| 60 | Cottonseed stearin, | 60 | Olive oil, | 61 | Adulterations of, | 61 | Cottonseed oil, | 62 | Peanut oil, | 63 | Rape oil, | 64 | Sesame oil, | 64 | Fish, preservatives in, | 13 | Flavoring extracts, | 42 | Flour, | 16 | Adulterations of, | 16 | Alum, | 16 | Copper sulfate, | 17 | Substituted flours, | 17 | Corn meal in wheat flour, | 17 | Ergot in rye flour, | 18 | Wheat flour in rye flour, | 18 | Flour in mustard, | 51 | Formaldehyde in canned vegetables, | 25 | Formaldehyde in milk, | 3 | Frear, sulfuric acid in vinegar, | 57 | Fruit and Fruit Products, | 33 | Adulterations of, | 33 | Agar agar, | 38 | Apple juice in jellies made from small fruits, | 36 | Arsenic, | 38 | Coloring matter, | 35 | Acid magenta, | 35 | Caramel, | 36 | Coal-tar dyes, | 35 | Cochineal, | 35 | Gelatin in jellies, | 37 | Heavy metals, | 38 | Preservatives, | 33 | Benzoic acid, | 34 | Saccharin, | 34 | Salicylic acid, | 34 | Starch in jellies, jams, and such products, | 37 | Gelatin in honey, | 50<
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@43545@43545-h@43545-h-1.htm.html#Page_52" class="pginternal">52 | Turmeric, | 52 | Flour, | 51 | Oil of citronella in lemon extract, | 43 | Oleomargarine in butter, | 7 | Olive oil, | 61 | Adulterations of, | 61 | Cottonseed oil, | 62 | Peanut oil, | 63 | Rape oil, | 64 | Sesame oil, | 64 | Olive stones in pepper, | 53 | Oysters, preservatives in, | 13 | Peanut oil in olive oil, | 63 | Pepper (common), | 53 | Adulterations of, | 53 | Cayenne pepper, | 54 | Ground olive stones, | 53 | Peter, benzoic acid in canned vegetables, | 28 | Pontet, general test of olive oil, | 62 | Potassium nitrate in meat, | 8 | Preservatives: | Benzoic acid in canned vegetables, | 27 | Benzoic acid in fruit and fruit products, | 34 | Benzoic acid in meat, | 10 | Boric acid in fish and oysters, | 13 | Boric acid in meat, | 9 | Boric acid in milk, | 4 | Formaldehyde in canned vegetables, | 25 | Formaldehyde in milk, | 3 | Potassium nitrate in meat, | 8 | Saccharin in canned vegetables, | 26 | Saccharin in fruit and fruit products, | 34 | Salicylic acid in canned vegetables, | 26 | Salicylic acid in fruit and fruit products, | 34 | Salicylic acid in meat, | 10 | Salicylic acid in milk, | 4 | Sulfites in canned vegetables, | 26 | Sulfurous acid in canned vegetables, | 26 | P