The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray, O! sing of the battle on Hasting’s shore, When the arrows of Normandy won the day. Flushed by debauch at the break of day, Their keen-edged axes athirst for gore, The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray. Proud soldiers fell down on their knees to pray, Lord! yield us the victory, we implore; When the arrows of Normandy won the day. King Harold, whose heart never felt dismay, Spake loud of the deeds they had done before; The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray. Taillefer the jongleur, sang well his lay And laughed as he flung up the lance he bore, When the arrows of Normandy won the day. Duke William in England proclaimed his sway; King Harold lay dead; the battle was o’er; The Saxons fought hard in the fatal fray, But the arrows of Normandy won the day. |