368
- Shangalla, account of that nation, ii. 546
- —— division of their country, iv. 327
- Shaw, Dr. his mistake about Egypt, iii. 700
- Shalaka Welled Amlac, account of him, iv. 2
- —— —— —— author’s reception at his house, iv. 6
- Shell-fish found in the desert, iv. 339
- Sheregrig, description of, append. 182
- Shepherds, account of that people, i. 384
- —— their various names, i. 385
- —— habitation, i. 386
- —— subdue Egypt, i. 395
- Shoa, kingdom, iii. 255
- Sid el Coom, iv. 460
- Simoom, description of that poisonous wind, iv. 341
- Sire, town of, iii. 152
- —— province of Abyssinia, iii. 252
- Sittinia, queen, iv. 531
- Slave-trade, its origin, i. 392
- Socinios claims the crown, ii. 250
- —— defeats his rival Jacob, 259
- —— the Galla, 275
- Socinios crowned at Axum, ii. 278
- —— expedition against Sennaar, ii. 298
- —— subdues Fatima queen of the Shepherds, ii. 302
- —— converted to the Catholic religion, ii. 308
- —— sends ambassadors to Rome, ii. 309
- —— openly professes the Catholic religion, ii. 344
- —— bigotted conduct, ii. 552
- —— limits the power of the Catholics, ii. 359
- —— grants the Abyssinians full exercise of their own religion, ii. 396