The length of each day to make short And friendship to bind by a chain, Our Queen was appointed to reign In the realm of a leafy resort. Strong laws did her ruling support If need were her wish to maintain; Though none could Love’s presence profane When Philomel governed the court. How fine did our gallants disport With ladies who followed the train, Whilst wisdom enlightened each brain In the wit of each ready retort. Ah! those were the days of fair sport The world ne’er will witness again, For Honour her rights did retain When Philomel governed the Court. What stories our souls did transport O’er the beauties of Fancy’s domain, And their morals and meanings were plain, Though your critics now try to distort. When Beauty and Truth do consort, Hypocrisy preacheth in vain, And Scandal and Slander were slain When Philomel governed the Court. Ye moderns, who fight, might and main, For Mammon, believe this report, Men lived in their castles in Spain When Philomel governed the Court. |