Behold the Bridegroom cometh, 54
Behold the Bridegroom! Hark the cry, 89
Bethlehem rejoices, 33
Christ, for Thee a wreath adorning, 95
Christ is born, go forth to meet Him, 28
Come, let us drink the water new, 69
Come ye people, come adore Him, 60
Ere the morn in beauty wake, 72
Far from Thy heavenly care, 23
For all the good performed by Thee, 45
God of all Grace, Thy mercy send, 84
Hail the Resurrection day! 67
He who in the fiery furnace, 74
In the bliss of old predicted, 32
In the Father’s glory shining, 106
It is a comely thing, 58
Light serene of holy glory, 49
Lord, to our humble prayers attend, 81
No longer now at Eden’s gate, 37
Now at this evening hour, 97
O come let us adore, 26
O Jesus, Lover of our race, 56
O Jesus, to Thy servants give, 57
O King enthroned on high, 24
O Light that knew no dawn, 93
O may my soul, uncrushed by care, 104
O Word of Truth! in devious paths, 99
O Thou who cloth’st Thyself complete, 44
Our evening prayers attend, 47
Prophet of the Lord, beside us, 70
Shine forth, O new Jerusalem! 78
The morning breaks, I place my hand in Thine, 98
The wily Judas watches near, 42
This is the chosen day of God, 76
Thou one Begotten Son, 38
To-day the groans of Hades rise, 35
To depths of earth Thou didst descend, 73
To Thy blest Cross, O Christ, we come, 25
Up, up, my soul, on wings of praise, 105
We have heard the wondrous story, 50
What shall we bring to Thee? 30
When darkness falls and night is here, 103
When Lazarus rose at Christ’s command, 40
When, O King Immortal, 52
When on the cruel Cross, 39
When Thou shalt come, O Lord, 62
When Thou wert crucified by men, 46


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