My spirit wandered by the ocean shore; Proud argosies sailed out to Albion’s isle Deep-laden with a new world’s golden store, The sun-kissed waves danced lightly, Nature’s smile Suffused o’er all the scene sweet loveliness awhile. Light silver veils, like tender thoughts outspread When dreaming lovers taste supernal joy, Floated around Heaven’s azure bridal bed In listless splendour; others did convoy Earth’s treasures o’er the deep that plotted to destroy. There rose as from the sea a strange mirage Out of the past; the clouds like floating drapes Each moment changed, and ocean’s long rivage Was wreathed by magic in a thousand shapes, Now gemmed with flashing isles, now girt with solemn capes. And all the cities that have loved the sea To their destruction, passed along the sky, And I beheld them, as the drowning see, In that last moment when they sink to die, All life’s forgotten scenes unrolled by memory. Time-honoured Greece, whose fingers clutched the wave And clasped it to a heart that beats no more, Sank with her wisdom in a silent grave, Leaving her sons a splendour to deplore While moans the tideless sea around each classic shore. Rich Carthage, whose swift keels swam round the world, Phoenicia’s loveliest daughter. Her fair hand Was fought for by the nations; Fate hath hurled, Her and her glory from their sea-throne grand, Buried like some old palm beneath the burning sand. Great Venice stood amid the nuptials gay Blessing as bride the fair but fickle sea; But all her pride and pomp have passed away, Dukes, doge, ships, senate, riches, sovereignty, That once compelled the world to fall on bended knee. Imperial Rome, set like a lustrous gem Within seven guardian jewels! Tyrant Time Stole from her thoughtful brow its diadem And the three wreaths that crowned her all-sublime, Stained though their golden leaves with many a bloody crime. Proud Spain! once mistress of the sea, before The fool Ambition led her ships in vain Against the bulwarks of old England’s shore, When God smote down her pride upon the main And sank her power so low, it never rose again. Then fell a mist before my wondering sight Over the past, and slowly there arose Our blessÈd Britain in her glorious might, The awe and admiration of her foes, Whose land of liberty protecting seas enclose. The diamond of nations, set in gold, Flashing with truth that sparkles o’er the earth, Compared to her what empery of old Hath wrought for suffering man such deeds of worth, Or filled with living light dark lands of ageless dearth? |