The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society Published by
Occasional Notes on Birds at Sea.
A Pet Cedar Waxwing.
The Bohemian Waxwing in Maine.
Birds of the Boston Public Garden.
The Ornithological Magazines.
The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society A Quarterly
Bird Notes.
Vol. XI
No. 2 25 cents a copy
$1.00 a year June, 1909
The Journal
of the
Maine Ornithological Society
Maine Ornithological Society
Bird Protection, Bird Study,
The Spread of the Knowledge thus
Gained, These Are Our Objects.
Editor, W. H. BROWNSON, Portland Associate Editor, LOUIS E. LEGGE, Portland Published by the Society at 97 1-2 Exchange Street, Portland, Maine
Entered as second class matter June 13, 1905, at the post office at Portland, Maine, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Maine Ornithological Society.
Issued every quarter on the first of March, June, September and December of each year
Publication Office: 97 1-2 Exchange St., Portland, Maine.
Editor, W. H. BROWNSON,
Portland. Associate Editor, LOUIS E. LEGGE,
Portland. Price, $1.00 per annum. Single Copies, 25 Cents. Address W. H. Brownson, 85 Market Street, Portland, Me.
The Maine Ornithological Society comprises in its membership the leading ornithologists and bird students of Maine. The membership is constantly increasing and the interest in the society was never greater than now. If you are interested in birds and wish to know more about them you should by all means send in your name for membership in this society. The dues are one dollar a year, and payment of this sum entitles each person elected to membership to the Journal free of charge. Application for membership should be made to the Secretary, Mr. Dana W. Sweet, Phillips, Maine. Mr. Sweet is also the treasurer and the annual dues should be paid to him. All persons, both young and old, are eligible to membership. It is not necessary for one to be versed in bird lore in order to insure his election to this society. The larger the membership the more can be done in the way of improving the Journal and increasing its size. Send in your name without further delay. The society will be glad to welcome you to its meetings, which are held once a year in different cities. The officers of the society are as follows:
President, Dr. H. H. Brock, Portland.
Vice President, J. Merton Swain, Farmington.
Secretary and Treasurer, Dana W. Sweet, Phillips.
Councillors, Walter H. Rich, Portland; Dr. William C. Kendall, Freeport.
Editor, W. H. Brownson, Portland.
Associate Editor, Louis E. Legge, Portland.
Hungarian or Gray Partridge.
From a Drawing by Walter H. Rich, Portland, Maine.