Earl of, 164, 171. —— letter of, 141. Cantsfield, 93. Carlisle, 160, 162, 171. Carter, Col. John, one of Lord Derby's judges, 197. Castle Rushen, 147, 177, 194. Charles I., petition to, from Lancashire, 10. —— raises his standard at Nottingham, 21. —— makes the Cessation in Ireland, 96. —— expected to march into Lancashire, 140. —— storms Leicester, 142. —— defeated at Rowton Heath, 142. —— surrenders to the Scots, 150. —— negotiations with Parliament, 150. Charles II. proclaimed at Manchester Cross, 174. —— appoints Earl of Derby K.G., 180. —— lands at Speymouth, 180. —— invades England, 181. —— passes through Lancashire, 182. —— defeated at Worcester, 195. —— his escape, 195. Charnock, Capt., 104, 143. Chester, 65, 124, 140. Chetham, Humphrey, 14. —— College, 14. Chipping, 77. Chisenhale, Capt., 104, 106. —— sortie by, 105, 107. —— made Colonel, 129. Cholmondeley, Sir H., 170. Chowbent, skirmish at, 60, 60n, 61. Clifton, Mr., of Lytham, 72, 74. —— Col. Cuthbert, 129, 136. —— John, 191. Clitheroe, 30, 92. Cockerham, 76. Committee of Both Houses, 162. Committee of Both Kingdoms, letters to, 129, 135. Conduit, Manchester, 17. Cotterell, Capt., 189. Crane, Sir Richard, 124. Cromwell, Oliver, 165, 44n. —— —— special preacher before Parliament, 156, 171. Heywood, Peter, plot to betray Manchester, 119. Hindley, Capt., 99. Hinfield Moor, 59n. Hodder Bridge, 165. Hoghton, Sir Gilbert, 16, 64. —— —— notice of, 29. —— —— at siege of Manchester, 42. —— —— defeated by Col. Shuttleworth, 59. —— —— attacks Blackburn, 62. —— —— at Preston, 64. —— —— ordered to Chester, 96. —— Lady, 64. —— Richard, killed at Preston, 64. —— Tower, 59, 68n. —— —— beacon at, fired, 59. —— —— surrendered and blown up, 68-9. —— —— Lilburne's camp at, 191. Holcroft, Col. Thos., in affray at Manchester, 18, 19, 20. —— —— at Lancaster, 75. Holland, Richard, of Heaton, Governor of Manchester, 46, 56, 76, 161. —— —— notice of, 46n. —— —— at Preston, 63-4. —— —— in command at Wigan, 79. —— —— accused of cowardice, 79n. —— —— at Warrington, 80. —— —— at York, 89. —— —— with Fairfax in Cheshire, 98. —— —— suspicions of, 119. Holt, 117. —— Capt., 69. —— Robert, of Castleton, 15, 56, 58. Hornby Castle, 86, 88n, 93. —— —— captured, 87-8. —— —— Prince Rupert at, 131. —— —— Hamilton at, 164. Hotham, Sir John, 90. Howe Bridge, 60n. Huddleston, Col., defeated at Lindale, 94, 132. —— Sir William, 172. Hull, 5. —R
lty of, in 1648, 160. —— —— manifesto by, 161. —— —— meeting with Lord Derby, 187. Prescot, 58n, 95. Preston, 67, 74, 80, 94, 120, 165, 188. —— magazine seized by royalists, 13. —— M.P.'s for, 30. —— captured by Parliamentarians, 63-5. —— importance of, 65. —— retaken by Lord Derby, 76. —— battle of, 166-8. —— riots at, 173. —— Charles II. at, 182. —— skirmish at, 190. Prestwich Church, 41. —— Mr., 14. Pride, Col., 167. Queen Henrietta Maria lands at Bridlington, 78. —— —— prepares to invade Lancashire, 85. Radcliffe, Sir Alexander, 13, 14, 18, 18n. —— —— at siege of Manchester, 42. —— Molyneux, 104, 143. —— Capt. Richard, 43. —— —— notice of, 43n. —— Savile, 56. Raglan Castle, 150. Rawcliffe Hall, 190. Rawsthorne, Capt., at first siege of Lathom, 104. —— made Colonel, 129. —— at second siege of Lathom, 143. Read, Col., 167. —— Hall, 82, 83. Recusants, Lancashire, petition of, 3, 10. Rhodes, Sir E., 170. Ribble Bridge, 63, 132, 190. —— —— Scots defeated at, 167. Ribchester, 81. Rich, Col., 183. Rigby, Alexander, of Burgh, 56, 58, 59n, 94. —— of Layton, 194n. —— of Middleton in Goosnargh, 22. —— —— career and character of, 24-26. —— —— besieges Manchester, 42-51. —— —— burns Spanish ship, 72. —— —— occupies Lancaster, 75. —— —— takes Preston, 76. —— —— his attacks on Bolton, 69, 78. —— —— defeated at Whalley, 82-4. —— —— joins the Queen, 84. —— —— retires to Isle of Man, 85. —— —— urges Rupert to relieve Lathom, 116. —— —— joins Rupert's march, 119. —— —— at Bolton, 121-122. —— —— defeated by Meldrum in Cheshire, 136. —— —— negotiations with Meldrum, 138, 139, 139n. —— —— in Isle of Man, 177. —— —— made K.G., 180. —— —— lands in Lancashire 1651, 185. —— —— his interview with Charles II., 185. —— —— meeting with Presbyterians, 186. —— —— defeated at Wigan, 194. —— —— his capture, 196. —— —— trial and death of, 196-204. —— Lady Katherine, 179, 202. —— Sir Thomas, of Bickerstaffe, 14, 18n, 19, 20. Stanwix, 163. Stonyhurst, 166, 171. Starkie, Capt., 68-9. —— Col., 54, 56, 59. Strickland, Sir R., 172. —— W., 27n. Swarbreck, 120. Talbot, Sir J., 58, 62. —— Lord, 195. Tarporley, 149. Thornhaugh, Col., death of, 168. Throgmorton, Sir W., 188. —— —— death of, 194. Thurland Castle, first capture of, 88. —— —— second capture of, 93, 94. Tilsley, John, Vicar of Dean, 64. Towneley Hall, 55. —— Mr.,