- Badger, R., and case of BCA, 273 n.
- Barrett, W. F., and telepathy, 64, 100.
- Barzini, Professor, and Eusapia Paladino, 173.
- BCA, case of, 265-289;
- also mentioned, 292, 295, 298.
- Bernheim, H., hypnotic experiments by, 300-301.
- Bettany, Mrs., vision seen by, 40-41.
- Binet, A., on personality, 308-309.
- Blakeway, W., telepathic experience by, 90-91.
- Boyle, Mrs., case of, 4.
- Bramwell, J. M., hypnotic experiments by, 299-300.
- Brill, A. A., and psycho-analysis, 246-254.
- Burt, F. R., telepathic experiments by, 74, 81-83.
- Cahill, B. J. S., dream creation by, 210-211.
- Carrington, H., and mediumistic frauds, 175-178.
- Clairvoyance, 102-126.
- Cleaveland, W. M., case reported by, 143-146, 148.
- Cobbe, Miss, and the subconscious, 202-203.
- Cock Lane ghost, 183.
- Corliss, I. M., trance medium, 138-141, 147.
- Cortachy Castle, Drummer of, 13-17, 47, 48.
- Crawford, Lord, and D. D. Home, 173, 199.
- Crookes, W., and telepathy, 63, 97, 98;
- and mediumistic phenomena, 181.
- Cross-correspondence, 160-170.
- Crystal-gazing, 127-131, 154-156.
- Dalrymple, Miss, and ghostly drummer, 14-15.
- Dickinson, L., case reported by, 156-157 n
#Page_163" class="pginternal">163, 166-169;
- also mentioned, 308 n.
- Newnham, P. H., hyperaesthesia of, 220-221.
- Paladino, E., trance mediumship of, 171-173, 196 n, 199.
- Personality, cases of secondary and multiple, 259-289, 292-295;
- conflicting theories as to, 290-313.
- Petit Trianon, haunting of, 8-12, 53-55.
- Piper, Mrs., automatic writer, 149-154, 160, 168-169.
- Podmore, F., on telepathy, 100;
- and poltergeists, 190-194;
- also mentioned, 41.
- Poltergeists, 2, 182-195.
- Post-hypnotic commands, execution of, 298-306.
- Prince, M., and case of BCA, 265-289;
- hypnotic experiment by, 301-303;
- also mentioned, 52, 53, 298.
- Psychopathology, principles and methods of, 230-289.
- R., Mrs., case of, 301-303.
- Ramsden, Miss, telepathic experiments by, 74-81.
- Reeves, H. E., apparition seen by, 31-32.
- Reid, T., on personality, 291-292.
- Ribot, T., on personality, 307-308.
- Richet, C., and telepathy, 63.
- Robinson, Mrs., telepathic experience of, 113-114.
- Ruttan, Mrs., case reported by, 22-26.
- Sidgwick, H., alleged spirit messages from, 160, 168.
- Sinclair, B. F., telepathic experiment of, 42-43.
- Spiritism, statistics, 134;
- reasons for vitality of, 135-137;
- trance mediumship in, 137-Transcriber’s Note
The footnotes have been renumbered and moved to the end of the book. The following corrections have been made, on page 55 “conciousness” changed to “consciousness” (complete control over the upper consciousness) 60 , changed to . (I fretted and worried. But by return) 221 “subconciously” changed to “subconsciously” (that he had subconsciously caught a glimpse of it) 236 “SalpetriÈre” changed to “SalpÊtriÈre” (to the Parisian hospital of the SalpÊtriÈre); and in footnote 7 “Psyical” changed to “Psychical” (to the Society for Psychical Research) 41 “Psychanalysis” changed to “Psychoanalysis” (in his recently published Psychoanalysis) 51 “legale” changed to “lÉgale” (et la MÉdecine lÉgale). Otherwise the original has been preserved, including inconsistencies in spelling and hyphenation. |