dl8">Cottonseed oil,
Cottonseed stearin, 60
Olive oil, 61
Adulterations of, 61
Cottonseed oil, 62
Peanut oil, 63
Rape oil, 64
Sesame oil, 64
Fish, preservatives in, 13
Flavoring extracts, 42
Flour, 16
Adulterations of, 16
Alum, 16
Copper sulfate, 17
Substituted flours, 17
Corn meal in wheat flour, 17
Ergot in rye flour, 18
Wheat flour in rye flour, 18
Flour in mustard, 51
Formaldehyde in canned vegetables, 25
Formaldehyde in milk, 3
Frear, sulfuric acid in vinegar, 57
Fruit and Fruit Products, 33
Adulterations of, 33
Agar agar, 38
Apple juice in jellies made from small fruits, 36
Arsenic, 38
Coloring matter, 35
Acid magenta, 35
Caramel, 36
Coal-tar dyes, 35
Cochineal, 35
Gelatin in jellies, 37
Heavy metals, 38
Preservatives, 33
Benzoic acid, 34
Saccharin, 34
Salicylic acid, 34
Starch in jellies, jams, and such products, 37
Gelatin in honey, 50< f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@43545@43545-h@43545-h-1.htm.html#Page_52" class="pginternal">52
Turmeric, 52
Flour, 51
Oil of citronella in lemon extract, 43
Oleomargarine in butter, 7
Olive oil, 61
Adulterations of, 61
Cottonseed oil, 62
Peanut oil, 63
Rape oil, 64
Sesame oil, 64
Olive stones in pepper, 53
Oysters, preservatives in, 13
Peanut oil in olive oil, 63
Pepper (common), 53
Adulterations of, 53
Cayenne pepper, 54
Ground olive stones, 53
Peter, benzoic acid in canned vegetables, 28
Pontet, general test of olive oil, 62
Potassium nitrate in meat, 8
Benzoic acid in canned vegetables, 27
Benzoic acid in fruit and fruit products, 34
Benzoic acid in meat, 10
Boric acid in fish and oysters, 13
Boric acid in meat, 9
Boric acid in milk, 4
Formaldehyde in canned vegetables, 25
Formaldehyde in milk, 3
Potassium nitrate in meat, 8
Saccharin in canned vegetables, 26
Saccharin in fruit and fruit products, 34
Salicylic acid in canned vegetables, 26
Salicylic acid in fruit and fruit products, 34
Salicylic acid in meat, 10
Salicylic acid in milk, 4
Sulfites in canned vegetables, 26
Sulfurous acid in canned vegetables, 26

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