- Behold the Bridegroom cometh, 54
- Behold the Bridegroom! Hark the cry, 89
- Bethlehem rejoices, 33
- Christ, for Thee a wreath adorning, 95
- Christ is born, go forth to meet Him, 28
- Come, let us drink the water new, 69
- Come ye people, come adore Him, 60
- Ere the morn in beauty wake, 72
- Far from Thy heavenly care, 23
- For all the good performed by Thee, 45
- God of all Grace, Thy mercy send, 84
- Hail the Resurrection day! 67
- He who in the fiery furnace, 74
- In the bliss of old predicted, 32
- In the Father’s glory shining, 106
- It is a comely thing, 58
- Light serene of holy glory, 49
- Lord, to our humble prayers attend, 81
- No longer now at Eden’s gate, 37
- Now at this evening hour, 97
- O come let us adore, 26
- O Jesus, Lover of our race, 56
- O Jesus, to Thy servants give, 57
- O King enthroned on high, 24
- O Light that knew no dawn, 93
- O may my soul, uncrushed by care, 104
- O Word of Truth! in devious paths, 99
- O Thou who cloth’st Thyself complete, 44
- Our evening prayers attend, 47
- Prophet of the Lord, beside us, 70
- Shine forth, O new Jerusalem! 78
- The morning breaks, I place my hand in Thine, 98
- The wily Judas watches near, 42
- This is the chosen day of God, 76
- Thou one Begotten Son, 38
- To-day the groans of Hades rise, 35
- To depths of earth Thou didst descend, 73
- To Thy blest Cross, O Christ, we come, 25
- Up, up, my soul, on wings of praise, 105
- We have heard the wondrous story, 50
- What shall we bring to Thee? 30
- When darkness falls and night is here, 103
- When Lazarus rose at Christ’s command, 40
- When, O King Immortal, 52
- When on the cruel Cross, 39
- When Thou shalt come, O Lord, 62
- When Thou wert crucified by men, 46