
“This work at its best reaches the level of absolute excellence, and the book is entitled to a warm and grateful welcome.”—Record.

“Mr Brownlie has taste and a poetic gift, and his verses are easy and natural, rarely, if ever, betraying the fact that they are the work of a translator.”—Church Times.

“This dainty volume will certainly enhance his reputation.”—Glasgow Herald.

“It brings into dignified Church-English some sixty simple and powerful hymns. The book should prove welcome to men generally interested in hymnody, and particularly to those who are ignorant of the richness of the Greek liturgy.”—Scotsman.

“Mr Brownlie has the knack of hymn-writing, and the translations from the Greek which he has published in this book will be a welcome addition to English hymnology.”—Athenaeum.

“Mr Brownlie has done eminent service as a hymnologist and translator of hymns. These translations are in smooth and flowing English verse, and the hymns are interesting both on their intrinsic merits and as representing the religious thought and emotion of an important section of the Church.”—Aberdeen Free Press.


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